Heart lotus blooms
Now that we have made love and light our mainstay,
it matters not if patterns of old surface, since divine bliss magnetism within at play, as Divine Mother, holds us in close embrace. The currents carry us as we surrender, witnessing soul’s ascent in childlike wonder and as such there remains nothing to be done, save breath by breath thus, with God becoming one. Rispetto |
An enlightened rose
a thorn on the stem of rose in repose
pricked the finger of her deluded lover yet with her last breaths she exuded love mood and mode acceptant free from bondage resplendent in fragrance of her dying petals recognising the source as breath of God |
The Phoenix rises
Opting not to be mocked by time,
we navigate the vibrant void, frolicking betwixt bliss beat’s chime, no longer by desires decoyed and as we so heavenward climb, soul’s light shines, pure and unalloyed. Breath by breath as form turns to dust, in staid silence we pierce the veil, by negating the thrust of lust, distanced from fear forms that assail, choosing love and light, pathways just, even though feeble form is frail. Why’d light pay homage to ego, when what soul’s truth is, we now know? Hybronnet |
here now reborn
having surrendered, we allowed
God’s bliss tempest to rise as we are consumed by the flame that that never was dies ego disappears, soul remains free from fetters of mind we are he we set out to seek blissful, loving and kind all doings are done without us because we don’t exist the truth is known when we display open heart, unclenched fist nothing’s lost, inner light’s reclaimed we now know who we are we were asleep, now we’re awake shining like the North Star Quatrain |
distorted image
Sitting quietly with iPad in hand,
we allow musings of soul to arise and although our mind does not understand, it reflects all hues of offered surprise, penning a poem before the ink dries, the influx of grace, ineptly portrayed, since we are by patterned thinking betrayed. Rhyme Royal |
Autumn Breeze
Autumn of our life’s sunset years
Time to replay moments gone by Each throb of joy and our dark fears Looking back, do we smile or sigh Our weary bones signal it’s time Autumn of our life’s sunset years Yet heart tremors sound a bliss chime We may age but child within cheers Melding head with heart, we change gears Erst rough edges gone, soul has thawed Autumn of our life’s sunset years We surrender each breath to God All we do is follow love’s scent Bliss heightens as God’s presence nears Assured now is our soul’s ascent Autumn of our life’s sunset years Quatern |
The in between stage
Having recognised we’re not body-mind,
stuporous awareness yet drags us down, so though we know the truth, we remain blind and in dark swamplands of fear and doubt drown. Each offered experience wanes with time, unless reinforced again and again, so attuning our heart to bliss beat’s chime, in vibrant silence, fears to rest are lain. The master appears and then disappears but our heart always knows that he is close, since our destiny God Himself so steers, so in childlike trust, we wait in repose. Here now in this life, we’ll reclaim soul’s light, garnering with God’s grace, spherical sight. Sonnet |
Look closely
Do we not wake up each morn,
refreshed, energised, reborn, magnetism suffusing form, touch tender, loving and warm? Sans thought, soul presence in heart, feels therein love’s bliss hum start, divine refrain, free from strain, boons bestowed, which we ingrain. Though we’re awake, senses rest and as nodes jostle in jest, the sound of one hand clapping is heard, while we are napping. With no earthy goals to chase, stretching time, dissolving space, connected thus with our soul, our heart feels at peace and whole. Choosing to remain as such, garnering wisdom by touch, entwined with the universe, orbs of soul’s light, pen a verse. Jueju |
Path strewn with roses
As God’s magnetism takes over feeble form,
there remains within, no conditioned belief and as we’re engulfed in these waves cool and warm, the stillness continuum grants soul relief from egoic desires that conjure a fear storm, so thus doing nothing, we turn a new leaf. The waters divide as they did with Moses, for we’ve chosen the bliss path strewn with roses. Ottava Rima |
House of cards
it came to pass
that the world we built collapsed when it was tested the fault line of course was ego serial offender out on bail disturbing the peace the universe tests us again and again and again do we smile when the blood flows perhaps our time has not arrived becoming a Buddha must wait our heart flutters in the wind |
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