Ineffable bliss
Slow, subtle, osmotic penetration; a benediction of divine origin enlivens all nodes within, as rapture of bliss ignition, pulsating in fullness day and night, teleporting us to heightened delight. This tease divine, a caress unending: the current a purring explosion. As we open our heart in trust, bliss intensity does rise to form bursting level: climax without end, beyond measure, thus peaking, filling us. Poetry form: Etheree |
The dark void
Thoughts quiet, attention slowly softened, in meditation, ego urges recede: our will to divine we cede. We melt into the vibrant void of no-thingness, dark and undefined. Awareness alone is, as formless self. Devoid of senses as also the light, we feel that we will soon be insane. One in the dark void of oneness, we hear someone call our name! Gods voice, telepathic, welcomes us back home! We thus comforted, now at peace in the void. |
Open secret none can ferret
The sudden happening, form transcending; consciousness expands, encompassing all space, as our formless awareness merges into the That oneness. Doubts fade as we become the answer, no longer requiring a translator. Upon descent back into mind body, although we find ourself again bound, we return with a clear knowing, of Self within self now found. This truth valid for us and for us alone. We cannot share; for unknown, is now known. |
Quest for joy eternal, begins within in contemplation, then still meditation, melting into no-thingness whereupon we be to become, the very essence of love supreme, vibrant in aliveness within this dream. All that that comes and goes, being not real, we witness the movie being played, engaging without stagnating. Our emptiness magnetic draws in the elixir, of divine sublime. The bliss current throbs within without end. |
Inner guidance
look not outwards, oh hermit! for I Am within, judging neither fault nor merit! you can do no wrong! come! let us sing the love song! ************************ As one with oneness Never ever separated Pulsating with joy In unending renewal Climax unending Bliss ineffable In rapturous singularity We are complete With God one Nothing to be done Samadhi In continuity God wishing that we Become as He Immerses us in duality To face adversity By being veiled Which is the same As shrouded in darkness Cloaked by limitation Of time, space & wisdom Doing so with this assurance That He will be with us within As our conscience The sublime radiance of God Shines in beauteous hues of love Prismatically coloured As bubbling joy Impetuous empathy All encompassing compassion Bliss ignition in continuity Encased in the vibrant void Of pristine purity All holographically present In all sentient beings As His essence It is easy to see That nothing need be done For we are already With God one Yet since we are bound Required to strive To garner experience Feel pain of separation Before delighting in union Love in love with love Pining for itself We are granted free will Free will a boon Soon becomes bane Since freedom to choose As co-creator of life What is our excuse If engaging in strife Having forgotten our origin We seek expansion In the narrow domain Of ego cravings Holistic view, no judgment Delusion is but misalignment The void of silence Which is our home Wherefrom we arose We go in there After exhausting ourselves In the external world Of fleeting illusions Dark fears Unending desires Thus in stillness We reclaim our divinity Felt as blissful serenity The way to begin Is to cease grasping Quit stagnating Desist from attachment By simply flowing In gentleness Listening to the voice Of our conscience Which is God Himself Waiting within For us To awake |
Soul in 2020
“the bubble imaginary has burst awakening within another thirst” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lost and found column bold ‘where is my soul Reward for finder, if he finds his own soul before mine! This is no drill!’ We are serious! Please believe! Lost in the maze, we now stand alone. This year, numbed with fear, something fell away! Fret not, devout hermit! We are safe here! Having lost ego, we have gained self! This year, we have discovered God, shining within, in the heart! Looking death in the eye, we are now fearless! No desires left, we are free, vibrant love! |
Aspect allowing
That that was hitherto hidden from us, in time is revealed. The ego impatient, as a doer, interferes, impeding flow of the current, thereby delaying our soul progress. The path clear: we must vaporise ego! Unable to use mind to transcend mind. we melt into the void of stillness, going within in quietude; in tranquil joy solitude. No one here resident, save child innocent, unresistant, allowing bliss to flow. |
Love in love with love
The welcome mat is laid! Please do come in, beseeches our heart! Let us entwine in bliss! Delay no longer, my friend! Separate, we are incomplete; whilst unified in love we do shine in the radiance of the light divine! Listen oh hermit, to this entreaty! Waste not gift of life in delusion. The outer world holds no value. Go in! Go in! Go in, now! Love in love is calling! Feel the throb of bliss within the heart, in each breath, calling us! |
Unfettered awareness
Doubt contracts our being, as also fears and ego desires, in realm of illusions, thereby stifling aliveness, anchoring us in stagnation, making us captive to lower mind, enmeshed in dark swamplands of delusion. Doubts, borne of urges, rooted in doership, we surrender instrument of thought, resting in awareness alone, uncaring of all outcomes, content in blissful peace, in the here and now, as a witness, delighted in the play. |
Burning desire
Heart yearning to entwine with the divine, makes love the object, with self as the subject, burning yearning as the means, for connecting by thus merging. Love in love with love for love alone, transmutes mind body in a sea of bliss. Path pathless, begins and ends at the heart, seed of consciousness, where desire starts. Feeling incomplete, we begin, first in the outer domain, then in silence, within. Our form magnetised, as bliss does seep; no longer do we seek. |
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