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ardiard 10-12-2016 01:00 PM

Self-love game
I saw this post about this fun game in order to raise your vibrations. But I wanted to change it a little.

List from 5-10 things you love about YOURSELF! ^_^
It can be everything really! From traits to physical appearance. It's always good to remember and remind ourselves how awesome we are! <3
And don't be shy! You won't look like a show off! ^_^

Things I love about myself:
1.I can make people laugh or smile.
2.I am a great hugger! x)
3.My eyes.
4.I'm a good listener.
5.I always want to help and give good advice.

Share your thoughts, was it difficult for you to write down a few stuff? Cos for me it kinda was x)

Inika 10-12-2016 02:02 PM

Great game! I'm in.

1 I am a good listener.
2 I get a very clear picture and understanding of others problems
3 I don't quit easily if it's in my heart
4 I have a huge heart, capable of a lot of love.
5 I'm very strong
6 I keep secrets. If you tell me, it wont be mentioned again. No matter who you are.
7 I can vibe with many different personality types. I find joy in accepting the individual personality of others.
8 I can sing
9 I can tap into just about any consciousness and receive what I need or want to know.
10 Very spiritually gifted. Mainly in Claircognizance and Clairempathy

Miss Hepburn 11-12-2016 01:02 AM

I liked this.
I actually did close my eyes and think
of what I like /loved about myself...all relating to gifts from my Father.
I think I will play this with my close friends and put them on the spot.

Leyla 11-12-2016 01:54 AM

Hi there I was asked by someone awhile back this same question. So here are my 10.

I have a nice smile
I have nice eyes
I am trustworthy
I am very sensitive in a good way
I am loving
I have a sense of humour
I care about other people
I am intuitive
I am a good listener
I am hard working

Sapphirez 14-12-2016 06:32 PM

bless you all lovely awesome people :hug3:

I think this is a good game for me to play right now because I've been down, thank you.

I care so much about people that I get down and try to figure out how right they are about how bad I am.. but thankfully thoughtfulness and searching in the past have afforded me insight that I am good, however hard it can be to accept or convince sometimes *sigh*

I am good at making unique designs and crafts with a lot of detail and pizzazz lol

I'm clever and get and make witty jokes at times

I am very passionate and love things and people deeply

I understand every person has incredible worth and redeeming qualities though I am also acutely aware of 'flaws' and negativity but keep seeking to learn lessons about this and perceive things and of course people more positively. but I do think my judgmentalness and critical nature are shallow themselves and I accept and appreciate people on important levels

I've learned so much about healing and how to be a human on Earth by honoring it and the gift here where we must unfold ourselves and nature. I think the amount of details I know about many things (good & bad) is mindbogglingly incredible

I am aware of how brilliant and informed I am but humility has me afraid to assert so. maybe that isn't really good and some of these aren't but it's a struggle and I'll take whatever positive so as silly as I seem and feel (and sad and confused so forgive this stuff) I still am focusing on the wonderful of life

I like how I can smile with my eyes along my mouth and it seems like they/my face magically lights up when I am conscious about smiling through the eyes or whole being and not just the lips

I've come up with a lot of cute and perhaps meaningful quotes written in many notebooks and my facebook posts. I like to reread them and often learn more from/through myself and others and the things that have stacked up are pretty entertaining if not enlightening

I have a goal and plan to 'save the world' though I am guessing I probably want to rephrase that when it's finally time to start it underway

Shivani Devi 15-12-2016 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by ardiard
I saw this post about this fun game in order to raise your vibrations. But I wanted to change it a little.

List from 5-10 things you love about YOURSELF! ^_^
It can be everything really! From traits to physical appearance. It's always good to remember and remind ourselves how awesome we are! <3
And don't be shy! You won't look like a show off! ^_^

Things I love about myself:
1.I can make people laugh or smile.
2.I am a great hugger! x)
3.My eyes.
4.I'm a good listener.
5.I always want to help and give good advice.

Share your thoughts, was it difficult for you to write down a few stuff? Cos for me it kinda was x)

Okay, after a bit of trepidation, in I shall go.

Let's do ten.

1. I love that I am capable of feeling it and expressing it.
2. That nothing is even comparable to #1 (but I am cheating now). lol
3. I am highly intelligent which most people think I don't give myself enough credit for - is this enough credit now guys?
4. I have a very good memory and I can store and retrieve it very well - my brain is like a huge 'filing system' that's mostly full of junk I need to sort out, but I digress...
5. I'm quite friendly and loyal - if only people took more time to get to actually know me and not go off their first impressions, which I do admit, need a bit of work.
6. I'm neat, tidy and organised - more out of necessity and my OCD tends to bug all those close to me, I mean the cups in my cupboard go from biggest to smallest and are all colour-coded and all my books and CDs are in alphabetical order...well, that's their problem because I really like that side of me.
7. I have a decent body and physical appearance (vanity was never a thing) I am 'average' and being 'average' with a BMI of 22 is good and you wouldn't spot me in a crowd...I like that about myself.
8. I have superb literary, language skills and expression skills - speaking 4 dead languages and I'm still working on translating the Mojendro-Dharo seal (using another similar language from ancient Peru - all the way across the world)...one day I will get it and I love that.
9. I have certain psychic gifts (clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant) which I don't appreciate as much as I do because I'm way too humble to even admit it although I have typed it here because I am totally typing without using my ego, and I had to put my ego aside to even post in this thread and I love that too.
10. I believe in a Divine Being who fills me with love and that's the greatest thing of all because it leads me back to #1 again.

SecretDreams333 15-12-2016 08:15 AM

cool this
love flows to me and trough me is that self love ?
all nice stuff I like I get
I love to sit in the sun and dream of every thing
paradise is all around always
I like my friends a lot
firecrackers are so cool
I love my car and you to
I love all I like and do
I love birds and ducks and flowers and trees
and seagulls too

Liliel 15-12-2016 09:39 AM

- my (still developing :smile: ) artistic talent
- my love for animals (especially cats)
- my stubbornness
- my empathy
- birthmark on my belly :D

SerpentSun 15-12-2016 04:12 PM

I keep coming across writings that say to do this kind of thing, to make a list of things I like about myself....so here goes nothing. :D

1: I look younger than l am. I'm in my early 20s, but most people guess I'm 10-15 when they first meet me. Like I'm just some cute harmless little geeky hippie girl.

2: I sound older and more mature/sophisticated than I actually am. When people speak with me over the phone, or don't assume I'm a cute little girl, they think I'm 25-30 and ask what my college major was. My only "degree" is in protesting the modern education system.

3: I'm highly intelligent. In SOME ways. Although I used to be extremely arrogant about it, and I certainly still can be at times, I've come to the conclusion that EVERYONE is smart in their own way. I just happen to be the more blatantly obvious nerdy "book-smart" type.

4: I have an amazing memory. Which is both a blessing and a curse, because there are some things I'd rather not remember. Everything I see and hear is stored in my brain as a sticky web of synchronicity. Aside from struggles with name-face recognition, my awesome memory is the root of most of my "intelligence".

5: I'm also a very artsy-craftsy individual. There are few things I can't make on my own, from lye to vinegar, batteries to turbines, chocolate, toothpaste, rucksacks, distillers, greenhouses, jewelry, picture frames, chewing gum, adhesive tape....When I see something at the store that interests me, I rarely consider just buying it. I think "How could I make that?" instead.

6: My senses of smell and hearing are pretty sharp. Not like a dog, but enough to hear or smell a fart from across the house. I guess they compensate for my horrible near-sightedness.

7: My "moral code" is pretty strict. But I put "moral" in quotes, because some folks may strongly disagree. I have a very earth-centric misanthropist philosophy. While openly polite and modest, I have a deep interest in the "taboo" and "primal", and I live as a cavewoman out in the woods. When I'm not in town "family-sitting".

7: I'm a complete teetotaller and in a happy loving relationship with another teetotaller. I haven't drank alcohol in almost 5 years, my boyfriend has only ever drank water his entire life, and neither of us have taken an aspirin, Tylenol, Benadryl, cough syrup, antibiotic, or Tums in over a decade. If God didn't make it, we won't take it.

8: I'm very strong-willed. I might not be very big, or particularly physically powerful, but most folks simply give up fist-fights with me because I WON'T give up. They throw me against the wall, I just stand back up and laugh at them. I've been punched in the head so many times but never knocked out.

9: I'm agile, flexible, and skinny. But being skinny is NOT as great as people think it is! I'd rather be slightly "overweight" than underweight any day, because I feel so much healthier with some fat on my bones. I'll take what I can get though.

10: I see dead people. And the future. And the past, assuming time is even that linear. I think everything that ever "was" or "will be" just IS. I can feel life and love flowing through everything, and I have such an intense bond with every creature I come across. Cats, dogs, snakes, slugs, plants, mushrooms, soil, rocks, fire....All are alive and I love them all. Except for other humans; they all try to separate the world into "people" and "animals", and I just can't see past that anthropocentric arrogance. I seriously bond more with corn seeds than other humans.

joyfirst 23-12-2016 01:39 AM

I love, that I am divine energy playing in "my" current form. :)

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