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John Asherah 04-04-2018 11:33 PM

The Asherah Code Particles
The Asherah Code: Particles 1-7

You are the living instrument of divinity.

Speak your truth, even when it seems no one is listening.

It is time for new legends to come forth and rise.

Your purpose is found in the way the world can be and is not yet.

Who will now stand against a rising tide of darkness?

When stout hearts are all stricken and failing, who shall hold their ground?

Here is revealed the way beyond all fear.

Chrysalis 05-04-2018 05:06 PM

Hello John,

I resonated with your message as I have with all the other ones you posted.

Thank you so much for sharing as most of what you posted agrees with some things I learned from my Primary Spirit Guide.

John Asherah 05-04-2018 06:00 PM


I am glad that you find value in these messages!
I will continue to post at a speed determined by my physical limitations.
This material is arriving faster than I can describe.
Many dozens of chapters or particles per day, with only brief refractory periods!
Luckily, this maelstrom is recorded and transcribed later.


John Asherah 08-04-2018 11:26 PM

Asherah Code: Particles 8-14
Filled with food, many starve for joy.
It is not sacrifice that is most precious, but devotion.
One desires an explanation, another seeks the direct experience beyond words.
In death, you relinquish all which is not really you.
Facts are limitless, the truth is simple.
In the days to come, the animals shall no more fear man, nor need to.
Let the law reflect justice, not merely the will of the powerful.

John Asherah 09-04-2018 12:28 PM

Asherah Code: Particles 15-21
Though the conflicts which rage across the world are not limited to one individual, all is won or lost within the collective recesses of each single heart.

In twain the world is riven, but not beyond healing.

The courage of one ensures the safety of many.

When the way becomes familiar, the map is forgotten.

All words fall to dust and something better rises in their stead.

All that lives will converse, no language divide one from another.

The seer and the seen become one.

John Asherah 10-04-2018 12:16 PM

Asherah Code: Particles 22-28
Beyond the distortions of time and memory lies the truth of things.

You remember the past, anticipate the future; but live in this present moment.

In the endless now does life proceed.

It is the hard won, step-by-step ascent that offers joy.

The abiding power of focused intent organizes the discordant to a manifestation.

That upon which you dwell, you empower to become.

Therefore, contemplate the worthy; both what is now and what comes.

John Asherah 10-04-2018 11:38 PM

Asherah Code: Particles 29-35
Through the veil we see into the living truth of which we are a part.

The forms which life assumes change unceasingly; the essence abides.

All which lives upon the earth and in the farthest reaches of the heavens, bears the imprint, the sign and signature.

Though bottomless to things of this world, emptiness is filled to overflowing.

They kill animals for fun, others for, poison the land, air and sea, destroy the forest, enslave the helpless, deceive the trusting and oppress the gentle. They call this dominion.

To obey malignant authority, is to be an accomplice.

More powerful are they who command themselves, than those who rule the world.

John Asherah 12-04-2018 01:51 AM

Asherah Code: Particles 36-42
No matter how you live, you will never be completely untouched by disapproval.

Much of great value is lost in fear of opinion.

You are no intruder here, for this is your home.

Refrain from doing harm, enact the needful by compassionate means.

When you do not consume the foreshortened lives of others, you are at one with all that lives and grows.

That which you preserve lends its spark and essence to you, together with what previously scattered in fear.

In the departure and crossing, we keep close that which is most precious. The dross discarded, love greets our arrival.

magdna 15-04-2018 07:34 PM

Hello John. I am hoping you are still active on this Forum Board. I find these channelings/messages to be very interesting indeed. Very familiar. I think I might have been looking for you for a long time.

I am wondering if this Gift is new to you or if you have always had this ability. Either way, these Words speak truth to me.

John Asherah 16-04-2018 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by magdna
Hello John. I am hoping you are still active on this Forum Board. I find these channelings/messages to be very interesting indeed. Very familiar. I think I might have been looking for you for a long time.

I am wondering if this Gift is new to you or if you have always had this ability. Either way, these Words speak truth to me.


This experience began for me after being struck by lightning, August 2017.

Since then, I have been overwhelmed by what I am continually receiving.

The lightning, which produced a NDE, also delivered physical consequences, which shorten my remaining time.

Because I am now blind, my assistant works unceasingly to transcribe the material, but cannot keep up.

A strange and unexpected new facet to this: I have discovered that I am now able to evoke an unquestionable out of body experience among the terminally ill, that completely dissolves all their fear. To help in such a way is my privilege.

This is in fact how I met my invaluable assistant, Sophia.
Without her, none of this material would ever be known.

Formerly, my life was cynical and miserable.
I now face daily challenges which I would never before have endured.
And though I am in continuous physical pain, I have never before been so immersed in joy.

I am so very happy I agreed to return to life and grateful beyond words for this opportunity to deliver a message and relieve suffering!


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