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SerendipityLizard 07-06-2018 12:40 AM

Technology Acting Strangely?
For a while now, I had this sneaking suspicion that technology acts weirdly purposeful around me.

Like when I’m ignoring something I need to reflect on, my tablet shuts down to force me to focus on it. Once I need to research something important after thinking about it, it turns on with more battery power than before.

A page might lag in place until I read something important to help me. The wifi connection might be temporarily lost so I can focus on reading an important book to my growth. The page might start clicking random videos on its own until it somehow conveniently find a video that helps me with my current issues.

There’s a lot more activity like that. In response to this, I asked my guides about it. They said people usually have abilites that have to do where our emotional connections lies the most — such as how it’s easiest to have telepathy on people you’re closest to, or people can speak to plants and nature when they’re deeply connected to it.

Apparently, I’ve been studying and working in technology in the present life and several past lives before, so this applies to me. It all sounds crazy to me — so is this possible?

John32241 07-06-2018 03:22 PM


It is not just possible, I depend on it.

My computer will shut down if I am about to respond to a discussion group posting and say some thing which I do not know is inappropriate.

My computer will also shut down for other reasons. I work with those who are upset and angry from time to time. I can appreciate there need to direct their anger at me. I do not mind them doing that, however my computer does not. it will shut down. I can reall a long conversation I had once when I had to restart my computer 4 times during that discussion.

My undestanding is that I have, and most likely you as well, a very strong telepathic connection to others. The key concept to appreciate about telepath is that it is a 'shared experience'. In science it is called an entangled event. I also work closely with technology like my computer. I built my computer. Therefore I have a real emotional bond with the computer itself. It will respond to the energies I am sensing, in its own way.

I would be curious to know how you are working with tchnology and your career plans relating to that.


SerendipityLizard 08-06-2018 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by John32241

It is not just possible, I depend on it.

My computer will shut down if I am about to respond to a discussion group posting and say some thing which I do not know is inappropriate.

My computer will also shut down for other reasons. I work with those who are upset and angry from time to time. I can appreciate there need to direct their anger at me. I do not mind them doing that, however my computer does not. it will shut down. I can reall a long conversation I had once when I had to restart my computer 4 times during that discussion.

My undestanding is that I have, and most likely you as well, a very strong telepathic connection to others. The key concept to appreciate about telepath is that it is a 'shared experience'. In science it is called an entangled event. I also work closely with technology like my computer. I built my computer. Therefore I have a real emotional bond with the computer itself. It will respond to the energies I am sensing, in its own way.

I would be curious to know how you are working with tchnology and your career plans relating to that.


That’s interesting. I’m confused though. Aren’t computers just objects? Then how would it respond to the emotional energies I send? How can you tell that I have a strong telepathic connection?

Well, I’m not working with technology. Not yet really. I’m just a student right now and would like to work in software someday. I go to a highschool where the classes are specialized in STEM subjects so . . . yeah.

I prefer less hands on tasks like in hardware because I have a fine motor disability and so working with my hands is harder. Typing and moving a mouse is a much more simpler movement. Maybe I’ll dabble a little in hardware after enough physical therapy though — just for curiosity.

I was offered a scholarship in Silicon Valley for college though, and thought of rejecting it because I don’t think I’m all that good. My guides though, did tell me that the man who offered it to me is in my soul group, and had reason to. Still really nervous about it though.

John32241 08-06-2018 09:14 AM


Some spiritual teachers will tell you that computers and devices with electronic components are sensative to the dynamics of human consciousness. That is because aspects of human's consciousness has electro-magnetic energy. Strong emotional energy will influence electronic functionality. I just take that concept and expand upon it. I am convinced there is more to these things than what is obvious.

I had my own software company for 20 years. I can appreciate you are in high school and a great deal of what that must be like. The big reason I do not still work in that industry is because, as I see it, the industry at this time is too primitive. That will change some day when the computer chips we use are no longer based on technologal concepts which are 40 years old (Intel's core design). I would still encourage you to consider a career in software. My most creative expressions were well designed software systems.

I also prefer less hands on tasks like working directly with hardware. I struggle with things like getting the computer fan that goes over the cpu chip attached to the mother board. So I work with a computer parts distributor who will do that task for me. It is useful to know how computers are built, and also fun to put one together. Most who are into serious gaming build their own computers.

Your spirit guide has good advice for you. I would encourage accepting that scholarship. Not because the man who offered it is in your soul group but because the industry itself needs people like you more than you need to be in that industry. It sure is ok to be nervous about it. How we measure who is good and who is not that good today really needs to evolve. Software tools them self (programming languages) need to evolve as I spoke of earlier. I myself do not like using Java and Python, some of the most popular languages. I like "C" and assembler better. The issue with assembler is the missing user interface. I could go on and on about what needs to evolve in software and firmware programming. Yet it is a great profession to be in for True creative work.

I hope my replies are encouraging and not overly detailed.


SerendipityLizard 08-06-2018 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by John32241

Your spirit guide has good advice for you. I would encourage accepting that scholarship. Not because the man who offered it is in your soul group but because the industry itself needs people like you more than you need to be in that industry. It sure is ok to be nervous about it. How we measure who is good and who is not that good today really needs to evolve.


I don't think your advice is too overly detailed. I like detail. It's part of why I want to work in this field after all. If you sense nervousness -- I'm just usually very shy here, but that's why I'm trying to practice reaching out to people here.

What do you mean by the industry needing people like me though? And what do you mean by the field's measure of who is good and who is not good needs to evolve? In what way?

I hope I'm not asking too much detail in my questions either.

John32241 08-06-2018 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by SerendipityLizard

What do you mean by the industry needing people like me though?

The current industry is so locked into what has been that they have no intuitive inclinations towards what can be. So some one like you with your refrishing, and psychic insights, will bring new light to a dark place.


And what do you mean by the field's measure of who is good and who is not good needs to evolve? In what way?

Our educational systems teach us first and foremosty to comply with the authorities in our life. Most of today's students know better. So carry that thinking into the computer industry where programming skills will get evaluated. They are measured using a standard which most likely would not apply to you.

A programming suprevisor once told me that she was amazed that I typed in my programming work so slowly and that the finished product took less time to complete than the others she was teaching. That is because I was thinking ahead for potential bugs and building a sound software product. Many programmers, if not most, think in terms of fast code entry and not bug free software. Their software construction is what I would call flawed. At a later time I was told that out of a group of softwared contractors my work was bug free which was not like the others. I was observed spending time thinking before I started to type in my code instructions. That was some thing no one else did to that extent. I planed on how to construct the software product.

Now a highly intuitive person like yourself would be inclined to sense issues as you develope a software product. That skill is not really appreciated in our softwared development departments. Bugs are the accepted norm. Not only that but unstable softwares products are the acceted norm as I see these things. I use a Linux desktop operating system. It has a long list of flaws. The Mac OS is too expensive and Windows has serious securtity issues.


I hope I'm not asking too much detail in my questions either.

I like your questions. Ask as many as you wish.


SerendipityLizard 08-06-2018 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by John32241

A programming suprevisor once told me that she was amazed that I typed in my programming work so slowly and that the finished product took less time to complete than the others she was teaching. That is because I was thinking ahead for potential bugs and building a sound software product. Many programmers, if not most, think in terms of fast code entry and not bug free software.

Now a highly intuitive person like yourself would be inclined to sense issues as you develope a software product. That skill is not really appreciated in our softwared development departments.

I like your questions. Ask as many as you wish.


Thanks. It reminds me of a web development class I took as one of my electives before. Somehow I was slower than the others because of emotional traumas in my life (As many lightworkers end up having), but I kept coming into to use the computer during lunch break to perfect each project.

Somehow I earned a perfect score on everything at the end of the term. Eh. I guess I didn’t give myself much credit back then. I act slowly but think deeply. People tell me I overthink things to an extreme, but that’s exactly what people told me when I was “overthinking” about paranormal phenemona.

I’m rather nervous though — less because of the intellectual skills put into this (I have a lot of that, or at least, more than the usual.), but because of the workaholic standards the education system gives me.

I always get the sense of being hurried and pressured — and while STEM subjects are fun outside the class, something about formal classes are making me slowly lose my passion over it. And that’s why I’m nervous — that instead of enjoying it for its own sake anymore, I’ll be afraid of not living up to expectations.

Do you have any advice on this though? All I know is that my intuition tells me to ask you.

Chrysalis 08-06-2018 04:31 PM

When I saw the subject of this thread, technology acting strangely, I thought about a device I have.

A couple of years ago, I got a mobile device to receive wifi for my other devices. I live in an area that's just on the edge of receiving wifi signals so I thought to put the device in the best location in the house so I can be mobile with a tablet and a laptop. This device was free so I took it.

At home, it worked the way it was supposed to then it started crashing. The crashes became more frequent so I replaced it. The replacement did the same thing so I got it replaced again. This happened with the third one, so it too got replaced. I got a fourth one which I kept despite it too crashing.

Something was going on and no one knew why, including myself. One day, I got an idea to put a crystal beside, or near, the mobile wifi device. So I took a black smoky quartz cluster and put it near the device.

That ended the device's crashing. To this day, I have to have the cluster near the device to prevent it from crashing. I don't know how or why it works, but it does.

Anyway, that's my story of tech acting oddly.

John32241 08-06-2018 04:37 PM


Trust that intuition, ha ha. The educational system we have today was created in a time of great darkness. Most of our societies structures and systems are like that actually. What you sense correctly is the unbalance. We are slowly coming out of the darkness and into the light. Be as patient as you can be with this process.

You are being hurried and pressured. That is the nature of formal education today. There is no respect or recognition for an individual's actual knowledge and wisdom. There is one standard for excellance and that gets applied to every one. You would be wise to ignore the system's so called expectations and stay in an energy where you enjoy your learning experiences.

My advice for doing that is bring your inner child's sense of adventure and play into your conscious outlook on these things. Discount any opinions on how you are doing, even your own, and foster a perception of enjoyment instead.

Consider that outlook adjustment 'mind over matter' energy work. It is. Your real authentic passion is represented by the fact these subjects are fun for you outside of class. Now create a way you can bring these passions with you into structured classes.

My son Mike fluncked a semister in his high school computer education subject. He often has a better skill set than I when it comes to these things. So I asked him why he failed. He said his teacher had a computer project he graded that semester on which was so lame that Mike could not bring himself to do it. He would rather get a grade of zero than do the project. I was happy he felt that way. Yet getting good grades is how we all get measured in our society when it comes to education. Some times it is best to work with the systems we have until we can evolve them.

I hope that my thoughts and feelings on this will be helpful.


SerendipityLizard 09-06-2018 12:34 AM

Interesting how that is. I’ve never really gotten into crystals before, so it’s also a confusing sight to hear about that too. Interesting.

Recently I’ve had a talk with my higher self who said something similar — though in a much more casual way. But it still helps to have outside comfirmation — I still don’t fully trust my own intuition though.

Find a way to make it enjoyable in class? Alright. Having a kundalini awakening last school year made my senses much much more sensitive to handle being in such a noisy classroom, but now that it’s smoothening out, maybe these classes would be easier.

Besides, I’m at the last year of highschool. I still have a year to figure out about college at least.

Well, see you around.

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