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Light lady 01-09-2016 08:24 AM

Beaten and coughing up blood?
Morning all,
I don't usually remember my dreams, but I had quite a clear dream last night. I had been beaten and I was bruises on my torso mainly, I was looking for something, I think there was a boat, then I was coughing up blood...
Does anyone have any idea what this might mean?
Thanks in advance.

H:O:R:A:C:E 01-09-2016 10:02 AM

on the surface of it, things seem "bad" in the dream...
but i'm thinking it's a "positive" story in there.
the beating(s) had taken place prior ~ this is like the trials
of life that you've already undergone. you still bear the
bruises (but bruises fade, unlike scars).
you're looking for something, and find a boat ~ this is
indicating a journey of some kind is due
[for some reason i feel that other people are involved with that].
coughing up blood may be suggesting that you will provide
"lifeblood", through the words/stories you may share ~ your tales
[of the prior trials? to the unseen others?] could inspire and imbue life essence.

Light lady 01-09-2016 10:29 AM

Oooh, interesting, more positive than I thought then maybe?
Thanks ��

Michelle11 01-09-2016 11:56 AM

You may have a history of beating yourself up causing you to lose a bit of your energy become a bit down or even depressed. So you want to search for a boat to learn how to navigate your emotions safely without the need to tear yourself apart, something spirit never sees as helpful or necessary. Try to be more gentle with yourself. If you are around others who beat you up emotionally work towards making a stand and setting boundaries with how they treat you. You don't deserve to be treated that way physically or emotionally.

Light lady 01-09-2016 12:11 PM

No. It's me, you are spot on! Hmm, lots of food for thought, and interesting in terms of my journey of enlightenment. Thanks ��!

Michelle11 01-09-2016 01:28 PM

Some more food for thought. The idea that you need to be enlightened may be keeping you in a space of seeing yourself as less than. I had this whole idea if I could just become evolved all my emotional pain would go away and all it did was make me feel bad about myself for not being evolved. The only way out was through. I had to confront my dark feelings to be able to turn the lies I bought into around. Enlightenment is really just seeing things from the light of truth. But it can get confused with becoming evolved which can turn into a quest to become perfect. We are mainly here to clear out the garbage thoughts we picked up along the way that cause us to think we are bad when we are pure at heart regardless of our trespasses. The only thing about you that needs to be fixed is the idea that you need to be fixed. We don't need to be fixed we just need to clear away the thoughts that keep us feeling bad about ourselves. Hugs.

Light lady 01-09-2016 05:42 PM

Thanks Michelle, you are completely right, it's hard though to undo a lifetime of conditioning. I'm getting there tho....

SerpentSun 01-09-2016 07:14 PM

I think I know what you mean by "conditioning". Wish I could give more insight, but I have enough trouble escaping my dream fires haha. Peace be with you.

Light lady 01-09-2016 07:31 PM

Thank you SS. Peace and love to you too. Xx

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