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Unseeking Seeker 09-11-2021 07:28 AM

Leave me alone

Ah! From the centreless fulcrum
I graze and caress each sensation
At play to the cadence of love rhythm
Renewal continual without cessation
Each node within bliss sensorium
Melding with the Ohm reverberation
Dance beauteous within my body prism
Polarities union heart’s celebration
Swaying to the breath pendulum
Seduction in gyrating slow motion

As both seen and unseen appear by turn
Essence of presence looks on in wonder
Magnetic currents bestow bliss burn
In resonance with the soundless thunder
Vaporised self has no niche for vibes stern
Disallowing cravings that would plunder
Subtle pulsations divine, I do discern
Mindful that no hearts be left asunder
Save love, all else false, life lesson I learn
Ensconced in bliss, purified heart tender

Vibrant exuberance is mine when alone
Nectar sublime does joy fragrance exude
The source, scriptures say is the pineal cone
So I wish not to be rude but prefer solitude
Imprints of love divine, etched in stone
Are ingrained in timeless time by fortitude
God bestowed benedictions we each do own
Radiating aura of splendorous beatitude
Thus mundane chatter, a noisy drone
Call it what you will; aloneness my attitude

Unseeking Seeker 12-11-2021 04:56 AM


Moment by moment, as life does unfold
We find mind not fully immersed therein
Assigning meaning to what we behold
Diffusing vibrations grazing our skin

What we call waking, being grossest state
The light of awareness, here too flickers
During sleep, senses rested, we gyrate
Responses both instinctive and weaker

Subtlest state of deep sleep, oblivion
We feel rested but know not what transpired
Steady attention, distant horizon
For ego, it seems, has us all hard wired

Let us begin then, with the waking state
Choosing, if need be, to endlessly wait

Unseeking Seeker 14-11-2021 02:42 PM

Simply looking

Simply looking, in childlike wonderment
Thought forms rested, flowing in contentment
Imbibing currents within us wafting
Feeling heightened rapture scintillating
Abiding in our native element

Save soul essence, there is no one present
Ego vaporised, granting heart consent
Awareness self-aware, gently flowing
Simply looking

Mode acceptant, aura luminescent
Effortlessness ensuring soul ascent
Mind-body humble, goes on receiving
Benedictions divine, enlivening
Bathing in bliss fountain effervescent
Simply looking


Legrand 14-11-2021 02:53 PM

Simply looking
Until there is only
Simply Being...

Unseeking Seeker 14-11-2021 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Legrand
Simply looking
Until there is only
Simply Being...

Touché ! :smile:

Unseeking Seeker 16-11-2021 12:52 PM


takes two
to tango,
thus orbiting
each other in space,
in a dance beauteous,
a teasing slow seduction,
of union and separation,
culminating in thunderous bliss;
ignition renewal continual!

The journey from root to crown a yearning,
of love in love with love entwining,
overcoming stiff resistance,
renouncing fears and desires,
for which lower mind rests,
allowing our heart
to pave the way
to reclaim

Unseeking Seeker 19-11-2021 06:57 AM

Greed a vampire

Greed a vampire, we chose to feed
Desire addiction, we did breed
It has shrouded, light of our soul
How then to redeem, our misdeed

We’ve strayed away from our life role
Heart cries out, wishing to be whole
Frankenstein feeds off our life force
Pushing us into a dark hole

We now stand still, filled with remorse
Negating feral thought forms coarse
End commotion, by cessation
Heeding not vampire, shouting hoarse

Silence, our orientation
Endless, vibrant meditation
Fear falls away, we cease to sway
Flowing thus in jubilation

Bright blue skies replace, dark clouds grey
Divine love and light, our mainstay
Ceasing to size, we vaporise
Day and night, to God’s glory pray


Unseeking Seeker 23-11-2021 02:34 AM

Soft subtle whispers

love whispers, heart listens
joy capers, face glistens

luminous soul revealed
we’re whole, nothing concealed

form and formlessness merge
oneness enables bliss surge

Unseeking Seeker 25-11-2021 03:54 AM

Say it like it is

Slipping into splendour of bliss
Uncluttered mind, free of duress
Fontanel brightens, joy heightens
Held in divine entwined caress
Load upon vibrant heart lightens


Unseeking Seeker 28-11-2021 05:22 AM

Monk mode

Offered wealth, so it was taken
By he who had love forsaken
Matters little, for all are one
Awaking when soul is shaken

No battles remain to be won
Since ego has now come undone
All heart feels, is bliss current purr
Igniting form, like yonder sun

To God within, prayer murmur
Nodes slowly stir and chakras whir
Dwelling in the void, by love buoyed
Become bliss as boundaries blur


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