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MysticalShaman 12-04-2022 12:01 PM

Past lives question
Everytime I see someone talk about past lives, they always talk about significant past lives. People were always queens or pharoahs, or Lords or ladies. I even heard of past lives that were historically incorrect ( but verified via the belief in multidimensions/multi universes ).

I have also seen the videos of those kids who were born with knowledge of places and people they could have never known ( and like the whole Dalai Lama selection process )

So what are past lives really? Are they just ways that we wish/manifest certain aspects of our current lives?

Are they fantasies?

Why doesn't anyone remember being an insignificant past life?

And I totally get how technically we are all God/Source, mascarading as individuals so technically we all we each life at one point, so technically it makes sense...but at the same time, seems like everyone only remembers the desirable past lives. Surely there were lots of lessons and soul connections in the undesirable past lives?

Izz 12-04-2022 12:45 PM

Speaking for just myself - I see my "past lives visions" (or perhaps "other dimensions life" visions) as more of lessons (I prioritize the lessons part) rather than the significance of who I was. Both about lessons and soul connections

I honestly don't know if I was ever anyone significant as a queen or pharoah or Lords (and I doubt it, as fascinating as it would be if I were to have a past life as a queen!)

I do remember significantly from visions - that in these visions I was always either running to my soulmate partner or my tf for protection from something (somehow involving natural disasters), and I came into this lifetime to overcome and learn my own power

Yes, I am here to learn my power and it's all connected, it coincides with my life path number being 1 (that was not accidental or random, that was planned)

I think the life lessons and soul connections outweigh the importance of who I actually was? Even if they were insignificant past lives, what matters most is the lessons. But then again, I'm speaking for me alone and others might have different views on how they should handle in relation to learning their past lives visions

kris 12-04-2022 02:22 PM

I may have been a leper in one of my past lives.

Miss Hepburn 12-04-2022 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Izz
...(I prioritize the lessons part) rather than the significance of who I was. Both about lessons and soul connections...

As it is with me, also.
I was no one imp or famous...pastor, gambler, Native Am. Haha, then I just remember being a baby in my mother's arms
(being shown who someone was, my loving mom once!)

lostsoul13 14-04-2022 06:28 PM

Mmmh interesting…

I find we inherited memory’s from alternate worlds and entanglement and remember them ‘after’ they have taken place or do we remember them before???

What’s not odd~ tapping into the progression of the vast memory’s and past life’s?

Pairs production could of occurred with darkness looming over the past life subjects—- we could of been all the items or all that we desired and are reincarnating for a life of ‘pain’ seeming we have achieved all item of desires- that comic book first edition those shoes or heels- that coat or motorbike- the darkness over the past life could mean one has reincarnated through all their desires and are looking to over come pain/ enter navana type of thing - extreme type of life of pain no gain~ here’s the gain, as far as spooky action at a distance goes… pain is a form of force we as photons are full and sealed up with light and electric radiation- we can’t fit anymore in there..

Even if we thought of the pain while creating the photon/image… wouldn’t change the unnatural force/ thus pain..

iamthat 14-04-2022 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by MysticalShaman
Everytime I see someone talk about past lives, they always talk about significant past lives. People were always queens or pharoahs, or Lords or ladies. ... Why doesn't anyone remember being an insignificant past life? ... And I totally get how technically we are all God/Source, mascarading as individuals so technically we all we each life at one point, so technically it makes sense...but at the same time, seems like everyone only remembers the desirable past lives.

If you read books of past life regressions then you find that most people go back to relatively insignificant and humble lives. The difficulty with these is that they were so insignificant that the details cannot usually be later verified. But the descriptions given can be quite compelling.

Alternatively if we have had perhaps hundreds of past lives but we only recall a few then it makes sense that those lives we do recall are either significant in themselves or very relevant to the current incarnation.

But unfortunately there is also a lot of glamour in the New Age community, which is where people tend to talk about past lives. They want to feel that they were once someone important, even if their current incarnation is somewhat mundane. They want to feel spiritually special, that they had knowledge and power beyond the ordinary person. This all feeds the little ego.

At the same time history is filled with important people and those who had various spiritual attainments. There is a good chance that many of these people are now back on Earth. So while I take most claims of great past lives with a pinch of salt, it is possible that a few are genuine.


Moon_Glow 15-04-2022 02:35 PM

I also have had one professional regression and several other self-directed regressions - The professional one, when I was put under hypnosis - I was of very humble origins. The ones that I have done myself too haven't showed me anyone of much "prominence".
It's even possible to incarnate as animals or remember ancient animal incarnations.

bobjob 15-04-2022 03:12 PM

Over a long time I have become persuaded some individuals do recall some details from some previous incarnations but even those who actually do remember are unlikely to know how many details they are recalling compared with how much they are not. Or from how many lifetimes they are remembering things.

As for any claims about recalling a time when one experienced animal life I am inclined to be highly sceptical because there is simply no way of authenticating such claims - it could simply be imagination and/or wishful thinking. I am confident, however, that we don't regress from our complex, human form by reincarnating as an animal one.

We may well have experienced such comparatively-simple lives as we progressed to our human forms but the notion that we can return to them does not make sense spiritually.

BigJohn 15-04-2022 03:35 PM

Buddha claimed he was a monkey and other animals.

Vishnu incarnated as various animals such as a fish and a turtle.

inavalan 15-04-2022 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by MysticalShaman
So what are past lives really? Are they just ways that we wish/manifest certain aspects of our current lives?
Are they fantasies?
Why doesn't anyone remember being an insignificant past life?...

You can compare (not) remembering your past lives with (not) remembering your dreams.

Most people don't remember most of their dreams, and the dreams they remember usually have something that impressed them while dreaming. Immediately when you wake up you remember better, but quite quickly the memory of the dream blurs, and likely gets distorted.

I believe we reincarnate, so there are past lives, but probably people misinterpret their importance and influence. It is important what your "soul" got from them, not what happened.

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