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Chak117 22-07-2019 03:10 PM

Healing chakras
I would like to know, what causes chakras to be damaged or poisioned (if those are accurate words to use) and how can each of them be healed?

specifically, the sacral chakra. i would like to know about all of the chakras on this subject but this one in particular is a problem for me.

Lucky 22-07-2019 03:59 PM

I wouldn't use the word poisoned, "blocked" might be a better word. They can be healed but it is better to see the system as a whole because each of the chakras work together. There are many things you can do to nourish each chakra and clear out energetic blockages. This can become a very lengthy reply so I'll recommend learning from the experts on this subject...look up Anodea Judith, she is an expert and has books all about chakras.

Chak117 22-07-2019 09:01 PM

would you mind giving me some details on the sacral chakra in particular though?

in general what might cause problems with it and what would help it specifically?

i dont really notice other problems with my other chakras but i will look for videos from her anyway, just in case :)

lomax 23-07-2019 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Chak117
I would like to know, what causes chakras to be damaged or poisioned (if those are accurate words to use) and how can each of them be healed?

specifically, the sacral chakra. i would like to know about all of the chakras on this subject but this one in particular is a problem for me.

Emotions and thoughts have an effect on chakras as well.
For example when you're depressed,unless you solve the main issue of what had triggered that state,chakra healing is useless.

And since almost everything has a starting point in our minds,i believe it's our thoughts that create imbalances to the the energy body.

I think the best is to find a way to eradicate the starting point of the imbalance,and then work on the damaged chakras.

FairyCrystal 23-07-2019 11:33 AM

What Lomax said. So read what the Sacral chakra is all about, then think how these areas are affected within you and start sorted them out.
Chakras -our entire energy system actually- reflect the state we're in. It's all connected.
So when you work on your issues your chakras can become unblocked and/or more activated. It will take time, you didn't get your issues in one day, nor will they heal in one day, nor will your chakras balance themselves in one day.
So it helps to learn to enjoy the journey, not to expect results within a few days.
Often issues manifest in one chakra very strongly while the cause is related to another chakra. Then you have to work on that first, and often as you do so you also work and heal that other chakra since they're all connected.

The Navel chakra is very important, I think especially in this time of ascension, as it is all about emotions, expressing them and yourself authentically (being yourself), sexuality, creativity (also expression of self and includes sexuality), and so on.
I did a post on this chakra the other day. Didn't get much interest, but you may want to read it.

Lucky 23-07-2019 02:39 PM

Agreed with both lomax and FairyCrystal. To add to what FairyCrystal said about the sacral chakra, it is also the chakra that governs how we relate and connect to others as well as our ability to feel into others, like our feeling/emotional center. So as FairyCrystal said, this makes it a very important chakra! You can imagine that all of our relationships (not just romantic relationships) past and present, and how we relate to them get filtered through this center, not to mention interactions with new people we meet and how we relate or connect to them...that's a lot to process!

As lomax said, more or less, to begin to heal this chakra is to address the underlying emotions, thoughts and mental constructs we have developed over time. This is not a quick and easy process, and often times as with any chakra healing, once you think you've done a good job of clearing out most of the junk, a similar experience will trigger your old emotions and thinking patterns as a way of giving you the opportunity to really overcome it. It really is an ongoing process of maintaining balance and being aware.

BigJohn 24-07-2019 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Chak117
I would like to know, what causes chakras to be damaged or poisioned (if those are accurate words to use) and how can each of them be healed?

specifically, the sacral chakra. i would like to know about all of the chakras on this subject but this one in particular is a problem for me.

Is your second Chakra over active or under active?

SnowFerret 19-08-2019 06:31 AM

Hope this help
Hi Chak117,

There is indeed a lot of book that will give many different ways to clear your Chakra; different technics will work for different people; you can use mantras or color or gemstones, each Chakra is associated with a different Chakra and orange is the color of the second one or the Sacral Chakra. I like the mantras as i find they work very well and gemstones for Chakra healing.
I do believe Chakra can be poisonned as well as blocked; Chakras are our own energy system and absorbs all energy around us...if you have been in a very bad environment with lots of bad energy or if someone send distant harm to you in purpose, then i believe the Chakras could be poisoned not only blocked.
I do not think they can be broken in the sense that if a person takes care of the situation, they can be cleansed and unblocked enough...it might take a long time and a lot of work if they were block over time without clearing for a long time or if the block is due to emotional trauma.
I read once that in extreme case of Chakra blockage or "poisoning" or "distant harm" it could lead to death eventually if not taken care of as it will start to create illnesses in the physical body...

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