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vividdreamer 24-08-2019 10:03 AM

Yoga is new to me

So, over the years I've tried classes here and there, but haven't been able to really get in to the practice. I'm interested because I meditate and would love to add some movement to my practice. Also, I'm getting very inflexible. Even sitting on the ground for 30 minutes causes me troubles.

Where should I start? I assume looking at some local studios? If so, how do I know they are any good and there are so many different styles?

Any thoughts?

desert rat 29-08-2019 01:27 AM

I down load mine off you tube . I pratice Kundlini my self . There are lots of Kundlini, Hatha , Tantra , and others on you tube for free . I use the Opera browser and saved from net as an extion . Its easier for me to play them from my hard drive , watch them on my big tv.

Clover 29-08-2019 02:43 AM

There is a lot of free stuff on youtube. I have learned plenty from it. Also, if you have paid subscriptions, there is plenty of Yoga classes on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and The Gaia channel.

Many studios are really posh and expensive. If you go the fiances for it, totally go for it. Some poses can be dangerous and it helps if someone shows you a correct way to position yourself so you wont injure yourself. Lots of gyms offer basic Yoga classes with entire membership, that is a good bang for your buck option.

vividdreamer 30-08-2019 05:46 PM

Thanks desert rat and clover! Youtube is easier than joining a class. I don't have a lot of time, but doing it from my living should work! It's both time and money situation, but I can do that. I will check out kundalini yoga as well. I started meditating with energy work and so that might make sense for everything else I practice.
Now, I just need to get up and start doing this.

Altair 06-09-2019 09:07 AM

Classes are best to learn because you can be corrected. Talking and sharing it with others is also invaluable.

But I've gotta say I've also learned asanas by browsing the internet, lol. An issue with that is perhaps that you'll look for things you like, whereas in class I've had to do asanas I really disliked, and yet after some practice they became my favourites! I don't think I would've realized that if I just browsed the internet. The internet is just our bubble world!!

I think if you want to become more flexible than it's good to stay in an asana for a long time. This will test your body, once it gets difficult you simply breathe deeper in and out. I find this to be more effective, and radically different from doing an asana for a few seconds (or a minute) which IS what many teachers seem to teach from my experience. If you want to improve your body however it's (in my view!) best to challenge it and gradually extend the minutes you are in that asana. I made big gains when I started doing it this way.

I agree with Clover that many yoga classes are expensive, and based on what is taught it can be overpriced..
Most offer trial lesson for lower price, I'd suggest you try those at different places.

LibbyScorp 23-12-2019 08:36 AM

If you are worried about cost... sometimes your local community center offers classes. There are a few metaphysical book stores in my city that offer free yoga classes. You can also look free yoga up on google for your location.

The benefits of being in a class are phenominal but youtube is a never ending well of all things yoga.

amayaan 12-09-2020 05:21 AM

I have newly joined the yoga classes. However, it seems difficult to pose every step but I know it takes some time to follow it in routine

Hologram8 12-09-2020 02:36 PM

I find it easier to do yoga from a book rather than a video because I can't keep up with their flow and I have to turn my head to look at the screen

I do yin yoga from videos and books

sydneywaters 10-09-2021 12:20 PM

The best place to start yoga is your home. There are plenty of YouTube videos you can refer to based on your need. I am sure that will help you. Some Yoga instructors may help you to learn the poses step by step so that you won't feel any difficulties. You can check "Yoga With Adriene". However, one thing you should keep in mind when you are starting yoga or any other physical exercise regime, that diet is the most important part to get you the best results of the physical exercise. For Yoga, I would say an herbal or Ayurvedic diet is the best combination. I follow iahas.com for some great herbal recipes and remedies but there are many other websites as well you can refer to for herbal diet.

Midrich 03-01-2024 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by sydneywaters
The best place to start yoga is your home. There are plenty of YouTube videos you can refer to based on your need. I am sure that will help you. Some Yoga instructors may help you to learn the poses step by step so that you won't feel any difficulties. You can check "Yoga With Adriene". However, one thing you should keep in mind when you are starting yoga or any other physical exercise regime, that diet is the most important part to get you the best results of the physical exercise. For Yoga, I would say an herbal or Ayurvedic diet is the best combination. I follow iahas.com for some great herbal recipes and remedies but there are many other websites as well you can refer to for herbal diet.

All of this is good advice and I figured it out on my own . There’s one in a row ! I found a book by Andre Van Lysebeth called “Yoga Self Taught” and it is helping me . Like anything else new you have to jump in the deep end and be committed . The advice given above about diet is very important .

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