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Bluegreen 08-06-2011 11:38 AM

…and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
I would love to hear people’s thoughts about the following.

For years I thought that the universe, God/Light, was all there is until I came across the description of the Absolute, (also called the Void by others), in The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky.


It is "Be-ness" rather than Being (in Sanskrit, Sat), and is beyond all thought or speculation.

Years later I came across descriptions of the Void which resembled the description given by Theosophy.



The experience was terrifying to me as a child because the VOID had no actual form and as such was empty, yet paradoxically was so big as to be seemingly infinite (even though I couldn't conceptualize infinite at the time), hence my childhood perception that it was HUGE. But perhaps more disturbing to me as a child was that IT could not be defined in any terms of this reality in that it had no tangible presence even though I was intimately aware of its presence (a paradox). Thus, there was no sound, no sight, no taste, no smell, no feel and no emotion about it, and yet somehow I was fully aware of its presence. Because the VOID seemed to be everywhere yet paradoxically nowhere, there was nowhere for me as a child to hide from it, which was why I was so terrified of it. I might add IT never did anything to harm me; it appeared to be devoid of emotion and just seemed to be dispassionately observing me. (The quintessential dispassionate observer so to speak)

'A primordial emptiness of cosmic proportions and relevance' - Stanislav Grof

The following website also is interesting:



It was as if I'd emerged freshly made (complete with all the memories that constitute my personal identity) from a vast blackness that was somehow radiant, a kind of infinitely concentrated aliveness or pure consciousness that had no separation within it, and therefore no space or time.

Then there is the experience of Mellen-Thomas Benedict:



I was in the Void.

I was in pre-creation, before the Big Bang. I had crossed over the beginning of time/the First Word/the First vibration. I was in the Eye of Creation. I felt as if I was touching the Face of God. It was not a religious feeling. Simply I was at one with Absolute Life and Consciousness.
When I say that I could see or perceive forever, I mean that I could experience all of creation generating itself. It was without beginning and without end. That’s a mind expanding thought, isn’t it?

There are more sources but to quote them would make the post too long for people to even want to start reading it. As a matter of fact, it may be too long already.

Time 08-06-2011 12:16 PM

Hmmmmmmm, its an interesting thing....

We really know that the creation of one thing, inevitably creates the opposite ( equil and oppisite reaction right?) so if there is harmony, there will be chaos, light, dark etc....

I wouldnt say im skeptical towards lots of spirituality, id say its more of a cautious optimism. You have to keep an open mind, otherwise you miss so much good teachings and miss moving forward.

The "void" is one of the only spiritual things ive had some experience with. bear with me, i hope this isnt to long.....

I used to meditate all the time before bed. Id charge up my chakras, and just contemplate, and let my mind run free with no limitations.

One time, totaly uncalled for, i felt like i was being pulled by my shirt, backwards, like being pulled up. This is int he first person BTW.

I look down, and see my feet, and the ground and earth getting smaller, and smaller as I speed up. I look down, I see the planet, and then the moon. Going faster still, past mars, jupiter, some of our sattilites, past the band of energy, and out of the solar system, further and further out.

I passed stars, other planets and solar systems, then things started to get blurry, and more unreconizable. The next thing i know, im in a sort of cloud, a very hot stifling cloud, the energy made my hair stand up, and things were moving fast. IT was total chaos, absolute destruction, and unharmonious.

Moving faster now, the fastest yet, there was a sort of membraine, or energy feild i passed. I felt a tingling sensation, then...............

Nothing. No movement, no sound, no outward sensation ( other then my own), no light, sound, nothing. But the thing is, it was the msot calming, comferting feeling ive ever had, one of those moments when you know everything, because you forgot everything you know. Everything made sence, it felt like i knew everything, yet nothing.

Then i realized it wasnt nothing, but everything I was feeling. Then, at that second.. whooosh, even faster, im being pushed the way I came, then with a light jolt, I open my eyes, wondering what the hell i was on....

I cant explain it, or even begin to undersstand what it was, but ever since that ( a year or so ago), ive never been the same person...

Bluegreen 08-06-2011 12:36 PM

Time, what you experienced matches the description of the Void or pre-creation of other people, even children whose experiences are described by A****er. Unfortunately, I cannot find her article again. The Void has always fascinated me.


Originally Posted by Time
We really know that the creation of one thing, inevitably creates the opposite ( equil and oppisite reaction right?) so if there is harmony, there will be chaos, light, dark etc....

I agree. But, paraphrasing Casey a bit, this objective universe, this Creation, moves and has its being in the Void which is everything and nothing. The opposites you mention came into being, were objectified (is that a correct expression?), with Creation.

Time 08-06-2011 12:43 PM

Thanks BG, im still unsure what to call it, but void seems to fit. I think its almost like the "empty space" we hear about, which even though it seems empty, its anything but.

I guess we can say its a contradiction, nothing came from something, that created everything. Its the same thing as god/satan. God is "good" yet created "bad"....

Bluegreen 08-06-2011 12:48 PM

:redface: I did not Google the correct question. Here are the three types of Light described by P.M.H. A****er:


Primary Light Colorless
A pulsating presence or luminosity usually perceived as frighteningly awesome, a piercing power, raw essence; the origin of all origins.

Dark Light Pure black
A shimmering peaceful depth yet often usually perceived as "The with velvety Darkness That Knows," a source tinges of source of strength and knowing, dark purple sanctuary; the womb of creation.

Bright Light
The range of A brilliant radiance usually yellow-gold- perceived as an almost blinding white hues glow that emanates unconditional love, a warm inviting intelligence, union; the activity of Truth.
__________________________________________________ _____________

Each of these three lights is consistently referred to, regardless of person, age, or background, as more real than manifest light on earth and more powerful than any source humankind could harness - including the sun's rays and "zero-point" energy (the "stuff" of the universe; untapped electromagnetic energy).

Primary - God Light, Dark - Mother Light, Bright - Father Light.
http://<br /> <br /> Could they be...Subjective_Lig

LisaLisa 08-06-2011 12:53 PM

H.P. Blavatsky was an evil woman. Most dont' know much about her, but I do. A big time tool of satan. Hitler studied her works too, that was pretty much his start in his evil campaign to exterminate the jews God's chosen people.

Time 08-06-2011 12:56 PM

Lisa - Hitler aslo studied the bible, and was a great artist, but that doesnt mean that the bible is wholy evil, and same with art....

BG - now thats interesting..... The thing is too, when you mix to complementary colours in art, you create black....

LisaLisa 08-06-2011 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Time
Lisa - Hitler aslo studied the bible, and was a great artist, but that doesnt mean that the bible is wholy evil, and same with art....

BG - now thats interesting..... The thing is too, when you mix to complementary colours in art, you create black....

Do you know much about her? I do.

Bluegreen 08-06-2011 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by LisaLisa
H.P. Blavatsky was an evil woman. Most dont' know much about her, but I do. A big time tool of satan. Hitler studied her works too, that was pretty much his start in his evil campaign to exterminate the jews God's chosen people.

LisaLisa, I am beginning to feel sorry for you.

One of the things Blavatsky wrote, and I paraphrase: "A man will not enter Paradise unless at the hand of someone he has helped." But I guess that was Satan in disguise talking.

There is an excuse I have read: it was punishment of the Jews for crucifying Jesus. Not The Secret Doctrine, but the Bible.

Bluegreen 08-06-2011 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Time
BG - now thats interesting..... The thing is too, when you mix to complementary colours in art, you create black....

Ah, again, everything is connected...

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