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AlignedWithTheHeart 07-02-2024 04:09 PM

How do people in wars not rapidly evolve?
I think they do rapidly evolve, but not so rapidly that wars cease to exist in this world because theres nobody left to fight them? Spiritual wisdom tells you that when you hurt another, you hurt yourself. Unconscious people suppress and repress their pain, but theres only so much you can repress before the shadow catches up with you.

Starman 07-02-2024 04:53 PM

I was attracted to your post because I have been in a war and wanted to offer my perspective. I was a U.S. Army combat medic in Vietnam during that war; thank God I did not kill anyone, instead I was there in the chaos to save lives; and gave medical treatment to those who were injured, wounded, etc., regardless whether they were American or Vietnamese.

I have also been to Afghanistan during the war there, again in a medical capacity. War is horrible and I had to do a lot of work on myself to get to the spiritual place where I am at right now. But the deeper cause of war is not on the surface. In my opinion it is not about the wars in this world rather it is about the wars that take place inside of people. The greatest battles, or wars, happens inside of us and spills over onto the outside.

Spousal abuse, child abuse, murder in our towns and cities, rape, and other violent acts which take place in our society, are the pups of war. Peace is much more then just the absence of war, and there are people in our society who have not found peace within themselves; this is what leads to war. The bloodiest war in world history was World War-2.

85-million people died, or were killed, by that war; more than any other war in history. It has been the only war where nuclear, or atomic, bombs were dropped on people. But no matter how large or small, war is hell on Earth. But it starts within us, and what we see on the outside is what is taking place inside of people. Be it in our society or in a military war. This is briefly my opinion.

Christians talk about Armageddon, the great spiritual battle which is to come, while Muslims talk about Jihad, and many feel that is “a holy war” which is fought today. Spiritually some people do talk about the war between good and evil, but to me all of these wars start within us. Wars inside of soldiers who have been in a war continues long after that outside war is over.

In war the value of life is decreased, cheapened and not seen as precious. It is said that war is about failed diplomacy but I say it is about inner conflict and division, an “us” and “them” mentality, when in my truth, they are us and we are them. Yes, I have too much to say about war but I also have a lot to say about peace, especially inner peace.

Starman 07-02-2024 04:58 PM

Another thing I forgot to mention is the Mahabratta, which in Hinduism is a great spiritual war. Most religions talk about a spiritual, or holy war.

weareunity 08-02-2024 12:57 AM

Hello AlignedWithTheHeart and Starman and all.

Much agreement with you both from this fellow stumbler.

As you point to AWTH, --the perception of an inevitable oneness which underpins "when you hurt another, you hurt yourself."

And as you point to Starman--the perception of separateness --us and them-.

The differences between the two possible perceptions I see as being illustrated in the story of the fall from grace which resulted in the banishment from the Garden of Eden. imo.

But I also see that this "fall" is thereby judged as being a failing, a fault.---and I ponder and wonder concerning the justice of that conclusion.

For if we look at our species,---specifically at our sensory equipment,--of these perhaps the most essential for our physical survival are sight, hearing, touch ??

The reason for the pre eminence amongst our sensory toolbox of these three is that our requirements for our survival cannot be (readily) met without these three because we are not inherently self sufficient---we need input from outside of our "selves".---food and water predominantly.

So we have a perception of separation apparent to us and caused by an essential need for physical sustenance from beyond our "selves". It is across this divide that our essentially necessary sensory faculties function, and we become understandably and easily so accustomed and so very reliant upon these particular tools in the whole toolbox of our sensory faculties that our very perception of existence becomes confined to a perception which makes use of only those particular tools. ---with other possible perception thereby becoming easily unrecognised/unavailable to us.

If this observation/opinion is considered as being possibly valid, then the judgement of the "fall" as being a fault seems harsh.imo.

There are and have been societies/beliefs which have managed to hold on to other possible perceptions which foster some sense of oneness.

At the same time we can say and recognise that causing/focussing/fostering division is and has historically been itself a device/tool/method of suppressing and undermining perceptions of oneness for the purpose of creating particular benefit--with "particular benefit" having many possible faces.


Miss Hepburn 08-02-2024 01:31 AM

Seems to me anyone ever in a war zone would evolve at least to NEVER wanting war again.
Even as a teen enlisting if they were all for it at the time.

Starman 08-02-2024 02:39 AM

Most who are involved in a war never want to see war again, but there are people who enjoy war; they enjoy hunting down someone and killing them. I saw this in Vietnam. People who I called “kill crazy.” Kill or be killed is the ultimate challenge for these people. Also there is the argument of defending yourself.

There were generals in the U.S. pentagon who were upset when the USSR dissolved and the wall came down in Berlin, because they got a rush out of having a “worthy” opponent to fight, and that is how they thought of the USSR. Some people do let hate run their lives.

The thing is in war soldiers do not think they are killing people, rather they think they are killing whatever label they place on those people; they killed Nazi’s, Japanese, communists, etc., and currently Russians or Ukrainians, or Hamas, or Jews, etc. They, in their mind are killing whatever label they place on people. The label, in their mind, separates them from that person.

If you do not see people as people, as someone like you, that is when separation creeps in. Empathy, compassion, and love, or even just unconditional positive regard for others could end war. But war has been with humanity since humanity began on this planet. It is said that “there has never been a day in recorded history where a war was not taking place somewhere on this planet.”

When someone is angry at someone else they often call that person a vulgar name, and then they go after that vulgar, or distasteful, name which they have placed on that person and try to hurt it. This is how wars begin; it is also how violence begins in our society and in relationships. My position; see people as people and not as labels; know what I do to you I do to myself.

vortex 08-02-2024 05:40 AM

the thing here you can be any way of being total freedom of choice
some one has to play the dark angel to give us freedom of choice in seeing what they are being

all so the dark angels come change the course of history like the crusades and the christens missionary in bring the world out of survival mode and bring a common understanding to the world

the thing is you have to kill to keep you here, plant and or animal

its the nature of being here love to all in all they be

vortex 08-02-2024 06:23 AM

ps i think its not about evolve it more about changing your way of being

if you are in that situation and running on intuition and spirit you are more likely to survive

in the idealistic world yes why would you hurt others it just hurts you but others don't know this like on the planet of love

the big question would you kill some one that's going kill you and forgive your self for doing it ???? don't know

Burntfruit 08-02-2024 10:14 PM

I feel the cycle of war, revolution & enlightenment is very human earth 🌍 quality. Post war, compassion grows with a higher empathy for the suffering of others. I genuinely hope we can shift on earth without war, but it will take collective free will.

Nikos1982 09-02-2024 02:10 PM

I think people don't rapidly evolve during wars.... each and all are unique Spirits but war is like having a hole in the bottom of your flour. Most people haven't heard of reincarnation , are uneducated of the subject of life so they keep recycling here without knowledge... there are even extreme beliefs that change only comes with violence and so on....

Defending what you were taught is 'your' country however idiotic comes oh so easily in the mind of the most...

It's their spirit

To talk about massive manipulations/plans is also another theme altogether....

(I can't type easily these last days, so the clarity of my posts is not as clear as I would want to.~ Peace ~ I would exchange it with some soulfulness ~)

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