Imperceptible shift
The invisible flicker of flame in the wicker though there is no cause for the pulse to pause is cognised in aloneness whilst in silence & stillness We do not wish to hide yet cannot confide as the happening too subtle translation impossible shift being inner outer mundanity dimmer *** |
External environ compelling yet relaxes its merciless hold unable to get our attention that God everywhere beholds Each manifestation appearing accepted by us as optimal in trust that for our soul growth every breath is a divine miracle As we thus flow in staid stillness empty within and unexpectant divine magnetism fills our being making ego responses decadent *** |
Dual sim phone
Loss of focus a seeming disorientation in the external interrupting our meditation Loss of grounding yet will not do being resident within mind body so we alternate the current Polarity rotation between realm inner & outer doing to be done in as ordained by the Creator *** |
Fear & desire two faces of attachment to mind body cause of discontentment Doer seeking consciousness expansion in ego craving in domain of maya illusion Seeking eternal in the external ephemeral an ego delusion drawing in destiny inimical Clear recognition that we are not body entity makes us reflect feeling in silence tranquility Entering stillness silencing the flow of thought imbibing the elixir bliss by divine grace brought Body instrument aligns with our true presence magnetised form blissfully joyful in permanence Devoid of identity egoic fears & desires vaporise as a mist of bliss delight in each divine surprise *** |
Recognising our stupor in constant renewal within holding us in hypnotic trance as each thought train begins Dream images self conjured seemingly unwilled how we respond therein signals if attention be distilled Likewise for the waking state opting for a stillness continuum yet when immersed in turbidity begins to sway the pendulum Trapped thus within the matrix of illusions begetting delusion prayerful resolve to stand erect becomes an unending meditation *** |
Inner bliss current
conduit open awaiting energisation tamas shaken wondrous joy ignition love magnetic drawing in the current bliss ecstatic innate native element inner silence merging into the void love dalliance being-ness overjoyed we surrender our identity in totality silent thunder bliss throb perpetuity *** |
In the dark of the night
In the gap of cessation of polarity rotation between waking & sleeping we feel bliss seeping no thoughts canter as we shift to the heart centre neither seeking nor resisting thus without any doing in stillness being and so becoming *** |
Allowing the happening
Bliss and inner silence embodied in permanence as an ever present orientation celebrating each pulse in innocence We get to this is-ness of being-ness imbibing each throb in wonder unseeking & nonchalant in prayerful surrender |
Is-ness of being-ness
Sensing inner urgings arising taken to be of divine origin for with all desires quelled our latent thoughts are virgin Burning yearning for reuniting with our own divinity within being flame of love eternal throbbing as a bliss explosion Each vibe distilled in the heart that tranquil silence prevail the vibrant void our refuge where no lower impulse assails Recognising as we be breathed that God within is resident focus fixed upon this truth imbibing bliss with joy innocent *** |
Hari Ohm
This mantra drawn in by resonation becomes a sound current meditation Ohm Hari Hari Ohm Ohm Hari Hari Hari Hari Ohm *** |
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