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Sunshine111 16-11-2019 04:26 PM

Signs, Sychronicities and Messages.
Signs and messages I believe can be presented in different ways.

Two ways are dreams and numbers.

Having had no recollection of any of my dreams since the last one published on this site, about 1 month ago, the universe has begun bombarding me with numbers and sychronicities.

So many that, I can no longer keep track on them.

0707, 0808, 1333, 1313, 1616, 1515, 0717, then again 0707, 0333, 110, 1110, 1111.

Sychronicities in regards to numbers will take place every single day , maybe more than a dozen of times each day which feels like a bombardment with numbers/messages.

I begun avoiding looking at my phone as I begun feeling overwhelmed by this bombardment of messages and sychronicities in numbers.

Obviously , it is my belief that each sychronicity in numbers and numbers are a message to and for me.

When I stopped looking at my phone, the sychronicities begun appearing in the e-mails I sent and received.

This was taking place daily without an exception.

When I stopped going to my e-mails , sychronicities in numbers appeared on this site and in general on sites visited.

To find my peace of my mind now a bit from this absolutely overwhelming bombardment with messages as it feels for me, I concluded that,

Someone in the spirit world and what can be seen is sending messages and trying to draw my attention to what is included in these messages.

My question is,

What is the point of someone receiving messages through sychronicities in numbers and numbers when they do not understand really what each number means?.

Having said this, my guess/assumption is that, if I did not believe that sychronicities in numbers did not constitute messages, maybe I would have never received any messages in this way.

More than this, not even notice or paid attention to them when they presented themselves to me, each time they did.

Have you ever experienced the receipt of sychronicities in numbers, every single day, more than a dozen maybe times per day and what it feels like a bombardment of sychronicities in numbers and more than a dozen times per day?.

Something that I wonder about is whether having no longer recollection of any of my dreams has anything to do with this overwhelming bombardment of sychronicities in numbers.

In conclusion, what I have, for now, is what I interpreted as a sign of messages sent from the invisible world and for which I want to know the context of them.

This leads me to my next and last question which is, where does another start in regards to these numbers?.

What sources?.

briam 30-11-2019 04:21 PM

Must Admit
I never used to beleave in this at one time schronicities it was all coincidence with till one day I was hoping to meet Gordon Smith the uks most accurate medium I started getting flashing numbers in my head then I'd see them on signs street or car number plates just before I pulled on to the motorway always when something important is going to happen at first I shrugged it off after a while I stopped be leaving in coincidence's

Sunshine111 30-11-2019 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by briam
I never used to beleave in this at one time schronicities it was all coincidence with till one day I was hoping to meet Gordon Smith the uks most accurate medium I started getting flashing numbers in my head then I'd see them on signs street or car number plates just before I pulled on to the motorway always when something important is going to happen at first I shrugged it off after a while I stopped be leaving in coincidence's

Hi Brian and thank you for your comment made as it shows on my screen at 1.21 pm...

That's in a way what took place in my case as well meaning that, I didn't pay any attention to them or consider these to have any significance until , I begun being bombarded by sychronicities in numbers.

What it seems to be the case, at least with me and what I've noticed is that, these are related to energy and flow of energy.

What I mean by this now is that, when my energy got disrupted by the receipt of negative energy from other person/s , the sychronicities in numbers during the day initially stopped only to begin much later in the afternoon, when I cleared off or begun to be clearing off completely this negativity or negative energy received.

I don't know if you noticed the same or something similar.

I don't believe in coincidences either, at least not any more and for a very long time now.

green1 01-12-2019 04:47 PM

Hi Sunshine, our soul (subconscious mind) is capable of perfect timing. You mentioned that you see these numbers on your phone, computer, etc. Your soul knows exactly what time it is (or how much time has passed since you last checked the time) and since you are interested in these numbers, it attracts your attention to your phone or computer where they happen. You mentioned that you see these numbers in the e-mails you send/receive. In my opinion, your subconscious cooperates with others to send you these e-mails at specific times that interest you. You also mentioned that when you stopped checking your e-mail, sychronicities in numbers appeared on this site and in general on sites visited. I believe that your subconscious attracts your attention to these numbers or it cooperates with others to show you these numbers since you are interested in them. The telepathic world can be very complicated.

Hope this helps.


Sunshine111 01-12-2019 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by green1
Hi Sunshine, our soul (subconscious mind) is capable of perfect timing. You mentioned that you see these numbers on your phone, computer, etc. Your soul knows exactly what time it is (or how much time has passed since you last checked the time) and since you are interested in these numbers, it attracts your attention to your phone or computer where they happen. You mentioned that you see these numbers in the e-mails you send/receive. In my opinion, your subconscious cooperates with others to send you these e-mails at specific times that interest you. You also mentioned that when you stopped checking your e-mail, sychronicities in numbers appeared on this site and in general on sites visited. I believe that your subconscious attracts your attention to these numbers or it cooperates with others to show you these numbers since you are interested in them. The telepathic world can be very complicated.

Hope this helps.


Hi Green1

You definitely do have a point for me there in regards to times/timing when another looks at the clock and have the expectation but, it really does not assign to all cases-generally speaking.

I will give two examples of this and my own case that I know and am aware of.

In regards to telepathy and in regards to my case that I also know, based on my experience there's no telepathic communication with any person unless there is a connection, preferably a bond with the specific person.

There was absolutely no way for telepathic communication with the specific person that, the messages=sychronicities in numbers , I realized that they were related to as well as situation with this person to occur.

Battery of phone running out, will be back for the examples.

Sunshine111 03-12-2019 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by green1
Hi Sunshine, our soul (subconscious mind) is capable of perfect timing. You mentioned that you see these numbers on your phone, computer, etc. Your soul knows exactly what time it is (or how much time has passed since you last checked the time) and since you are interested in these numbers, it attracts your attention to your phone or computer where they happen. You mentioned that you see these numbers in the e-mails you send/receive. In my opinion, your subconscious cooperates with others to send you these e-mails at specific times that interest you. You also mentioned that when you stopped checking your e-mail, sychronicities in numbers appeared on this site and in general on sites visited. I believe that your subconscious attracts your attention to these numbers or it cooperates with others to show you these numbers since you are interested in them. The telepathic world can be very complicated.

Hope this helps.


I find it very interesting that you consider the subconscious mind as the soul.

You mentioned the subconscious here that for you is the soul, that definitely gives more food for thought.

Anyway, just because the time, timing , expectation , subconscious and all the rest matters you mentioned here, I thought it's good to copy my response to your thread here as well.

First of all, I am not the type of person who wears a watch and looks at the time, all the time.

This doesn't mean that this and what you say doesn't take place by any other person/s.

If another finds themselves for example, at London bridge station and observes for 30 minutes, what another will see among others is, everyone without an exception looking at the time on their watch or phone or timetable.

What another will also observe when they focus on let us say just 10-15 minutes on about 12-15 people at a time is, all of them without an exception, looking at the time on their watch or phone or timetable again and again and all over again in less than 5 minutes, every 2-4 minutes this will take place by the exact and same persons they observed.

This was my observation having had to wait or having got myself stuck at London bridge station for a prolonged period of time and obviously, had nothing better to do with my time other than observe strangers who happened to find themselves at the same place as my person.

Or, there was a sychronicity in regards to place and time, another might say.

It is quite likely that some may have had a sychronicity in the numbers and if they were aware of sychronicities in numbers, they noticed this otherwise, they just brushed it off as completely irrelevant.

But, what you basically say is "you and all of you subconsciously set it all up, you expected and waiting to see a sychronicity in the numbers so, you kept looking at the time on your watch , your laptop, knowing subconsciously that the time is 3.33 or 5.55 or 2.22. Not only that, you were after this, looking for a sychronicity in numbers desperately and therefore, you attracted what you were looking for, wanted, wished, expected to find and you made it happen through the law of attraction, subconsciously and telepathically".

Sometimes, the subconscious is way too busy with so many tasks that it loses track of time. Same goes for the conscious.

Under normal circumstances, subconsciously , we do know about what time it is , if we keep track of the time and have already looked at the time once or at least, that is what I believe.

But in the case you mentioned, the subconscious becomes conscious.

For example, we wonder "what's the time?" =make the subconscious=time, and wondering what the time is , conscious.

At least, I, automatically, answer to this, "oh , it must 3 pm" and "let's me check and confirm" so, I check and confirm.

How on earth does the subconscious know that is 3.33 pm exactly when the last time they checked the time was, 8.30 am?.

Well, if another looks at the time frequently as the people observed at London bridge station, even in the case the checking of time is not so frequent most likely they will get a sychronicity, I believe.

But, what about those who are not interested in having sychronicities in numbers, do not know that these sychronicities in numbers take place , if they came up with a sychronicity or a few sychronicities, they just brushed them off and then, they suddenly begun not just being bombarded with sychronicities in numbers but, as in my case , even to wake up at a specific time let us say 1.11 a.m that, I have never woken up prior to this, never before at this time of hour at night.

How do you explain this unexpected bombardment of sychronicities in numbers to a person who knew nothing at all about them and even if they have taken place, they were not paying any attention to them, just brushing them off until, they could no longer be ignored?.

Is it possible your theory or explanations , you think, to include everyone and all cases of sychronicities in numbers or does it apply to only some and certain cases?.

Based on your theory, in the case that I call the taxi company and it says to me "number 777 will be coming over in 7 minutes" does this mean that , "my subconscious communicated telepathically with the phone operator and taxi driver and we arranged between us , 777 to come over in 7 minutes because I wanted to see and have the sychronicity in the number 7?.

Based on your theory or explanations, in the case that sychronicities in numbers do constitute in fact and reality, messages this is not to be considered/taken into consideration or of any value , this value and is completely unimportant the case of this may actually be a way of communication between what is seen and unseen, a bridge between the physical and spiritual, the visible and invisible in a way , meeting each other on the physical real and a union between the two.

JosephineB 04-12-2019 06:10 AM

Atm I think that they're pointers to help us. Also sometimes to reveal that there is something "other". Or to show that there is something other than this "material" world. And that's an amazing thing in itself, without any particular meaning or instruction behind it.

"It" can't do for us though, we have to do the work.

I'm trying to take more notice of what's on my mind at the time of receiving them.

Sunshine111 04-12-2019 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by JosephineBloggs
Atm I think that they're pointers to help us. Also sometimes to reveal that there is something "other". Or to show that there is something other than this "material" world. And that's an amazing thing in itself, without any particular meaning or instruction behind it.

"It" can't do for us though, we have to do the work.

I'm trying to take more notice of what's on my mind at the time of receiving them.

Hi Josephine and thank you for your response.

There's definitely "something other than this material world".

Kah-Len 06-12-2019 05:06 PM

Time or "true time" is actually frequency!

Every millisecond is a specific frequency in and of itself, so your progression throughout all ages this one and past ones all exist at the same time within their own radio frequency. A "time-line" or "eon" is a bandwidth in which all of those frequencies are broadcast and this broadcast is called the "akashic records." The multiverse is the multiple existences of many millions of simultaneous "time-lines" or "eons." Everything past, present and future are happening now simultaneously! You are living 2000 years ago right now in its own frequency or "slice of time"!

The Holy Spirit is the one who controls all instances within each and every "eon" and "frequency of time."Everything that happens, happens because it is preordained! It is about the progression of life toward the goal of self development and ascension! Seeing synchronicities in reality is actually given to us to show that our awareness is active and shows when we are on the right track. They are placed there as reminders that everything is happening as it should!

We grow and gain strength through our struggles in life. Does a weight lifter become strong by doing what is not at first painful and challenging?

I am the apostle Philip and would post pictures of me and the real Jhe'shua (Jesus) if this site would let me.

Anala 07-05-2020 11:56 AM

Yesterday I saw 3 number syncs at the same time. I just had to smile. I take it as a reminder to believe, to accept, to know I am not alone on this journey. Maybe even a high five that the changes I am making are good.

I did talk to my “unseen team” yesterday. I always end the chat with, “I would love a nice, tiny surprise.” And in that moment when I say those words, a smile simply radiates through me. It feels like my soul reachs out and gets filled with joy and love from the Divine Spirit. The most beautiful pure light. :smile: And I am ready for the day.

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