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Kapitan_Prien 26-10-2010 12:22 AM

Looking for Others
I'm looking for others who have had the soul exchange experience and discuss how it has affected you - how things have changed, etc.


Gracey 26-10-2010 12:30 AM

Hey kaptain, its littleladybug
i have not, but once in a near death, i was asked if i wanted to come back as myself or someone else, i said myself. like i have told you before you are one strong individual and i admire the life you have led. :) from what i have read of what you have wrote in the past, it has been one heck of a journey fro you.... i sure hope you find someone to connect with here.

Kapitan_Prien 26-10-2010 12:37 AM

Thanks Gracey (I remembered you as you're in PA too)

I hope so too, and thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it. *smile*

Jules 26-10-2010 12:45 AM

Kapiiiiii .... the room suits you sir!!! :D. Welcome xx

I have to re-iterate what Gracey said, *waves at Littleladybug*
What you have had to put up with throughout your life, and to turn out as strong as you have, I hope to goodness you're patting yourself on the back because it takes some strength to fight and laugh in the face of adversity. I don't honestly believe I have seen anyone throughout my journey to date, openly admit to a soul exchange the way you have. You are a true inspiration. Good Luck in your endeavour xx

Kapitan_Prien 26-10-2010 01:01 AM

Aw thanks Jules...I hope the decor is fitting too *laughs*

Thanks. I appreciate the compliments. I can't say I'm really patting myself in the back though - what I'd like is a bottle of my favorite wine...now that would make me happy *grin*. (Just kidding) - what I'm doing is working on my health - I think that's one of the best 'gifts' I could give to myself...is to help my health. Whether that means taking homeopathic remedies, or using crystals...or drowning myself in cups of tea...whatever it takes... *grin*

Oh - yeah I guess I laugh in the face of adversity...but I'm more noted for thumbing my nose at it. *wink*

As far as being open about it...well, keeping quiet isn't going to help trying to meet others who've had the experience. *wink*

Rumar 26-10-2010 01:14 AM

I'm sorry for the ignorance, but what exactly is soul exchange?
I have an idea just from the title that you swap but is it like body jumping or actually trading bodies? If I were to do this, it's probably to try the whole immortality idea and see how long it takes before it's dangerous.

That is if it's what I'm thinking of...

Kapitan_Prien 26-10-2010 01:24 AM

It's when one soul exchanges places with another soul through agreement. I don't know when the agreement is made though.

Mine happened when I was nearly 24 years old and when I was asleep.

The term Soul Exchange describes the experience, whereas the label 'Walk-In' is what the new soul is called.

Rumar 26-10-2010 02:26 AM

Ahhh, understandable, I couldn't find myself trying that soul exchange... There's one being inside me who used to belong to someone else but he was "turned over" to me.

I don't know how many souls have merged with me though, whether it's by my acknowledgement or not, my past selves have grabbed beings to merge with me to try to balance me out, ready for the big turnover as described above.

Perhaps we should have a section for meeting people in the astral plane for training purposes or just hang outs? A sub-section anyways.

Kapitan_Prien 26-10-2010 02:38 AM

Yeah it's not something I would call 'easy'...at least it wasn't in my case. What you described almost sounds like a soul braid to me - the braiding or 'merging' of two souls. I've come across a few people who had that experience.

I don't get involved with any astral stuff - as I'm doing my best to focus on the physical to help myself get grounded - focus on the physical but in a 'spiritual' way.

psychoslice 26-10-2010 02:44 AM

Hi Kapitan Prien, have you ever had contact with your family, that is the family of who you are now since the soul exchange experience ?.

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