Bubbling outpouring Enlivening space Presence co-creating Uplifting grace Ego existing By our indulgence Attention oscillating Stagnative sentience Shrouded in darkness Dreams feel real Stuporous consciousness Lacklustre appeal With ego stalking We are a dead man walking Stillness in movement Detecting pulse in stillness Self anointment Reclaiming pristine awareness The drama of stillness Thus played in aloneness *** |
Alone we imbibe Love we cannot describe The embrace loving By the divine so gracing With love outpouring Osmotically percolating Consciousness pulsating Ecstatic bliss ascending Ignition within unending In the continuum renewing By our divine entwining Unendingly blossoming In so being becoming Childlike innocence accepting Receiving & transmitting Divine Love free flowing *** |
Being still & silent in our pristine element awareness in alertness disassociating thought & external sentience A seeming fanciful impossibility requiring an intuitive ability found in a subtle feeling zone to the rational mind unknown So with fragmented thoughts rested ego to some measure bested senses we internalise yet memory does anticipate & size Alright so admitting memory recollection while recognising its limitation we exit all in-form association in a continuum of deep meditation And in so aligning observing magnetism within rising internal polarities of sentience connect us to the divine in innocence Thereafter our yearning compels an automatic prioritising of the divine love connection in a continuum unending This journey in aloneness offering permanent inner blissfulness is a path pathless for ascension of our consciousness *** |
along with compassion also comes the recognition that nuances of imbibed divine essence though impulsively shared in innocence others cannot gauge since the medium of language employs symbols subject to interpretation of memory drawn recollection thereby doomed to distortion and inevitable negation of the intended sharing by attempted pairing so in the silence that ensues we attempt to enthuse space to grace the intended recipient to become sentient to the subtle outpouring of divine love showering blessings of enablement to realign their energy elements both within & without form with the divine pulsations warm may such be the silence of our stillness in all-interconnected enlivened aloneness in continuance *** |
Deepening acceptant stillness Manifesting non-identity presence In permanence Giving rise to quietude of silence Fused with enlivened innocence A being-ness Somewhat fearless & desireless Or say to some measure egoless Fulcrum in divine entwined oneness Yet accepting maya imposed separateness Unseeking yet accepting unfoldings In childlike wonder beholding Miracle of blossoming By simply choosing aligning With the divine pulsation In resistance free resonation We are we be Blissful in continuity What from the bottomless reservoir of Love is taken Is also readily shared and given Without hesitation As a loving transmission Watchful yet detached from outcomes of our outpouring Oblivious to rejection or criticism for we seek not scoring As a divine energy conduit In renewal we continue to reboot Our consciousness Attuned to oneness awareness Receiving Transmitting With an equal eye in gratitude Our reward being the flow itself of fathomless beatitude In loving pairing Caring & sharing Silence & bliss Nothing amiss *** |
Nuances of subtle inner movement Noticed in contemplation by discernment Observes simply shift in orientation Raising an eyebrow at contraction For that which detracts Lessens or subtracts Has roots in stagnation Signalling ego manifestation Let not our complacency Be the cause of delinquency Choosing thus alertness Over tamasic stuporousness Unending renewal In an unbroken continuum Is pulse beating Ceaselessly elating Our being *** |
Buoyed within the vibrant void Who am I but non-identity presence As pristine awareness ever overjoyed Stilled by stillness in deepening silence Surrendering to the Divine loving flow Hollowed out voids within magnetised Subtle colourations of Love gently glow I Am Absoluteness within form disguised *** |
In aloneness we take the stand to resonate at a higher vibrational band In aloneness we choose disassociation from grossness of ego precipitation In aloneness we opt for a continuum of stillness to magnetically align with the Supreme awareness *** |
In our aloneness we make the choice To listen with pure intent to our inner voice The voice within speaking to us and us alone The voice reverberating with the truth of Aum *** |
In aloneness we employ our free will To internalise our consciousness by being still In aloneness do we our awareness centre For us alone does the Divine spark enter Enlivening each lifetron node within our being In aloneness we so embrace our own becoming We would if we could transmit this initiation But being a voluntary step in opening to Love reception So each must ask and in asking so readily receive Sidestepping egoic ploys with intent to deceive In aloneness we undo eons of ego conditioning Hollowing ourselves to receive Divine Love outpouring In a flow unceasing *** |
in emptiness within Divine magnetism aligns & heightens blissful vibration compassion & elation renewal in continuation the transcendence of thought free presence in purity & innocence our pristine awareness one with oneness is illumined being-ness beginningless & endless cognisable in stillness in vibrant aloneness *** |
Resting thinking I Am blossoming In being becoming The pulse of two As it does renew Every morn new dew Please don’t be forlorn If I chose to journey alone Being accident prone! *** |
Alone with the kundalini Let us get into some graphic detail About what kundalini awakening does entail Each story a little different Owing to perceptions variant It all begins with stillness manifesting presence Internalising outward polarity of our sentience As commences thought-word-deed alignment We feel within a magnetic enlivenment Chakras many and may awaken in any sequence Depending upon blockages borne of fallen innocence There is this one definitive certainty That the seamless path inwards lies in our purity Neither yogic posture nor any unnatural breathing No doer within must remain who is desirously seeking As blockages slowly open allowing Divine energy to flow We begin to find ourselves joyous and aglow Then at a time of the kundalini energy’s own choosing It stirs, stretches, awakens and begins rising Three pathways attempt to draw in kundalini by resonance By she follows mostly the path of least resistance The Ida cool & benign, the Pingala fiery & searing Yet the central Sushumna is the one with the erect bearing Along the central funnel rises the kundalini from root to crown centre Rising in a flicker free whoosh allowing the void of oneness to enter Our in-form consciousness thus connected to formless awareness Our Satvik Guna within awakened as super consciousness This is the way the kundalini awakens if we disturb not its sleep But should we try unnatural methods it’s temper trauma reaps The kundalini not aligned chooses the serpentine pathway The dice rolls and if it be the Pingala our sanity Shakti takes away Ah! But we have been good and all and done the inner cleansing Years of empathy, honesty, truthfulness and prayerful meditating Then, no worries and no cause for concern The kundalini will be gentle and will not burn So are we ready Is our staid stillness steady Then do invite the Divine energy To align us in a synergy Our self With Itself *** |
Alone within the dark void of emptiness Our association with senses rested As our presence is poised in That stillness Our resolve of surrender is truly tested God being kind He does not make us wait Within the magnetic void we feel a fullness A completeness of Absoluteness sedate As Aum resounds we are one with Oneness Yet the deeper truth is that the voids too are unending What matters is not manifestation or non-manifestation But our innocent & immaculate resolve for connecting Right here right now we already are as He in our meditation *** |
An open secret we alone do keep In love with Love but none may peek As the nectar Divine does osmotically seep Into our being Reflecting love we wish to share Empowered by compassion we do care Yet entwine in aloneness only with those who pair With the outpouring *** |
Your words touch the stillness and shine Light! We are alone and yet we are all-one. Clever divine nature, unbounded and living in us so quietly, letting us learn freely and create with our realized values. Alone and all-one together. :icon_flower: |
*** I did unsteadily stand Until you lovingly held my hand :smile: *** |
I alone Am as Aum Awareness self existent Yet prone to hypnotism Being childlike & innocent Being Atma Needing to ascend As manifested by Paramatma Into duality we descend Descending involves forgetting That I Am Absolute awareness Our ascent involves remembering Exiting delusion in stillness Each journey thus in aloneness *** |
An open secret yet into which none may peek being Divine Love that does osmotically seep into each pore of our being all lifetron nodes within joyously celebrating magnetism as ineffable blissful ecstasy renewing & intensifying in continuity We speak of this marvellous truth hoping to pair but then we find that most people do not care or if they obliquely do they cannot correlate the feeling of transcendence within that does elate and on our part too we are unable to transmit the bliss since its reception depends upon the other’s openness maybe futile but we yet affirm that the path is simple all that it takes is disassociation from the ephemeral and choosing connection with our divinity within eternal *** |
Our impulsively shared excitement met by looks of astonished bewilderment since the enchanting Divine fragrance elixirous and the tingling uplifting magnetism within beauteous the renewal of climaxing ecstatic explosion in continuation as Love outpouring ceaselessly in bubbling elation ... are endowments that cannot be transmitted being subtle flavours that each recipient of Divine grace alone in rapture may savour *** |
root to crown an empty hollow central funnel ethereal implants along the spinal channel the rod of initiation magnetically charged & alive nectar divine pouring unceasingly from the hive unabating ineffable bliss thus in renewal ignition within as heightened ecstasy continual an open secret we exuberantly share with all in innocence yet which may be known to each only in their aloneness *** |
Flooded with opportunity In sharing love with humanity Woe that we take this for granted Standing alone by fears haunted *** |
As our breath & heartbeat align with The primal Aum vibration Of all lower urgings and judgments there comes about cessation Consciousness gently pulsating & flowing in blissful completeness Self existent awareness alone shining as the immaculate witness Our empty form now becoming a vibrant void with senses rotated Likewise for thought with polarities viewed and ego cravings rested We are & we be the magnetised space with form as our reflection Interconnected with all we ceaselessly outpour loving compassion We see with spherical clarity Beneath seeming outer turbidity Within all their pristine divinity Connected at the heart with entirety Realisations in aloneness Bliss arising from stillness Manifesting as innocence Renewal in continuance *** |
Looking inwards from a coordinate in space We see our reflection as our glowing face Our awareness centreless ever present with ॐ Both in form & formlessness we are at home Cognised by each of us when alone *** |
Yes the center, where is it?
Life can bring us to our knees. People have helped me up, get on with it they say. Oh, how hard life can be. My son needs me more than some My son is my angel My son is a savior of me. |
*** True it is what you say Life’s challenges make us sway And yet centred at the heart in stillness We flow in continuance as the silent witness Experiential data empirical Shows that nothing is predictable So why not surrender in innocence Imbibing the elixirous divine fragrance Within *** |
Silencing the outer din Going in deep within In stillness we enter Into our heart centre Vibrant void of blackness Of seeming emptiness No meditator meditating So nothing disconcerting In the eerie silence We be still in innocence To feel The ॐ vibration The source of all creation Then if it be our time We see the Divine sublime Face to face Solely by His grace Boundless blessings of blissfulness Showered upon us in our aloneness *** |
Alone we seek In innocence meek Devoid of resistance In sync with the dance Of The ॐ beat That soundlessly repeats Within As our renewal does begin As magnetism pulsating All lifetrons enlivening In so being & becoming We witness our blossoming In a continuum of stillness Of our euphoric aloneness *** |
‘Brahman both within and without’ Is not this statement rooted in doubt ... For boundaries are loosely defined Implying that coordinates are assigned By the mind We thought we had left behind Sense of identity pursues as ego suggestion Both in manifestation and non-manifestation Thought reflection Our limitation Whilst pristine presence of childlike innocence Flows smoothly without any resistance No anticipation In our meditation Stilling the stillness now let stillness still our being Our resistanceless consciousness slowly blossoming This game of reclaiming connectedness with oneness Played out by each of us in stillness of our aloneness In silence *** |
Our body responds to the ॐ current For we are a being empty within yet sentient Joyously blissful in the elixirous Divine flow We imbibe the influx pouring in osmotically slow Enlivening & magnetising every pore of our being We are and be in heightened exuberance of ecstasy Bliss peaked as a silent pulse beating within continuously We may shout our joy from the rooftops but no one can really listen For the Divine embrace is an open secret as a Love nectar potion For each on a one to one basis as we stand bare in the wide open The drizzle invisible We alone feel the tingle *** |
Startling Divine revelations beckoning Blocked by our own resistance hesitating Methinks the rot of stagnation has sunk in deep Preventing our heart to upwards leap The Divine fragrance yearns to enter Searching for an opening in our heart centre All the pathless path entails is we be still Allowing Divine Love to enliven us doing Its will This non-doing accomplished by each in aloneness Each soul ignited instantly in Divine connectedness *** |
As we embrace-hold-release Rotating polarities with ease Disappearing by vaporising Again playfully materialising By choiceless choice Following our inner voice Reflecting empathetic behaviour Yet no crusader and nobody’s saviour Living illusion as reality Yet determining not any finality There being no doer Who may act as a chooser Heightened ecstasy internal Stillness in movement external Our flowing renewal Continual Even as Divine does form magnetise Each moment a delightful surprise Being to become the very bliss rapture Looking now at form as a caricature And yet lest we forget Such conclusions too are suspect Any conclusion we make a limitation Interrupting our flowing meditation Our presence as the void in any field As gentle power Love alone does wield Is regeneration of The Love vibration Outpouring impulsively without cessation Felt within by us as the experiencer Without blockage by any interpreter No judger or seeker or doer We are the immaculate viewer Our innate divinity the awareness fulcrum Witnessing movement of the maya pendulum Such is the flow of dynamic stillness Cognised & imbibed by each in aloneness *** |
Each seeker the singular truth does seek Yet each awakening in aloneness is unique An open secret into which none may peek To ego mind the language of Love is Greek One truth! It is explosive rapturous bliss continual Moment to moment ignition within in renewal Our being to become an unending miracle Divine Love magnetism being the elixirous fuel Experiencing manifestations & voids & many a revelation As we embrace-hold-release all that is fickle & fleeting In resonance with Love as the highest and only real vibration Our orientation shifts to presence in a continuum meditating There is no one within seeking any imagined attainment With mind-body having vaporised its ego aspect insanity We flow as of endowed enableability in quiet contentment Mind body cognising & reflecting bubbling bliss in continuity *** |
What a strange place is this we find ourselves alone in confining & opaque Upon which ephemeral images shimmer in a dance of teasing seduction Ever acceptant in innocence we care not whether we are asleep or awake Being in ecstasy of rapturous explosive bliss in an unending continuation *** |
Our silent scream of exploding ecstatic delight A secret we each hold in our individual solitude Rapturous climax continual as polarities ignite Yet for onlookers we appear to be in quietude The only clue we offer is in manner of interaction As we embrace-hold-release each moment with ease An agendaless empathetic flowing orientation Receptive to all yet with no inclination to appease *** |
Initially we tend to be open to sharing In innocence assuming all seek pairing But then we realise impossibility of transference For no one can truly feel what we did experience Each merely seeks validation Of their own meditation And so we eventually walk the path in aloneness Divine connected in blissful rapturousness *** |
In aloneness we feel The tingling appeal Lovers lingering kiss Of ineffable bliss Within Again & again & again Renewal in continuation Ecstasy without cessation We would if we could share Each in aloneness must pair In stillness align With the pulse of the divine By dropping illusion of separateness Reconnecting with Oneness We are already there having never left We connect upon attention being of delusion bereft *** |
Each divine revelation An open secret Each in quiet meditation Alone knows it’s merit We may affirm and describe Our cry may as well be silent For no one else can imbibe The elixir empowering & potent For this reason over time known Many a sage prefers silence Knowing that seeds of love sown For each will blossom in innocence *** |
Flowing along the very edge of heightened ecstatic climax unending Ineffable explosive rapture enveloping us both empowering & captivating Leaving no room for us to accommodate any other sensory cognition We are and thus be to become one with and as vaporised bliss in elation As we go about our day a dormant reflex of consciousness keeps us safe Any outward doing we do is done by instinct even as bliss does not abate It is an indescribable magnetic euphoria enveloping our being in totality We wander about alone with our secret even if we be in the midst of many *** |
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