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r6r6 25-05-2014 09:25 PM

On ABC news show this morning one guest pundit was saying, that, there is ole saying that, look at a nations prison system to how compassionate that nation is.

He wanted to add to that, look at how a nation treats its veterans to see how compassion etc they are.


StaroftheSea 26-05-2014 05:34 AM

It is interesting that at this time you have posted about the prison systems around the world R.

There currently is international project work to assist those people in prisons in countries that are living in poverty ie prisons that are in great need of reforms health/sanitary wise, meeting the needs of prisoners emotionally and spiritually, meeting the needs of prisoners to be released earlier, particularly for minor, or what I term, minor offences with lengthy sentences, such as theft, drug related use, supply of drugs, bank robberies where no-one has been hurt or murdered. Most prisons do have rehabilitation and educational programs in place for prisoners and to benefit them upon release, however, something needs to be done about the law sentencing regarding the outrageous lengthy sentences for minor crimes that have not taken peoples' lives.

After all, God is our judge at the end of the day. To persecute a person for 10 or 20 years for a mistake made when in their 20's or 30's who has endured a very rough start to Life, during their Childhood, and as a result made mistakes, often out of not being educated, nor being able to find a job, while suffering from some type of addiction, is cruel, to say the least.

To make you feel a bit better, this is one of my causes that is prayed in The Holy Rosary regularly ie for the prisoners themselves and their early releases while praying for the judicial systems throughout the world for God's Love and compassion triggering their consciences and the juries.

Kindest wishes

Baile 26-05-2014 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by r6r6r
look at how a nation treats its veterans to see how compassion etc they are.

Hi r6r6r. I grew up in an area of the country in which the Native American population is prominent. I've seen the hopelessness they live with all their lives as a result of the treatment they're received at the hands of a government which, at one point, was set on exterminating them. The country never dealt with the karma incurred during the "Indian war years." And like all things that don't get dealt with and get swept under the table, that karma is now cycling back and affecting veterans of the country's current international conflicts.

r6r6 26-05-2014 12:20 PM

Best Wishes

Originally Posted by StaroftheSea
To make you feel a bit better, this is one of my causes that is prayed in The Holy Rosary regularly ie for the prisoners themselves and their early releases while praying for the judicial systems throughout the world for God's Love and compassion triggering their consciences and the juries.
Kindest wishes

Best wishes and luck in your endeavors, projects and goals in that direction.


r6r6 26-05-2014 12:27 PM

Amecrican Indian > Prisoners > Veterans > Least Compassionate
Hi Baile, yeah, plight of american indians is definitl one of the saddest and least compassionate resultants of Europeans-- white humans ---coming to americas.

There are no gurranttees that humanity will not destroy themselves directly or via the ecological environment that sustains them. Most likely there will be much suffering and loss of life but some humans will survive what ever dark ages may be coming as a result of humanities actions. I dunno.



Originally Posted by Baile
Hi r6r6r. I grew up in an area of the country in which the Native American population is prominent. I've seen the hopelessness they live with all their lives as a result of the treatment they're received at the hands of a government which, at one point, was set on exterminating them. The country never dealt with the karma incurred during the "Indian war years." And like all things that don't get dealt with and get swept under the table, that karma is now cycling back and affecting veterans of the country's current international conflicts.

Baile 26-05-2014 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by r6r6r
There are no gurranttees that humanity will not destroy themselves directly or via the ecological environment that sustains them. Most likely there will be much suffering and loss of life but some humans will survive what ever dark ages may be coming as a result of humanities actions. I dunno.

I was a grade school teacher for years. Several of the male parents in the school were Vietnam vets. Two of them came and spoke to my class on a couple of occasions. I was more moved listening to them, than I was listening to any other visitors the class had over the years.

Having listened to those two men speak, I do not see the inner loss and desolation they personally described and related, as being a bad thing. Of course it's terrible that individuals have to live with these nightmarish memories, and struggle with the day-to-day reality and hardships of being a vet that society has forgotten. I believe humanity goes through these experiences, not because a dark age is coming, but in order to help transform the darkness of life today.

There are people in this world - vets are one group - who are making these sacrifices on behalf of the rest of us. They are the ones stepping up and actively assisting our collective evolution. That's how I see it. I'm not saying that's all we need to realize, and I have no political solutions to offer. But like all things, understanding is the starting point of all change.

r6r6 26-05-2014 03:37 PM

American Indian > Prisoners > Vets > Less and Less compassion

Originally Posted by Baile
But like all things, understanding is the starting point of all change.

I understand, that, what white humans did to the american indian was and is disgraceful in North and Central America.

I understand how ridiculus it is the huge financial costs it is, to incarcerate people as punishment for innoccus(?) and irrelevant crimes-- in some cases for a lifetime --only to have them come out more emotionally, pyschologically, financially disturbed than when they went in.


Philomath777 27-05-2014 06:26 PM

Prisons are a way for the negative energies to fester and grow. I despise all prisons as I personally believe they are here mainly to do what I stated.

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