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Unseeking Seeker 03-09-2019 05:35 AM


Our impulsively shared excitement
met by looks of astonished bewilderment
since the enchanting Divine fragrance elixirous
and the tingling uplifting magnetism within beauteous
the renewal of climaxing ecstatic explosion in continuation
as Love outpouring ceaselessly in bubbling elation ...

are endowments that cannot be transmitted being subtle flavours
that each recipient of Divine grace alone in rapture may savour


Unseeking Seeker 09-09-2019 05:59 PM


root to crown an empty hollow central funnel
ethereal implants along the spinal channel
the rod of initiation magnetically charged & alive
nectar divine pouring unceasingly from the hive
unabating ineffable bliss thus in renewal
ignition within as heightened ecstasy continual

an open secret we exuberantly share with all in innocence
yet which may be known to each only in their aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 19-09-2019 03:54 PM


Flooded with opportunity
In sharing love with humanity
Woe that we take this for granted
Standing alone by fears haunted


Unseeking Seeker 23-09-2019 03:36 AM


As our breath & heartbeat align with The primal Aum vibration
Of all lower urgings and judgments there comes about cessation
Consciousness gently pulsating & flowing in blissful completeness
Self existent awareness alone shining as the immaculate witness

Our empty form now becoming a vibrant void with senses rotated
Likewise for thought with polarities viewed and ego cravings rested
We are & we be the magnetised space with form as our reflection
Interconnected with all we ceaselessly outpour loving compassion

We see with spherical clarity
Beneath seeming outer turbidity
Within all their pristine divinity
Connected at the heart with entirety

Realisations in aloneness
Bliss arising from stillness
Manifesting as innocence
Renewal in continuance


Unseeking Seeker 28-09-2019 02:11 PM


Looking inwards from a coordinate in space
We see our reflection as our glowing face
Our awareness centreless ever present with ॐ
Both in form & formlessness we are at home

Cognised by each of us when alone


Nowayout 28-09-2019 02:23 PM

Yes the center, where is it?

Life can bring us to our knees. People have helped me up, get on with it they say. Oh, how hard life can be.

My son needs me more than some

My son is my angel

My son is a savior of me.

Unseeking Seeker 28-09-2019 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Nowayout
Yes the center, where is it?

Life can bring us to our knees. People have helped me up, get on with it they say. Oh, how hard life can be.

My son needs me more than some

My son is my angel

My son is a savior of me.


True it is what you say
Life’s challenges make us sway
And yet centred at the heart in stillness
We flow in continuance as the silent witness

Experiential data empirical
Shows that nothing is predictable
So why not surrender in innocence
Imbibing the elixirous divine fragrance



Unseeking Seeker 02-10-2019 05:40 PM


Silencing the outer din
Going in deep within
In stillness we enter
Into our heart centre
Vibrant void of blackness
Of seeming emptiness
No meditator meditating
So nothing disconcerting
In the eerie silence
We be still in innocence
To feel The ॐ vibration
The source of all creation
Then if it be our time
We see the Divine sublime
Face to face
Solely by His grace

Boundless blessings of blissfulness
Showered upon us in our aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 09-10-2019 05:58 AM


Alone we seek
In innocence meek
Devoid of resistance
In sync with the dance
Of The ॐ beat
That soundlessly repeats
As our renewal does begin
As magnetism pulsating
All lifetrons enlivening
In so being & becoming
We witness our blossoming
In a continuum of stillness
Of our euphoric aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 15-10-2019 03:03 PM


‘Brahman both within and without’
Is not this statement rooted in doubt ...
For boundaries are loosely defined
Implying that coordinates are assigned
By the mind
We thought we had left behind
Sense of identity pursues as ego suggestion
Both in manifestation and non-manifestation
Thought reflection
Our limitation
Whilst pristine presence of childlike innocence
Flows smoothly without any resistance
No anticipation
In our meditation
Stilling the stillness now let stillness still our being
Our resistanceless consciousness slowly blossoming
This game of reclaiming connectedness with oneness
Played out by each of us in stillness of our aloneness

In silence


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