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Unseeking Seeker 28-04-2020 06:50 AM


as we be cognisant within the Anahata spacial
in the void of no-thing-ness the divine miracle
teleports us to any centre as of our resonance
assigning all lifetrons of being equal preference
that that is is in wholeness of aliveness vibrant
to which presence in innocence is fully sentient

in staid silence & stillness
of our blissful aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 29-04-2020 02:41 AM


In the midst of outer din
Bliss heightens within
Lovers kiss
Divine caress
Our rapturous delight
Invisible in open sight
For none can feel
The blissful appeal
The soundless thunder
Transcendental wonder
Of explosive ignition within
In renewal again & again

We nurture this blissfulness
In our aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 30-04-2020 02:54 AM


Idle musings

All thought constructs
Self destructs
Bubbles in whirlpools
Dusty mist of granules
Their form illusionary
Conclusions delusionary
Assumptions conjectural
Determinations fanciful
Orbiting maya reflections
Prismatic refractions

Whilst stillness & silence
Enables transcendence
In simple recognition
Of fleeting polarisation
Vibrational waves movement
To which we are sentient
Whilst awareness eternal
The source central
Is self existent
Ever cognisant
Of the entirety
Of rhythmic continuity
Arising & ceasing
In patterns delighting

Innate blissfulness
Of consciousness
Absolute awareness
Of all as oneness
As our emptiness
Magnetised in fullness

Stillness in potentiality
Humming ॐ in continuity
In timeless eternity


Unseeking Seeker 02-05-2020 04:39 AM


Love & wisdom
Imbibed directly
Heart sanctum
Glowing gently

Bliss intensity
Gradually rising
Pulse continuity
Soul ascending

Heart the centre
Of higher mind
As bliss canters
Ego loosens bind

When in alignment
Within & without
Our native element
Free of doubt

That that is
For us alone
Elixirous fizz
All home grown


Unseeking Seeker 03-05-2020 07:34 AM


Duality with two poles
One bisecting, the other making whole
Both have their purpose
Through this manifestation & void circus
To feel within this pulse
Alternating through null & fullness at once
Heart of each vibration
Both reveals & conceals ॐ reverberation


Unseeking Seeker 04-05-2020 06:48 AM


Meditational Prayer

(reproduced from an earlier contemplation)

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
Unbroken awareness, divine entwined
Love enabled, with ego declined

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
As a non-doer, yet doing with zest & zeal
All circumstances holding equal appeal

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
Dispersing among all, the fragrance divine
Self surrendered, knowing that all is thine

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
Be I fearless, desireless & empathetic
Accepting life as it is, joyously ecstatic

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
May I be equal in both victory and defeat
Ego surrendered, with divine joy replete

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
May I respect the journey of each spirit
Judging in no one, neither fault nor merit

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
Be I devoid of feral lust & gross greed
Loving embrace in thought, word & deed

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
Unseeking seeker, unexpectant yet ready
A detached observer, tranquil & steady

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
May in all realms be I so enabled
That my ego’s agenda be never tabled

I pray that we be ever connected
Now and always, no time excepted
Trustingly unhurried about my attainment
Content in Universe bestowed enablement


Unseeking Seeker 04-05-2020 09:10 AM


A rippleless spacial calm in the heart
Envelopes all of existence
All lifetrons in equivalence none apart
Is breath of our innocence


Unseeking Seeker 05-05-2020 09:43 AM


Empty & void
Am as am overjoyed
Divine caress
Ecstatic bliss elixirous
Within throbbing
All nodes within dancing
The celebration
In an unending continuation
No stagnation
And so there is no reflection
Seeing vibrationally
The flow of life unendingly
None may peek
As to how love does tweak
Bliss ignition
Rapture defying delineation
The play unending
Of our magical blossoming


Unseeking Seeker 06-05-2020 06:25 AM


Devoid of love of what avail is power
Rapturous ecstasy in the bliss shower
Purring & roaring in a dance seductive
Each pulse climaxical uniquely eclectic

Bliss vibe being then the enigmatic locus
Renewing our attention to laser like focus
Continuum of spacial awareness unbound
Emptiness magnetised with soma inbound


Unseeking Seeker 07-05-2020 03:37 AM


We alone voluntarily choose
Without excuse
To entwine with the divine sublime
In our own time
Ploughing ourselves in the forest
We alone harvest
The secret fruits from divine union
Unending bliss elation

Futile is the chatter and mindless the talk
Each in aloneness have to choose to walk


Unseeking Seeker 08-05-2020 05:09 AM


The innate inner impulse to rise
Grazing virgin shores
Wondrously embracing surprise
As bliss just outpours

Sailing along in the world external
Beholding the miracle
Of the beauteous journey internal
Complex made simple

Living quietly in dynamic stillness
One with oneness
Awakening our ॐ-consciousness
In our aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 09-05-2020 01:54 AM


Looking around us we see tremulous fear
As the invisible noose of death draws near
We empathise and pour into space healing
Not to avert fate but to get to the knowing
That form inconsequential our soul eternal
Love alone real, all attachments ephemeral

Silent musings in stillness of our aloneness
Divine entwined blissfully one with oneness


Unseeking Seeker 10-05-2020 03:27 AM


Manipura & Vishuddha orbit
Anahata the domain of spirit
Throat connecting to mind
Free of all fetters that bind
There is thus a centredness
Thought & action in lovingness
Enabling us for co-creation
Bubbling in blissful elation

The grid aligning head & heart
All centres entwined none apart
The magnetic hum we feel as ॐ
Reverberating in the heart dome
Guru chakra pulse modulating
Ajna-Bindu-Medulla celebrating
Sahasrara always at pole position
Source of bliss & God connection

In aloneness we live this reality
Renewing in beauteous variety


Unseeking Seeker 10-05-2020 09:11 AM


Inner pull inimitable
In Sushumna vertical
Magnetic friction
Ineffable joyful elation
As resistance thaws
Bliss tease gnaws
In a seductive play
All lifetrons sway
Rapture & ecstasy
Renew in continuity
Soma nectar moves
In capillary grooves
Hidden pathways known
To bliss full blown
As our hollow body shell
With divine energy swells
The auric field
Porous with no shield
Yet impregnable
Such is the miracle
Each path unique
Into which none may peek
As we all become
With the That One one


Unseeking Seeker 11-05-2020 02:10 AM


What is the fourth state
Or the fifth
As in bliss we gyrate
No residue left to sift

Continuum of awareness
At an as ordained spectrum
We feel it in our aloneness
As sways the maya pendulum


Unseeking Seeker 12-05-2020 02:50 AM


Cessation from patterns of anticipation
Renouncing memory imagery projection
Attention poised in unexpectant wonder
In dynamic stillness cognises the thunder
Of the pulse of bliss as ignition in renewal
The throbbing benign explosion continual
Consciousness transfixed in joy ineffable
Permanent ecstasy the perineal miracle

In aloneness celebration within inimitable


Unseeking Seeker 13-05-2020 03:09 AM


As Manipura & chin confer
Ajna & Sahasrara look on
Sushumna the flame preserver
ॐ within heart the divine song

Who from this may discern
What we alone did learn


Unseeking Seeker 14-05-2020 03:25 AM


Aloneness an oxymoron
Evident in dance of lifetrons
Pulsating within in harmony
A divine entwined symphony

As in form so in formlessness
A singular one consciousness
In both void & manifestation
Reverberates the ॐ vibration

First recognising
Then being and so becoming
One with the absolute
In silence & stillness resolute


Unseeking Seeker 15-05-2020 02:42 AM


Exiting transience
Space & time too go
Presence of innocence
Ego we forgo

A singular consciousness
Canvas of awareness
On which moves the ephemeral

Each in aloneness
In a divine entwined caress
Recognises oneness
In uniqueness of bliss


Unseeking Seeker 15-05-2020 01:22 PM


the energy zone within that heightens
gently inwardly draws our attention
to a correspondent light that brightens
unifying all frequencies in meditation

as we thus cognise and comply to align
a surging wholeness of bliss manifests
which always was and is in the grid line
an internal ineffable ecstasy that persists

it is the continuum of awareness mindful
that detects each ripple through its phase
our emptiness with magnetic power full
as unwavering remains our devotional gaze


Miss Hepburn 15-05-2020 01:49 PM

I don't drop by enough! Very inspiring, my friend.


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

the energy zone within that heightens
gently inwardly draws our attention
to a correspondent light that brightens
unifying all frequencies in meditation

as we thus cognise and comply to align
a surging wholeness of bliss manifests
which always was and is in the grid line
an internal ineffable ecstasy that persists

it is the continuum of awareness mindful
that detects each ripple through its phase
our emptiness with magnetic power full
as unwavering remains our devotional gaze


Unseeking Seeker 15-05-2020 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I don't drop by enough! Very inspiring, my friend.



Thank you Miss H!

Divine bliss float
On a slow boat :smile:


Unseeking Seeker 16-05-2020 03:24 AM


We alone can unwind
The coils that bind
Inhibit & limit
Ascent to the summit

We alone delusion unveil
To set sail
To bliss & illumination
In silence of meditation

We alone are the seer
Freeing ourself from fear
Feeling one energy divine
As with ॐ we align

In aloneness
In stillness


Unseeking Seeker 17-05-2020 02:52 AM


Exhilarating enchantment
Of blissful contentment
Divine magnetism warm
Stillness within the storm

Involuntary spasms of delight
Ecstasy reaching a new height
Rapture in renewal form transcending

Each lifetron within self contained
Free and pure and joyous and unstained
Yet love seeking love joins the dance
In the rhythm divine held in a trance

Such is the is-ness of being-ness
Centred wholeness in aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 18-05-2020 03:44 AM


The natural place of rest
Centre of our chest
Going in deep within
Where we simply sink in
Resting thought agitational
No fears or desires spiral
That that remains in purity
Unshackled from identity
Agendaless awareness unbound
Still in the void, feet on the ground
Vibrant emptiness
Simmering blissfulness

Is-ness of being-ness
Aliveness in aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 19-05-2020 04:06 AM


ॐ is the throb of awareness
Continuum of aliveness
In rapturous blissfulness
Within our endless aloneness

The very is-ness of being-ness


Unseeking Seeker 20-05-2020 02:59 AM


Presence centred in the void fearless
With the thread of truth in alignment
Outpouring love in silence & stillness
Motiveless flows in quiet contentment

Empathetic & warm to agitated souls
Recognising aberrations as temporary
Tranquil compassion making all whole
Radiating joy in gentleness sedentary

Reaching out in an impulsive embrace
Flowing in the continuum with elation
Both imbibing & radiating divine grace
The flow of life itself is our meditation


Unseeking Seeker 21-05-2020 04:40 AM


Attention poised in heightened nonchalance
Entranced by pulsating blissful magnetism
Childlike presence celebrating in exuberance
As beauteous hues play upon the body prism

There is no doer who yet chooses resonation
With the pulse of love having fulcrum in purity
Ecstatic rapturous bliss the divine benediction
Seductive caress renewing within in continuity


Unseeking Seeker 21-05-2020 06:13 PM


Nonchalant curiosity
Of choiceless choice
Empathy & purity
As of conscience’s voice

Agendaless exuberance
Unclinging & glowing
Our innate innocence
With love pulse flowing

Shift linear to spherical
Exits ego narrowness
Bliss pulse inimitable
Connects us to oneness

In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 23-05-2020 03:03 AM


Continuous contemplative consciousness correction
Implies an unbroken awareness free flowing
Call it meditation or an ever present flowing orientation
Purity of being draws in divine bliss enlivening

We stand alone as a witness of this happening
Stormy battles fought with demons ravaging our mind
Stillness in aloneness allows gentle blossoming
As ego cravings recede there remains no axe to grind

There comes a time when we become totally empty & still
Polarities balance and with oneness we are one
The divine in its mysterious ways revealing all as of its will
Still in blissful delight in rays of the spiritual sun


Unseeking Seeker 24-05-2020 02:08 AM


Imagine a living light
Self luminous & bright
Alive & aglow in the Sushumna funnel
Emanating rays of magnetic bliss radial

This is how it is
The elixirous fizz
Radiating inside out as ignition in renewal
The climaxical explosion a throb continual

Time alone can tell
How bliss will swell
Bubble of form fragile feels rising intensity
Leaving it to God to determine life or fatality


Unseeking Seeker 25-05-2020 02:50 AM


Cave within heart toroidal
A void swirl at the Anahata
Perfect pattern geometrical
Abode of Parvati and Shiva

Rephrased we may also say
Pulse of separation & union
Dance of seduction in sway
Manifesting the ॐ vibration

Recognition is stillness
Felt by us in aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 25-05-2020 04:23 PM


Sitting alone poised in attention
Allowing the bliss pulse to be our meditation
Simply thus looking doing nothing
Feeling consciousness from within expanding
We neither predict nor anticipate
In silence & stillness syncing with bliss gyrate
Resting memory drawn imagery
Total trusting surrender tranquil & sedentary
An orientation of inviting surprise
One with magnetic bliss currents that do rise
Electrifying the Sushumna funnel
We behold bliss in permanence as the miracle


Realm Ki 25-05-2020 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

Cave within heart toroidal
A void swirl at the Anahata
Perfect pattern geometrical
Abode of Parvati and Shiva

Rephrased we may also say
Pulse of separation & union
Dance of seduction in sway
Manifesting the ॐ vibration

Recognition is stillness
Felt by us in aloneness


So many beautiful poems. This speaks to me at this time.

Unseeking Seeker 26-05-2020 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Realm Ki
So many beautiful poems. This speaks to me at this time.


Ah! You have finally really resurfaced! Our delight bubbles with expectancy! :hug3:


Unseeking Seeker 26-05-2020 05:36 AM


Stiller our stillness
In surrendered gentleness
Looking without questioning
Each subtle pulse arising
Our orientation innocent
To each nuance sentient
We feel the bliss elixirous
Ecstasy within continuous
As an embodiment of being
In wholeness enlivening
The renewal
As we rest in our emptiness
Radiant in luminousness
Aliveness complete
With bliss replete


Realm Ki 26-05-2020 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

Stiller our stillness
In surrendered gentleness
Looking without questioning
Each subtle pulse arising
Our orientation innocent
To each nuance sentient
We feel the bliss elixirous
Ecstasy within continuous
As an embodiment of being
In wholeness enlivening
The renewal
As we rest in our emptiness
Radiant in luminousness
Aliveness complete
With bliss replete


Very beautiful:hug3:

MDBdivinity 26-05-2020 06:53 AM

Trnaquility in sedentarism is not descerning

Unseeking Seeker 26-05-2020 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by MDBdivinity
Trnaquility in sedentarism is not descerning


Just as we are not the doer
The divine being the mover
Discernment of mind
We leave behind
Choosing with love pulse resonation
Alignment with the ॐ reverberation


Let there be no half measure
In transcending mind-body caricature
Ceasing to measure & size
We vaporise
Being to become
With oneness one


Unseeking Seeker 27-05-2020 04:38 AM


our silent scream of delight in the vibrant void
goes unnoticed as we continue to be toyed
willingly we may add, by the divine caress
a lingering ecstatic rapture where more is less
wherein we are both captive as well as free
as bliss mysterious makes its enigmatic entrée
teleporting us to our core within throbbing
pulsating with ignition in renewal vivifying
and thus as awareness without thought we flow
in a continuum of unbroken is-ness all aglow

que sera sera
whatever will be will be


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