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-   -   what do you guys think happens at death? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=105928)

dutchiexx 23-09-2016 02:10 AM

what do you guys think happens at death?
until now, i was pretty sure i knew what to expect once our physical bodies dies. i made my assumptions based on my experiences of lucid dreaming and astral projection along with talking with the people in my family who have died and was brought back.my idea of death was that when the physical body dies, our consciousness breaks free from our body just like when you astral project, how ever, something dawned on me just a few minuets ago, i realized that there are other possibilities that can happen at death, just because we can leave our bodies and experience existance out side of this reality does not mean that this is what happens at death.

a few ideas hit me, firstly, lets talk about timelines, from my understanding, every possible event that can ever happen has already happen, this means that realities are constantly branching off from each other, for every event that happens, there is a new reality that branches off from it and so on and so on ect...this creates a infinite series of events that can continue to branch off each other for eternity.
so for instance, lets say someone showed you a red pill and a blue blue pill, then they asked you to choose one, now, lets say you chose blue, how ever, there could be a reality where you chose red instead. i believe that when you have the potential to make a choice, realities will branch off for each possible outcome.so all this would suggest that there is acually a infinite numbers of "you" spread out between all realities that you exist in.

so, when thinking about death while keeping the concept of infinate realities in mind, it would be logical to think that when you die, that version of you simply goes away, as in it no longer exist, it would be as if that you has never existed, how ever, there would still be other versions of you in other realities, so it seems to me that when you die, you simply continue experiencing life as a other version of yourself, thus, you would never even known you died.

this last idea is kinda messy and complex, lets start by taking in account the fact that we are all one and that we are all connected, if this is true, then i imagine death would be like you blinking out of exsistance, how ever, there is still other people alive and conscious, this means that if you yourself blinks out of existance, then its ok because it would simply be like becoming someone else while forgetting your current self.as if you never existed in the first place, thus, in a way, your life continues on, not as in individual but rather a universal awareness or consciousness.

dang, the last idea is is going to be hard to understand lol, i tried my best to explain it either way XD
to better understand the second idea, try to just imagine what im talking about because it may be easier to understand if you just imagine it...if that makes any sense @.@

ocean breeze 23-09-2016 04:33 AM

I don't know but i sure wouldn't mind coming back as a ghost. There are a few people who could use a good spooking. :icon_razz:

dutchiexx 23-09-2016 05:12 AM


Originally Posted by ocean breeze
I don't know but i sure wouldn't mind coming back as a ghost. There are a few people who could use a good spooking. :icon_razz:

dude, same here.if i were to come back as a ghost, i would do everything in my power to make contact with the humans that are alive, i would find some way to tell the world about the after life....maybe i can be the first ghost to be on a tv talk show!! lol ;p

Starman 23-09-2016 05:27 AM

Problems arise when we try to use a language derived in a three dimensional existence to describe that which is beyond three dimensions. I’ll address your last idea first; you seem to have framed this idea in a linear way when the concept of us being all one and inextricably connected is not linear, and in my opinion neither is it congruent with physics as we know it in our physical existence. For instance beyond this physical world two things can occupy the same space at the same time.

In short, there is no you or me there is only the one. What I call “me” is the illusion of separateness giving a false notion of individuality, and that is also what I call “you.” We are but images projected by light and while the images look different the light is universally the same. Withdraw the light an the image dissolves. In my out-of-body experiences I am but an observer in silent stillness with no thoughts and no objectivity, but a lot of love and incredible contentment.

Your first idea sounds plausible but I have no reference for it. In my reality it does not matter what choices we make, given a belief in reincarnation, regardless of the choices we make, we will all end up with the same result. Some of us look for the most direct route while others of us take the long way around. Time is an illusion, a day on earth is 24-hours while a day on Jupiter is only 10-Earth hours. Most states in the U.S. have daylight savings time but some do not observe it. China, which has a much larger landmass than the U.S. only has one time zone while the U.S. has four time zones. How we mark time is rather interesting. In meditation I experience the eternal now; one continuous ongoing moment.

Out-of-body experiences which I have had seemed timeless, but I will say that no one can really tell another person what their death will be like because our death will be as unique as we are, our death will be as unique as the life we have lived here on earth. A lot of religions and spiritual groups believe that our life here on earth is reviewed after we die; I don’t know, but what I do embrace is that our mental and emotional state may effect our death experience. That is one reason I do quiet meditation, because I want a smooth transition.

There just may be infinite realities, and if so, I might view them as infinite illusions. My metaphysical cosmological point of view says that if it takes shape or form then it is a temporary illusion; illusion because it is changeable and impermanent. Everything which has a beginning has an ending. Everything which is created eventually deteriorates and either dissolves or explodes, this includes all matter, stars, planets, insects, etc. So no matter how many realities, or incarnations, there are there is still an underlying strong foundation which gave rise to that incarnation or reality. A foundation which supports that reality and is more real than that reality. In my opinion.:biggrin:

shivatar 23-09-2016 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by dutchiexx
dude, same here.if i were to come back as a ghost, i would do everything in my power to make contact with the humans that are alive, i would find some way to tell the world about the after life....maybe i can be the first ghost to be on a tv talk show!! lol ;p

dont you think someone has desired that? and tried that?

shivatar 23-09-2016 05:43 AM

you are in dangerous waters friend

Originally Posted by dutchiexx
until now, i was pretty sure i knew what to expect once our physical bodies dies. i made my assumptions based on my experiences of lucid dreaming and astral projection along with talking with the people in my family who have died and was brought back.my idea of death was that when the physical body dies, our consciousness breaks free from our body just like when you astral project, how ever, something dawned on me just a few minuets ago, i realized that there are other possibilities that can happen at death, just because we can leave our bodies and experience existance out side of this reality does not mean that this is what happens at death.

a few ideas hit me, firstly, lets talk about timelines, from my understanding, every possible event that can ever happen has already happen, this means that realities are constantly branching off from each other, for every event that happens, there is a new reality that branches off from it and so on and so on ect...this creates a infinite series of events that can continue to branch off each other for eternity.
so for instance, lets say someone showed you a red pill and a blue blue pill, then they asked you to choose one, now, lets say you chose blue, how ever, there could be a reality where you chose red instead. i believe that when you have the potential to make a choice, realities will branch off for each possible outcome.so all this would suggest that there is acually a infinite numbers of "you" spread out between all realities that you exist in.

so, when thinking about death while keeping the concept of infinate realities in mind, it would be logical to think that when you die, that version of you simply goes away, as in it no longer exist, it would be as if that you has never existed, how ever, there would still be other versions of you in other realities, so it seems to me that when you die, you simply continue experiencing life as a other version of yourself, thus, you would never even known you died.

this last idea is kinda messy and complex, lets start by taking in account the fact that we are all one and that we are all connected, if this is true, then i imagine death would be like you blinking out of exsistance, how ever, there is still other people alive and conscious, this means that if you yourself blinks out of existance, then its ok because it would simply be like becoming someone else while forgetting your current self.as if you never existed in the first place, thus, in a way, your life continues on, not as in individual but rather a universal awareness or consciousness.

dang, the last idea is is going to be hard to understand lol, i tried my best to explain it either way XD
to better understand the second idea, try to just imagine what im talking about because it may be easier to understand if you just imagine it...if that makes any sense @.@

I thought it was really funny when you used the world infinity and logic in the same sentence. haha.

also I understand it's fun to think about what happens after death but I just wouldn't advise it. I would advise first looking to wiser and older individuals who have dedicated many years to yoga, meditation, or prayer (spiritual gurus) and reading their ideas. I think this is wise because its the fastest way to learn, to cultivate new ideas, and it avoids running into situations that have been thought of before. Then maybe after a few years of that, maybe even decades, then you have the strength to sit down and toy with things like the belief of the afterlife.

like all 3 of your ideas, already heavily thought of, explained, theorized, philosphized... lol. and they explain it way better than you also.

if you are just casually exploring these ideas out of curiosity, my apologies for assuming. But my assumption is you think about these things to remove your anxiety about life, and that is dangerous. I dont have the time nor desire to explain it fully, just know it's messing with cosmic forces and for a mortal that is not good (ok thats poetry lol, its messing with your brain chemistry which leads to all kinds of bad **** like recurring negative behaviors. Do you think you sabotage yourself now? Wait until you run into a negative thought about the afterlife. if you truly "believe it, if the belief lowers your anxiety, then you will keep it, even if it means you stop hanging out with friends, life loses purpose, etc. etc.

dutchiexx 23-09-2016 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by shivatar
dont you think someone has desired that? and tried that?

who knows, but the fact we havent seen a ghost get interviewed on opera doesnt mean anything.
man would of never flown through the air if the write brothers decided to give up simply because it has been attempted before and was never achieved.
and acually, there is so much evidence that supports the idea of the paranormal, do some research on this subject, you will find so much evidence that suggest there is unseen forces that are capable of communicating through electronic recorders and such, there is also masses of evidence that shows these forces are also capable of interacting with the physical objects of our world.

dutchiexx 23-09-2016 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by shivatar
I thought it was really funny when you used the world infinity and logic in the same sentence. haha.

also I understand it's fun to think about what happens after death but I just wouldn't advise it. I would advise first looking to wiser and older individuals who have dedicated many years to yoga, meditation, or prayer (spiritual gurus) and reading their ideas. I think this is wise because its the fastest way to learn, to cultivate new ideas, and it avoids running into situations that have been thought of before. Then maybe after a few years of that, maybe even decades, then you have the strength to sit down and toy with things like the belief of the afterlife.

like all 3 of your ideas, already heavily thought of, explained, theorized, philosphized... lol. and they explain it way better than you also.

if you are just casually exploring these ideas out of curiosity, my apologies for assuming. But my assumption is you think about these things to remove your anxiety about life, and that is dangerous. I dont have the time nor desire to explain it fully, just know it's messing with cosmic forces and for a mortal that is not good (ok thats poetry lol, its messing with your brain chemistry which leads to all kinds of bad **** like recurring negative behaviors. Do you think you sabotage yourself now? Wait until you run into a negative thought about the afterlife. if you truly "believe it, if the belief lowers your anxiety, then you will keep it, even if it means you stop hanging out with friends, life loses purpose, etc. etc.

hmm not sure how to respond to this lol

for starters, i dont think i began thinking about what waits after death for the purpose of removing any anxieties, its only natural to have a interest in death because we all are going to die one day, there is no stopping this, its going to happen and im facinated at what may happen after death.
and no, i do think i sabotaged myself at all...all i done was imagine what could death be like.

wolfgaze 23-09-2016 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by dutchiexx
so all this would suggest that there is acually a infinite numbers of "you" spread out between all realities that you exist in.

so, when thinking about death while keeping the concept of infinate realities in mind, it would be logical to think that when you die, that version of you simply goes away, as in it no longer exist, it would be as if that you has never existed, how ever, there would still be other versions of you in other realities, so it seems to me that when you die, you simply continue experiencing life as a other version of yourself, thus, you would never even known you died.

Personally, I have a hard time connecting with this theory. It does not resonate with me, but that's just my subjective consciousness at work here.


If I'm entertaining this theory though, I would pose the following questions. Are these infinite numbers of 'you' equally conscious/aware in those realities as you are right now in this particular reality we are communicating in? If so, why would your consciousness/awareness 'transfer' to any other 'you' in these other realities when you experience physical death in this one? Those other units of 'you' are already conscious/aware and living out those experiences in those realities... So I don't understand why there is any need for this to happen nor why there would be a mechanism by which you would suddenly jump to or merge with some specific other realities (how would it be determined?). Also, if another version of 'you' dies in another reality, is it merging with the 'you' that's still living out this current reality? If so, how would that be experienced (what would it feel like)? Lastly, what happens when all of these physical vessels of 'you' in these various realities expire (die) and can no longer support Consciousness? Where does it go then and what would that last remaining 'death' experience be like?

I know language is limiting when it comes to conveying complex thoughts & concepts. That being said, it feels a bit contradictory when you suggest that the current version of 'you' goes away and simply no longer exists - then shortly after you state that 'you' are continuing on experiencing another version of yourself. What is the distinction between these two you's being referenced? What is it that is transfering/switching from one reality to the next? Consciousness? Is there a lack of Consciousness in those other realities, some vacancy that needs to be filled?

(Just want to be clear Dutchie that you do not have to actually address or attempt to answer my questions... I'm simply expressing here how my thought-process works when it comes to testing/challenging proposed theories from my current understanding/awareness)

P.S. - scientist Robert Lanza (author of the theory of Biocentrism) was publicly speaking about this same idea/notion a couple years ago in relation to quantum theory. You may be interested in some of his comments and/or presentations:


I am wondering - have you spent much time familiarizing yourself with the Thanatology / NDE literature that is out there and available for exploration & contemplation? Individuals in the 'out of body' state specifically during NDE's frequently report an awareness that their physical body has been left behind and discarded. It's not uncommon for there to be an awareness of 'death' present, and the individual does not want to return to his/her physical body & human lifetime. Such reported experiences to me would speak against the notion of having no awareness that physical death has transpired. Also, the often recounted 'Life Review' experience suggests that there is a higher process in place whereby the physical lifetime that was just experienced is then consciously evaluated & reflected upon. If this is indeed what happens when the Conscious energy leaves the physical body behind, this would not seem to support the notion of of instantaneously transferring/switching/merging with other versions of 'you' in other physical realities (human lifetimes)... Some individuals in the NDE state report consciously experiencing other dimensional realms too. To be conscious (aware) of these very unique experiences seems to suggest that there is much more going on during the 'death process' than some might otherwise suspect...


shoni7510 23-09-2016 09:11 AM

I believe that at the point of death consciousness leave the physical body like in an OBE and that becomes the end of the physical body. The spirit body however continues to live on and is me in every manner except the physical body and it will continue like that until I reincarnate. The consciousness goes back to join the higher self. This is my view

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