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Unseeking Seeker 17-10-2019 02:39 AM


Our body responds to the ॐ current
For we are a being empty within yet sentient
Joyously blissful in the elixirous Divine flow
We imbibe the influx pouring in osmotically slow
Enlivening & magnetising every pore of our being
We are and be in heightened exuberance of ecstasy
Bliss peaked as a silent pulse beating within continuously

We may shout our joy from the rooftops but no one can really listen
For the Divine embrace is an open secret as a Love nectar potion
For each on a one to one basis as we stand bare in the wide open

The drizzle invisible
We alone feel the tingle


Unseeking Seeker 03-11-2019 02:41 PM


Startling Divine revelations beckoning
Blocked by our own resistance hesitating
Methinks the rot of stagnation has sunk in deep
Preventing our heart to upwards leap
The Divine fragrance yearns to enter
Searching for an opening in our heart centre
All the pathless path entails is we be still
Allowing Divine Love to enliven us doing Its will

This non-doing accomplished by each in aloneness
Each soul ignited instantly in Divine connectedness


Unseeking Seeker 11-11-2019 02:50 AM


As we embrace-hold-release
Rotating polarities with ease
Disappearing by vaporising
Again playfully materialising
By choiceless choice
Following our inner voice
Reflecting empathetic behaviour
Yet no crusader and nobody’s saviour
Living illusion as reality
Yet determining not any finality
There being no doer
Who may act as a chooser
Heightened ecstasy internal
Stillness in movement external
Our flowing renewal
Even as Divine does form magnetise
Each moment a delightful surprise
Being to become the very bliss rapture
Looking now at form as a caricature
And yet lest we forget
Such conclusions too are suspect
Any conclusion we make a limitation
Interrupting our flowing meditation
Our presence as the void in any field
As gentle power Love alone does wield
Is regeneration of The Love vibration
Outpouring impulsively without cessation
Felt within by us as the experiencer
Without blockage by any interpreter
No judger or seeker or doer
We are the immaculate viewer
Our innate divinity the awareness fulcrum
Witnessing movement of the maya pendulum

Such is the flow of dynamic stillness
Cognised & imbibed by each in aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 17-11-2019 02:15 AM


Each seeker the singular truth does seek
Yet each awakening in aloneness is unique
An open secret into which none may peek
To ego mind the language of Love is Greek

One truth! It is explosive rapturous bliss continual
Moment to moment ignition within in renewal
Our being to become an unending miracle
Divine Love magnetism being the elixirous fuel

Experiencing manifestations & voids & many a revelation
As we embrace-hold-release all that is fickle & fleeting
In resonance with Love as the highest and only real vibration
Our orientation shifts to presence in a continuum meditating

There is no one within seeking any imagined attainment
With mind-body having vaporised its ego aspect insanity
We flow as of endowed enableability in quiet contentment
Mind body cognising & reflecting bubbling bliss in continuity


Unseeking Seeker 23-11-2019 03:48 AM


What a strange place is this we find ourselves alone in confining & opaque
Upon which ephemeral images shimmer in a dance of teasing seduction
Ever acceptant in innocence we care not whether we are asleep or awake
Being in ecstasy of rapturous explosive bliss in an unending continuation


Unseeking Seeker 24-11-2019 03:52 PM


Our silent scream of exploding ecstatic delight
A secret we each hold in our individual solitude
Rapturous climax continual as polarities ignite
Yet for onlookers we appear to be in quietude

The only clue we offer is in manner of interaction
As we embrace-hold-release each moment with ease
An agendaless empathetic flowing orientation
Receptive to all yet with no inclination to appease


Unseeking Seeker 28-11-2019 03:05 PM


Initially we tend to be open to sharing
In innocence assuming all seek pairing
But then we realise impossibility of transference
For no one can truly feel what we did experience
Each merely seeks validation
Of their own meditation
And so we eventually walk the path in aloneness
Divine connected in blissful rapturousness


Unseeking Seeker 06-12-2019 02:05 AM


In aloneness we feel
The tingling appeal
Lovers lingering kiss
Of ineffable bliss
Again & again & again
Renewal in continuation
Ecstasy without cessation

We would if we could share
Each in aloneness must pair
In stillness align
With the pulse of the divine
By dropping illusion of separateness
Reconnecting with Oneness
We are already there having never left
We connect upon attention being of delusion bereft


Unseeking Seeker 10-12-2019 07:04 AM


Each divine revelation
An open secret
Each in quiet meditation
Alone knows it’s merit

We may affirm and describe
Our cry may as well be silent
For no one else can imbibe
The elixir empowering & potent

For this reason over time known
Many a sage prefers silence
Knowing that seeds of love sown
For each will blossom in innocence


Unseeking Seeker 12-12-2019 08:23 AM


Flowing along the very edge of heightened ecstatic climax unending
Ineffable explosive rapture enveloping us both empowering & captivating
Leaving no room for us to accommodate any other sensory cognition
We are and thus be to become one with and as vaporised bliss in elation

As we go about our day a dormant reflex of consciousness keeps us safe
Any outward doing we do is done by instinct even as bliss does not abate
It is an indescribable magnetic euphoria enveloping our being in totality
We wander about alone with our secret even if we be in the midst of many


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