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water drop 04-02-2018 12:09 AM

tips and techniques for chi gong ?
can everyone add here tips and techniques for qi gong (posture tips - spiritual tips and whatever you think is useful) -

i dont have money for a teacher so im studying it in the internet so every extra tip can be helpful (thanks in advance)

Elysium 04-02-2018 12:57 AM

Have you tried it yet?
I tried qigong and i always felt great and very energized in a good way after. My tip is to just start practicing, without needing to know exactly what youre doing.

water drop 04-02-2018 11:08 AM

Yes i do practice it - i think its always helpful to know stuff to help you with your practice - same with my meditation practice - in order to let go and not think about technique etc its good to have a good understanding of it

ribiq 04-02-2018 08:47 PM

There is a lot of good stuff on youtube and elsewhere online where you can read about it or watch videos, and of course there are a lot of good books. Sometimes you'd be surprised what's available at public libraries.

If you're doing qigong in a standing position, your posture is really important, big part of the equation. It's good to practice standing meditation, with your arms either hovering in front of one of the dantians, or relaxed at the sides; practice sinking into the lower dantian and the legs/earth, while at the same time floating your head/upper dantian upward, stretching the spine, all with minimal effort. Finding your center there allows qigong to be effective. Seated meditation/qigong posture is similar, whether on a chair or on the floor

In either case (standing/sitting), it's important to practice nei gong, the more passive/internal/low-physical movement element of qigong that involves moving qi directly with the mind or the yi (heart-mind intention/imagination). This practice lets you build up internal power and become more adept at using qi, and is amplified when physical movement/breathing are added in. This is all mostly the practice of internal bodily awareness, but that leads to building and revivification of the qi, and thus has physiological/psychological/spiritual/etc. impacts

Joe Mc 08-02-2018 09:00 AM

I'd to share something because it's fresh in my mind and has come up this morning whilst practicing Tai Chi so it's not directly related to your request but might apply to it in someway.
What came up for me was the concept of unity and wholeness. That everything, starting with the bodily parts and postures are in unity with each other. Sounds a bit obvious I know but I thought I'd chip in. :)
So I suppose it would be to remember the concept of unity and body and awareness in unity in harmony.

sky 17-02-2018 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Mc
I'd to share something because it's fresh in my mind and has come up this morning whilst practicing Tai Chi so it's not directly related to your request but might apply to it in someway.
What came up for me was the concept of unity and wholeness. That everything, starting with the bodily parts and postures are in unity with each other. Sounds a bit obvious I know but I thought I'd chip in. :)
So I suppose it would be to remember the concept of unity and body and awareness in unity in harmony.

"So I suppose it would be to remember the concept of unity and body and awareness in unity in harmony."...... with Wu Chi/Tao :smile:
Wu Chi/Yin/Yang/Tai Chi.


peteyzen 19-02-2018 05:24 PM

Love that Joe, and of course, that really is the nub of every spiritual practice. Simple, but true and hard to really appreciate.
As a tip for those practicing Chi Gung/Qi Gong where you can, breathe to tan tien as you preform the technique (if no other specification for breathing has been told to you), as you breathe, tongue goes to the roof of the mouth andas the movements of the exercise become second nature, let your mind sit in the breathing, following the in and out breathe doggedly but softly, whilst expanding your awareness of the body as it moves, almost as if you were an observer of yourself.

flow.alignment 25-10-2023 01:52 AM

Tip 1
Qi flow is influenced by your emotions and mental activity, so practicing qigong in a meditative state (not just doing the physical movements and breathing) makes the exercises more effective. Start a practice session by spending 3 to 5 mins relaxing your body and entering a meditative state before doing any dynamic/moving exercises. Try to maintain your meditative state while practicing by releasing thoughts and negative feelings as they come up.

Tip 2
Qi will flow more strongly after you complete a practice session and settle over time. If you practice twice a day, you can build momentum because you will do your second session before your energy has fully settled. Your second session of the day will often be more effective than your first. Doing two 20 minute sessions a day is more effective than a single 40 min session.

Tip 3
On tough days when you can't bring yourself to do a full routine, instead of skipping, keep some psychological momentum by doing a single exercise for just 2 or 3 minutes. It might not have a big energetic effect, but it helps you to keep your "foot in the door" and it gives you something to build on later (restarting your full routine more easily).

Tip 4
You can use mini (2 or 3 min) practice sessions to establish a longer routine in the future. So if you're having trouble starting a consistent full practice session, you can start by doing the mini session and (once that's a habit and easy to do) then expand that to a longer/full practice session.

If you are practicing a full session once a day, for example, in the morning, and you want to start practicing twice a day, you can start by doing a full session in the morning and a mini session in the evening. Once the mini session is a habit, you can expand it into a longer session so that you'd be doing two full length sessions a day.

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