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MHz045 26-06-2018 04:12 PM

Praying to Odin Loki and Thor. Experiences?
I just started praying to these gods and was wondering if anyone else have advise or input on these deities.

Melahin 26-06-2018 10:39 PM

I have more experiences with Baldr and Idunn. I know that people report that Loki like to test people with all kinds of tricks. yet if you win his favor that he is very generous. I find that sometimes Odin can be a bit tough on the outside, though wise and gentle on the inside. Not sure about Thor, the myth says he can be a bit of a hothead :wink: At the end I guess it comes down to what you want from them. but if you show respect, and listen to what they have to offer... I am sure everything will be fine :smile:

Howla Dark 09-07-2018 10:24 AM

I don't pray to the gods. Praying is a thing people of Christian faith do.

Ashur 01-02-2019 12:04 AM

The Allfather is wisdom and sacrifice. It pleases him when you deal justice in his name and make rational decisions that put other's wellbeing before yours. Pursuing knowledge and the betterment of ones' self before seeking material gains will help you gain his favour.

Thor, on the other hand, is a force of nature. A headstrong warrior, he will take note of you if you dedicate personal victories to him (not necessarily in combat, but those would please him the most). Another aspect of Thor is fertility - make life, protect life and you may earn his blessings.

While I'm unaware of any particular rituals to honour these Old Ones, I know for a fact they smile upon those who raise a drink and toast in their name.

Dargor 01-02-2019 11:40 AM

Why including Loki though? He's the god of mischief whereas Thor is the protector of mankind.

mundbora 08-02-2019 12:55 PM

Do not pray to these gods, they don't care. Honour them, sacrifice to them, remember them, they are aspects of yourself and care nothing for the Bended knee of worshippers.

Hologram8 30-06-2020 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by SlayerOfLight
Why including Loki though? He's the god of mischief whereas Thor is the protector of mankind.

I think Odin is good - I think I used to be thor - I think I have become Odin in a lucid dream -

Thor definitely has reason to be hot headed ---Truly, he is glorious and great who held his tongue in anger.

If loki is compared to satan in christianity and he is a trickster - I don't care to know him

you can go to etsy.com and search norse gods - you will find their statues

Hologram8 07-07-2020 06:12 PM

someone said on another forum not to look to the old gods because there are ever evolving new ones at the present

Santson 12-08-2020 06:53 PM

If Odin decides you are ready for the spiritual path he will not go easy on you, he will violate you.

WhiteWarrior 24-08-2020 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by MHz045
I just started praying to these gods and was wondering if anyone else have advise or input on these deities.

Odin is a good and strong being. By Norse faith he is a cunning leader, a poet and a wizard, and represent many good values. Those who respect Odin respect leadership, wisdom, creativity, and the search for knowledge. If you pray to him, he will listen, and maybe give advice or even teach.

Thor is also a good and strong being. He is a protector and a warrior, performs his duties and will give it all when and if he need to. If you pray to him, he will listen and maybe give you strength.

Loke is different. He likes power, he likes tricks, he has questionable morals. He certainly has cunning. I pause to call him evil because he rarely thinks too much about the consequences of his actions. He is a charming scoundrel which gets him forgiven maybe more often than he deserves. I understand why he exists and the other deities allow him to, because the world needs a little chaos or it would eventually lose the ability to feel what is good. There is no way I'd pray to him or listen to his advice.

There are also other Norse deities which you might consider. Heimdall and Njord are both strong protectors. Freyr is the deity of bountiful nature and I more than suspect she calls more than one set of deities her home. The norns, the spinners of fates, have a massive spiritual significance. And then there is Yggdrasil, the eternal world tree, which keeps all the memories and stretches within the material and the spiritual worlds and holds it all together.

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