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Unseeking Seeker 25-01-2020 02:57 AM


Deeper our emptiness
Richer the fulfilment
Lingering loving caress
We awake in enlivenment


Unseeking Seeker 03-02-2020 12:52 AM


Poignant pregnant silence
Of fullness in emptiness
Awareness convergence
In timeless rippleless stillness


Unseeking Seeker 08-02-2020 02:59 PM


What may be said
No bonds to shed
And yet
Though free of regret
We feel & see
The entreaty
Unspoken so potent
Magnifying our love quotient
Pastures beautiful we behold
Yet choose here to stand
To hold the hand
Of our twin flame
Reality or illusion all the same
All conquests null and void
If with bliss we be not overjoyed
Love we may not smother
Enablements we forsake
Waiting for our lover to awake
In timeless stillness
In our aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 10-02-2020 01:01 AM


Our co-creation
By divine resonation
Golden bliss mist
Empowered to assist
All our senses encounter
On streets & bar counters
Wherever thoughts reach
In silence we beseech
Divine love healing
To both dead & living
Distance no barrier
Space the carrier
Of our prayer
Words of a soothsayer
Desiring love alignment
Blissful contentment
No choice in our selection
In steering the reflection
Emanating from the source
Having omnipotent force
We as a humble conduit
Do simply reroute
The energised nectar
Life enabling elixir
To one & all
As of His call
The flow unceasing
As long as breathing
It matters not if we err
For divine love does stir

In all hearts


Unseeking Seeker 13-02-2020 01:13 AM


Just as we breathe
With effortless ease
Let our reflex instinct
Be empowered & distinct
Radiating love divine
Seeking to align
All who we touch by sight
With thought in fond delight
Both alive & dead
In books or on internet read
All with no exclusion
No discrimination
Equal joyful elation
In our constant meditation
Pure intent with but one aim
Awakening love in all the same
As vibrational alignment
With ॐ in bliss enlivenment

Thus moment to moment
Love outpouring omnipotent
As a mist of golden light
Heals & delights
All touched by mind & sentience
In pure childlike innocence
Just as no name we assign
To the sublime divine
Person by person layer by layer
We envelope in our prayer
Until the meditation
Becomes our flowing orientation
Moment to moment day & night
Outcomes any our transmission bright
As the singular absolute vibration
ॐ with which we are in resonation

Self illuminating divine entwined radiance
Each in aloneness reclaiming luminescence


Unseeking Seeker 18-02-2020 10:02 AM


Alone we set out upon our quest
Fragmented thoughts laid to rest
Dynamic stillness in bliss & silence
Magnetism felt by inner sentience
Attention poised in quiet alertness
Unexpectant in agendalessness
Akin to a finely tuned radio station
Osmotically imbibing joyous elation
A loving gift from the sublime divine
All we do is in acceptance align
The thus becoming a blossoming
In sync with ॐ within reverberating

Such is our stillness
In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 20-02-2020 01:15 AM


Subtle pranic fragrance
Cognised by inner sentience
As is the inner sound current
Ever present
Bliss & silence as magnetism rising
Each pulse in renewal delighting
Heart outpouring
Love all embracing
Resting thus in quiet contentment
Recognising prior soul agreements
Empowered yet choosing to pause
The cause
Of co-creation
In flowing stillness bubbling in elation
Mindful not to create a ripple in space
Leaving all doings to divine grace
We are and we be
In an unbroken continuity

Unbound & free


Nowayout 20-02-2020 02:39 AM

Amen, my friend in spirit.

Unseeking Seeker 20-02-2020 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Nowayout
Amen, my friend in spirit.


Welcome to my parlour
Take a chair and savour
Elixir of blissful flavour


Unseeking Seeker 24-02-2020 12:42 PM


Fearlessly walks innocence
On the edge of a precipice
In form bursting bliss
Of consciousness
Purity & porosity
Enables continuity
Of the pulse divine
Love does assign

Focused attention
Without oscillation
Resolute fortitude
Amplifying magnitude
Of bliss electricity
As a singularity
Of our being witnessing
Beauteous blossoming

As the divine draws near
We alone hear
Our silent scream of delight
As bliss within does ignite
Each lifetron simultaneously
Rapture renewing continuously
Mind & body thus vaporise
To embrace surprise after surprise

Give it any name
But we are no longer the same


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