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Unseeking Seeker 11-02-2019 11:32 AM

Alone we intuitively calibrate and attempt to decimate the hues of ignorance born of indulgence in egoic dalliance while the delusions, all illusions tease & encircle, a mere touch making them go viral, our observing their swirling encouraging them to hover & manoeuvre in spiralling orbits through the labyrinths of our subconscious mind, intricate pathways we as yet cannot find.


Unseeking Seeker 21-02-2019 04:54 AM


In our aloneness within enigmatic stillness how does it matter if the benefactor bestowing single eye awakening has eyes of glowing amber as long as it is a game changer in clarity of cognition marking our incremental ascension, all enabled sentience facilitated always by divine assistance.


Unseeking Seeker 05-03-2019 12:16 PM


Together we walk the talk, yet each walks alone
Pilgrims upon a path, the divine to us has shown
In the sea of Oneness too we are dissolved yet distinct
Alone in our uniqueness when fingerprints are inked


Unseeking Seeker 08-03-2019 04:15 AM


The word ‘alone’ an oxymoron, all being entwined & aligned as one under the central sun.


Unseeking Seeker 17-03-2019 05:25 AM


Alone we are, alone we be
Both in duality & singularity
Hearts are one and so entwine
I am yours even if you are not mine
There is empathy and there is love
Yet alone flies the swallow far above


Taking a Break 17-03-2019 04:22 PM

I am now subscribed to this thread.

Unseeking Seeker 19-03-2019 09:55 AM


Finding ourselves forlorn
Heart & mind
Needing to combine
In case of incongruence
There is imbalance
Disjointed sentience
Cognitive dissonance
If thought be made slow
In sync with hearts flow
Nodes within then align
In sync with the divine
All we do is relax & allow
With attention in the now



Unseeking Seeker 24-03-2019 03:20 AM


Alone we silence
Thought turbulence
In quietude
With fortitude
A sacred space
Where we race
At our own pace
To deface
Delusion of separateness
In contemplative stillness
And then as a rebel
Fears & desires quell
Living the chosen orientation
In a continuum of meditation


Unseeking Seeker 28-03-2019 02:05 PM


Alone we choose
Without excuse
With vibration of selection
Creating precipitation of manifestation
Reality shaped by our very own suggestion

We would do well then to pause
The cause
Being thought
Often ego begot
Choosing to be receptive & allowing
In a desireless orientation free flowing


Unseeking Seeker 02-04-2019 03:27 AM


The magic wand we alone wield
By free will in any vibrational field
Breathing in energy as thought
Exhaling value addition self taught

What we breathe out we breathe in
As we renew afresh and again begin
So alone we choose the breath we release
Pure intent to please, with nonchalant ease


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