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Unseeking Seeker 30-11-2024 02:41 AM

The direct path
In the void soul takes a consciousness leap
but to get there we must leave mind behind,
whence in staid stillness thus, we go in deep,
becoming over time, divine aligned.
Love the litmus test for thought, word and deed,
which when ingrained, soul’s from ego unchained,
then we live as of need, not as of greed,
heart pure like snow, no longer by lust stained.
The choice to be as such depends on us
and this is where free will comes into play
because we must choose to board God’s love bus,
holding firm our focus that tends to sway.
Ramana’s inquiry was ‘who am I?’ ~
Let’s discover the truth before we die

Let’s discover the truth before we die,
since there’s no solace in the holy book,
for how can we be sure if scriptures lie
and true meaning of the texts monks mistook?
If God’s omnipresent, He must be here
and so we must feel him deep in our bones
but all that we sense is deep angst and fear,
seeing body decay, which ego owns.
The question then is, how should we begin,
other than entering the void of space,
hoping emptiness will cleanse our soul’s sin,
that magically we imbibe God’s grace?
Bowing our head to sages who awoke ~
First things first; head and heart with love we yoke

First things first; head and heart with love we yoke,
for each life breath, thanking God very much
and cravings of ego, ceasing to stroke,
simply by relinquishing thought flow crutch.
Material to the ethereal
is the shift of our consciousness required,
that in direct sight we see what’s real,
which means head and heart need to be rewired.
We’re told body dies but our soul lives on,
so let’s serve soul and not this feeble form,
thus outcomes any, as we choose to yawn,
we become nonchalant in every storm.
Reworded, we dwell in the vibrant void ~
We’re no longer by lower mind decoyed

We’re no longer by lower mind decoyed
and have discovered how God-search to start,
that pristine presence pure and unalloyed,
in time dissolved silence, shifts to the heart.
We seek nothing yet all is enabled,
in as magnetism is activated,
since no agenda is by us tabled
and wayward ego now decimated.
We do nothing yet all doings are done
but either focus on soul, not on ego
and we soon see all existence as one,
as clear wisdom which we directly know.
Throb of Holy Spirit in heart rises ~
Bliss activation brings new surprises

Bliss activation brings new surprises,
revealing we are spirit, not this form,
so doing what soul’s muse so advises,
with laws of God we begin to conform.
Universal consciousness is our guide
and since we’ve dropped each conditioned belief,
without fear in the void we wingless glide,
even though our sojourn on earth is brief.
Poised as formless awareness Self-aware,
we become that we had set out to seek,
without effort by choosing to outstare
ego, and dancing with love, cheek to cheek.
In timeless cessation, coming undone ~
Polarities unite, all becomes one

Polarities unite, all becomes one,
which is to say we return to the source,
shining as the light of the central sun,
accomplished without any use of force.
Recognising we are God’s living light,
feeling complete, head to toe bliss replete,
we yet see we’ve barely commenced our flight,
being still bereft of agape love’s tweet.
We descend to ascend that soul may learn,
how love, wisdom and power are instilled,
for which on earth as we willingly burn,
we become the flame, as God Himself willed.
As we can see, ego is the blockage ~
Now’s the time dear heart, to turn a new page

Now’s the time dear heart, to turn a new page,
simply by turning attention inward,
quelling fires of desire that in heart rage,
rejecting cravings of ego wayward.
No sooner we so choose without excuse,
Holy Spirit pervades each cell of form
and love and light becomes our soul’s sole muse,
engulfing us in love’s benign bliss storm.
Ceasing to size as we so vaporise,
we find the universe is within us
and as this clear knowing we realise,
vagaries of life no longer nonplus.
Body rests, mind dreams, thoughts cease in deep sleep ~
In the void soul takes a consciousness leap

Crown of Sonnets

Unseeking Seeker 03-12-2024 12:36 AM

Now or never
Our shape shifting soul has been to earth before
but though we’ve embraced both kings and the disgraced,
we know not who we are, so seek an encore,
until ego defaced, we’re by God’s touch graced.
Attached to body-mind, we’re bemused by thought,
dwelling not in tranquil silence as we ought,
so this time around, we choose not to be bound
and instead go in, treading on holy ground.


Unseeking Seeker 06-12-2024 03:11 AM

Jump the queue
A creative urge arises
It’s origin to us unknown
Grace in-pours through heart’s open door
Ushering blissful surprises
Focus peaks, rose in bloom full blown
Spoken of in awe in folklore

Divine ignition continues
It’s renewal continual
Where we’re a humble receptor
Witnessing how rapture renews
Here and now, in life’s pulse dual
Bliss piercing each body vector

As we burn in mind-body urn
Our soul thus ascends, out of turn


Unseeking Seeker 08-12-2024 08:36 AM

Oblivious to reality
Each living in their private world,
into which no one can enter,
within the cave of their heart curled,
are driven by thoughts that canter
but when flag of love is unfurled,
they recognise soul’s true centre.

Look at souls living by instinct,
fuelled by both desire and fear,
their head and heart not with love inked,
thus blocking God from drawing near,
until they are by angels winked,
which happens when truth is held dear.

In this lucid dream, what’s real,
save love’s touch and bliss beat’s appeal?


Unseeking Seeker 13-12-2024 02:16 AM

Have patience dear
Almost but not quite, we pause
within stillness, that the cause
of our soul’s stooped stance be known
betwixt bliss beats, now full blown.

Ego’s dead, we’re by love led
and head and heart have both wed
but there’s yet a missing link;
a light strobe missed, when we blink.

The forces that empower,
as love, wisdom and power,
need to entwine and align,
if we’d cross the finish line.

To this end, our will we bend,
breath by breath slowly ascend,
in sync with the universe,
without the need to rehearse.

Let’s grasp this moment offered
and God’s hand in heart proffered,
agreeing to vaporise,
that the truth we realise.


Unseeking Seeker 15-12-2024 04:35 AM

How I met God
attention internalised
thought flow rested
my heart was at peace
though earth life tested

I became a witness
motionless in vast space
doing nothing thus
I invoked God’s grace

fears and desires ebbed
bliss magnetism was activated
no demons then remained
needing to be placated

one night in vibrant stillness
debts of love were recalled
seeing misdeeds of my past
I was repentant and appalled

at that moment God appeared
in light soft white yet bright
He erased past transgressions
and said it is alright

God then gently held my hand
and said be joyous on this earth
live out your life span in peace
with heart bubbling in mirth

He revealed we too are as He
made in His image ~ living light
earth is a school to grow in wisdom
love taking us on a wingless flight

such was my encounter with God
He reveals Himself when it is time
however we always hear His voice
betwixt love’s bliss beat chime

Unseeking Seeker 17-12-2024 06:30 AM

Whispers from the void
How may we share ethereal sights we see,
such as for example, flickering of space,
revealing light from heaven that set’s soul free?
How may we transmit bliss imbibed by God’s grace,
transmuting each cell of form that we may be
by day and night transfixed in divine embrace?
Pastors preach, scriptures teach but truth’s out of reach.
When will walls of delusion, souls choose to breech?

Ottava Rima

Unseeking Seeker 18-12-2024 01:03 PM

Congratulations are premature
“We are almost there but not quite ~
Not yet graced with spherical sight”
~ quote by poet

Intermediate truths whence known,
in as seen because we have been
to subtler realms denied to most,
but it’s not yet wisdom full blown,
since karmic slate is not wiped clean,
last mile to heaven, yet to coast.

Wisdom downloads and divine light
are offerings of grace imbibed
and perhaps we have pierced the void
but we have not garnered clear sight,
though cravings of ego have died,
soul’s not yet pure and unalloyed.

Allow bliss mists to make ingress,
without self-appraising progress.


Unseeking Seeker 23-12-2024 04:03 PM

By force divine we are acted upon,
optimised for swift ascent of our soul,
wherein each life breath ushers a new dawn,
fulfilling beauteously our life role.

With the table laid for joy readymade,
there then is nothing that we need to do,
because God Himself hastens to our aid,
provided our heart’s pure like morning dew.

Life’s a maze that continues to amaze,
where if we stagnate nowhere, self-aware,
simply pausing to turn inward our gaze,
poised in silence, with love and light we pair.

Recognising we’re soul indwelling form,
we become the centre of love’s bliss storm.


Unseeking Seeker 24-12-2024 04:34 AM

Lost in your eyes
Your love’s a mist, which I cannot resist
and when you are near my heart’s free from fear,
there remaining for me no to do list,
as I let magic you weave, life course steer.

Your touch has connected me with my soul,
expanding my aura, merged with your own,
that thus divine entwined, blissful and whole,
into heaven’s pastures, we both have flown.

What matter labels, twin flame or soul mate,
for when we hold hands, space and time dissolves,
so perhaps it is as ordained by fate,
that around your spirit, my heart revolves.

Betwixt love’s tweet rises magnetic heat;
you are the one who makes me feel complete.


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