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ImthatIm 21-02-2022 01:53 AM

The Kwakiutl People(6:41 mins.)

ImthatIm 21-03-2022 01:25 PM

I just want to bring attention to the Altai peoples.

Anala 26-03-2022 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by ImthatIm
I just want to bring attention to the Altai peoples.

ImthatIm, such balance with nature. Thank you for sharing the video.:smile:

ImthatIm 28-03-2022 11:29 AM

Remembering the Ainu people the indigenous people of Japan.

ImthatIm 22-04-2022 04:46 PM

Remembering our friend and relative, Quiltman (RIP)
You always had a kind word and a welcoming smile when we would visit.

Honor song
vid. 3:51 mins.

Native spirit 03-05-2022 07:54 PM

Beautiful I loved it


BigJohn 05-05-2022 07:03 AM

Where I live, was once the home of the Sobaipuri people. The local Native Americans, for the most part, have no idea who these people were. The locals are surprised that those people were involved in building the first and second mission in this area. They are more surprised when I claim they might be Sobaipuri. They claim that is not true but then change their minds after I show them the best book they have in their store for sell on the subject verifies what I had told them.

ImthatIm 05-05-2022 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by BigJohn
Where I live, was once the home of the Sobaipuri people. The local Native Americans, for the most part, have no idea who these people were.

I have not heard of them.
Though, there is lots I do not know:biggrin: , thanks for the info BigJohn.

Here is a bit of info i dug up from the interwebs.
They were/are river people and were/are a sub group of the Pima.
Also here is a 6:39 min. vid. to get to know the Spotted people and Rabbit eaters.

ImthatIm 25-05-2022 12:45 PM

Thank You Song

ImthatIm 13-06-2022 12:46 AM

My Relatives
Pray hard and Brave up and develop your Spiritual Gifts,
the times are in need of Earth People to Rise and come together and repair the Sacred Hoop of Life.
When you Rise and feel strong then reach down and pull others up alongside you.
Share your Gifts of talent and Love and use Wisdom.
Love one another and see through eyes of Gentleness.
Lose your doubt, for the Creator of the Universe has made you a Loving caring Spirit to walk this Earth Path and your time is NOW.
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin
Hecheto welo

I have spoken.
Wakiyan Wicasa (ThunderBeing Man)

Grandfather LOUD CROW

Anala 13-06-2022 05:05 AM

This may be off topic, but here goes.

I found Sweetgrass in my garden last summer! So, this year I wanted to make sure I harvested a bit and made braids. Tonight my son helped me braid the sweet grass as we talked. I will hold this memory in my heart and smile, as we send him back to university.

There is a beautiful new ease as he realizes himself. :smile:

Native spirit 13-06-2022 09:25 AM

That's cool something to remember and hold on to


ImthatIm 13-06-2022 10:56 AM

That is some very beautiful Medicine.
I am sure he will carry that strength of Love with him.

Anala 25-06-2022 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by ImthatIm
That is some very beautiful Medicine.
I am sure he will carry that strength of Love with him.

I am sure he will too. Thanks Native and ImthatIm! :smile:

He has taught me so much the last two years. Time to send him back into the world to change it.

eezi-ulgen 15-12-2022 09:19 PM

Hello again,
Fist off I say again because, I am the originator of this thread that I started under the name ImthatIm.

I am not interested in getting into the name switch since it really isn't important.
I also won't shy away from any inquiring questions about it.

Drums and their importance is the topic I would like to bring about.
I recently have finished my second hand drum.
This project started with a relative bringing a deer to us to be processed about 2 years ago.
So I put a lot of time and energy and essence in bringing this drum to Life.
Skinning, drying,scraping and then dehairing and then of course stretching the hide over the frame.
The stretching I had to do twice since I was not happy with the first stretch.
I intend this drum to be taken into a Inipi purification sweat lodge, so it has to not loosen in wet conditions.

Anywho, here is 3 sentences that explains a bit of the benefits of a hand drum and using it.

Drumming induces deep relaxation, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress. Moreover, drumming promotes the production of endorphins, the body's own morphine-like painkillers, and can help control pain and those suffering grief. Drumming and rhythm are powerful tools as they permeate the entire brain.

Since drumming and singing have been a huge part of my practice, for some 30+ years I would just like to write about some of the drums importance.
First building a relationship with your drum is important.
Becoming one with the drum is a goal, so that with your drumming and singing your vibrations and energies begin to flow.
This can provide all manner of healing stagnant energies and even trauma if you can connect deep enough.
Alright, I have said enough for now and will no doubt continue some more on the drum since I am going through this new drum experience.

eezi-ulgen 15-12-2022 11:32 PM

Here is one of the best examples I can find on youtube that portrays a person being comfortable and one with their drum and songs.

Pete Catches Sr.
song starts @ 0:55 seconds to 3:41 mins.

RIP Pete: Petaga Yuha Mani (He Walks With Hot Coals)

eezi-ulgen 16-12-2022 01:13 AM

Nice little video I found that talks about Blessing your drum.
I have done it differently but similar, it's all good.

Native spirit 16-12-2022 01:16 PM

I will watch them later its Lovely to see you back


eezi-ulgen 16-12-2022 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
I will watch them later its Lovely to see you back


Thank you Native.

eezi-ulgen 17-12-2022 04:01 PM

A feel good hand drum song from a 9 year old.

2 mins.

eezi-ulgen 18-12-2022 03:43 AM

Native spirit,
A little video on Iktomi the Spider or Grandmother Spider.
The vid. is packed full of Lakota oriented information.

11 11 Unci Iktomi 9:22 mins. long

eezi-ulgen 23-12-2022 11:42 AM

Here is a little picture and webpage that is talking about one of the people that touched and played a big role in my life.
Also the topic of the drum.I don't agree with all that is on the page but I do agree with most I read.

Aupmanyav 23-12-2022 02:29 PM

Like all things pagan, and am proud of that, including my religion, Hinduism, a mix of the religion of steppe herders and indigenous Indians.

eezi-ulgen 03-01-2023 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Aupmanyav
Like all things pagan, and am proud of that, including my religion, Hinduism, a mix of the religion of steppe herders and indigenous Indians.

Welcome, I have researched some of the steppe peoples and I assume you are indigenous Indian from India.:smile: NICE.

Redchic12 04-01-2023 10:05 AM

Re. Native Spirit
Luv the video of Spider Woman. Thanks!

Also thanks Eezi I real good read.

eezi-ulgen 04-01-2023 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Redchic12
Luv the video of Spider Woman. Thanks!

Also thanks Eezi I real good read.

Good to hear and and thanks for your kind words.
This Native leader was hard for me to listen to, since he throws a huge amount of information out and my brain can't catch it all,
but then there is a peace in catching only what you need, sometimes.:smile:

Anywho, for those that may find it interesting here are more spider teachings from Chief Golden light Eagle.
This first vid. is a portion of a larger teaching which I will also leave below.


12:12 Message from Chief Golden Light Eagle - Grandmother Star Spider - Ceremony of Remembrance 15 minute video

The larger teaching from Chief Golden Light Eagle (RIP)

12:12 | The Way of the Sacred Spider | Chief Golden Light Eagle 1hr. 30 mins. video


eezi-ulgen 04-01-2023 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by eezi-ulgen
This Native leader was hard for me to listen to, since he throws a huge amount of information out and my brain can't catch it all,

I felt compelled to add that I don't endorse this elder or would I since his teachings are also very newagey for me.
With that said there just is not that much teachings on spider Medicine on the Google machine that I can find and share.
Though I don't mind pondering what other people have say in their own way.
So I don't mind sharing others words and opinions.

eezi-ulgen 06-01-2023 04:08 PM

2 Iktomi (Spider ) songs
Lakota Lodge Songs Spider Nation Honoring Song, (Ik to Oyate Wan)

Spiritual Spider Song

eezi-ulgen 06-01-2023 04:40 PM

In Remembrance of a friend connected with Good times when youth walked along the Path within me.
John TRUdell "Heart taker"

Native spirit 06-01-2023 08:37 PM

I have watched a few of his videos but i have to say the one that Resonates with me is Becoming Human.


Redchic12 07-01-2023 01:03 PM

Just watched the video of John Trundell “Becoming Human” and absolutely loved it. Thanks for that Native Spirit.

Just love this guy.

eezi-ulgen 07-01-2023 02:59 PM

Becoming human is a good talk by John.

Here is my favorite song from my favorite album of his.
The drum, Johns poetry and my wife's cousin Milton (AKA Quitlman) singing.
We've traveled many miles to this album, going from Rez to Rez and Ceremony to Ceremony.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HiuUfecumk&list=PLxabnVY97eqrjFnSyZuhIAyp SRFFV10Zv&index=10

Redchic12 07-01-2023 04:36 PM

Re Eezi
Just listened to that Eezi. Beautiful!!!!

I bought a great cd when I was over there a few years and I just loved it but it got lost somewhere on one of my moves. I think it was called Broule or something like that. What a gorgeous Native American man the singer was lol

eezi-ulgen 07-01-2023 07:48 PM

Is it maybe this group Brule or Brule Airo???

It looks to me like Brule merged with Airo to become Brule Airo.

Native spirit 07-01-2023 08:53 PM

I love it it really touched me


Redchic12 08-01-2023 10:09 AM

Yeah Eezi that was the band Brûlé. I’ve just listened to the one you posted that is also good. I loved it when he started talking in his own language. Beautiful voice!

Redchic12 08-01-2023 10:32 AM

I was told about this band a few years ago when I was over there. They were really popular. We played it in our car the whole trip. My friend and I had a fabulous time with some Native Americans.

We hired a car and drove east to west across the prairies and ended up at Bear Butte. Then camped at the foot of the mountain for a few days. A place were not many tourists go and We sat around a camp fire each night with some other people, mostly native Americans whilst Ralph Red Fox (I think that was his name) told us stories about his people and his experiences. It was awesome! He Also took us up the mountain to do ceremony.

Can’t believe the size of the Bison out there. They are absolutely humongous!!!

Also visited the place where they are creating a carving out of the mountain of crazy horse. Brilliant. Do you know if that’s finished yet.

Lovely memories. Just thought ide share them for anyone interested.

eezi-ulgen 08-01-2023 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Redchic12
We hired a car and drove east to west across the prairies and ended up at Bear Butte. Then camped at the foot of the mountain for a few days.

Cool, glad I could help with Brule.(now you can youtube them whenever you want:wink: )
Crazy horse statue. No it is not finished.

Bear Butte. I know it well.I have spent many days over a few years a month at a time during Vision Questing season (June)at that
Sacred place keeping Fire to help out people do vision quest and vision quested there myself back in the 90s.
I believe all/most of the Medicine men I have known and helped through the years have received their Power and Visions there.
Civilisation is closing in on that Sacred Butte now, it hurts my Heart.
The "progress" all comes from the Sturgis Motorcycle rally so it is geared toward drinking
and wild behavior which seems a bit sacrilegious to me.

Bison are majestic and strong.
Maybe a Bison song is in order.

Well, I did find the Tanaka Oyate singers so I'll share that.(Buffalo Nation singers)

eezi-ulgen 08-01-2023 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Redchic12
A place were not many tourists go and We sat around a camp fire each night with some other people, mostly native Americans whilst Ralph Red Fox (I think that was his name) told us stories about his people and his experiences.

I don't mean to get all up in your business but is this him??

If so, He is a sweet Humble man that carries much Wisdom in His words.

sky 08-01-2023 07:34 PM

I have a CD called ' One Nature ', my fav: track is Morning Star, I can actually feel vibrations inside while listening to it, it's beautiful :smile:

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