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Unseeking Seeker 23-08-2020 02:51 PM

Silent whispers

A secret whispered
in deep sleep
The mantra revealed
vibrationally seeps

Magnetism within rising
has us upbeat
By mantra divine we bear
its searing heat

The role of our free will
is to choose to connect
Divine blessings alone
ultimately hold us erect


Unseeking Seeker 24-08-2020 04:23 PM

Smitten by love divine

Throb of bliss ever present
awareness peaked in the continuum
to each pulsation sentient
resident within at the stillness fulcrum

Each practice written in the scriptures
requiring a limited doer doing
abandoning all action being in rapture
flowing in the current vivifying

There being no one in here to surrender
childlike presence celebrating
innocently looking in astonished wonder
at ineffable ecstasy electrifying


Unseeking Seeker 26-08-2020 03:51 AM

Demystifying the puzzle

Crystallised energy
Emanating from the source
Caged in space & time
As matter coarse

Life as consciousness
Innate in all manifestation
Gods very presence
As the throb of sensation

Lifetrons in form spawned
Being breathed by His power
Each destined to ascend
Swathed in a bliss shower

Just as God has total freedom
We too are granted some free will
We may indulge in ego cravings
Or ascend by simply being still

The natural choice being of alignment
Ever ecstatic in the elixirous current
Or if stagnative in ego borne attachment
We suffer contraction of discontentment

Eventually the narrowing oscillation
Draws in opposing polarities in union
Awaking entails following the suggestion
Of throbbing love in unbound elation

Thus when we choose to exit the game
Of the pulse contracting & expanding
Depends upon our own free will
To reclaim blissful presence self illumining


Unseeking Seeker 26-08-2020 10:59 AM

Silent explosion

Sahasrara & Ajna in tandem
Ignite the head ovoid
Anahata spacial ever purring
All within Sushumna overjoyed

Moment to moment we cognise
Imperceptible shifts within
We alone know the throb we feel
Ecstatic renewal of bliss ignition


Unseeking Seeker 28-08-2020 05:57 AM

Pathless path sabbath

Looking prayerfully heavenward
Or in stillness inward
Our heart full of hope
Ceasing to strive & grope
For moments in time so chosen
We are immune to ego poison
As we resistancelessly align
With love pulsations divine
Imbibing His grace
At an easy pace

In silence


Unseeking Seeker 28-08-2020 09:16 AM

Thousand petaled lotus

A thousand petals
of which only two open
At the divine mantle
deluded beliefs shaken

That that is known
as lucid understanding
Origin past seeds sown
now slowly blossoming

Identity and Self merger
within the heart spacial
It is a soundless thunder
of bliss explosion radial

There is no one within
seeking instant ascension
Each moment we begin
renewal of our meditation

Actuality of each revelation
a wonderment ineffable
Beyond reach of imagination
is splendour of Gods miracle


Unseeking Seeker 29-08-2020 06:46 PM

Idle musings

how still is our stillness
and how empty is our emptiness
here & now moment to moment entwined
if awareness within the linear time continuum
be not free of the last remnants of ego residuum

determiner of emptiness being an ego calibration
succumbing thus are captive in collaboration
unless vaporised in a continuum unbroken
with Samadhi as permanent state
peak that never abates


Unseeking Seeker 30-08-2020 04:08 PM

Continuum of watchfulness

Projection of manifestation as reality
Be it in waking or dreaming
Our response determining
Degree of our divine connectivity

After due deliberation
Even a sinner may act as a saint
Yet the ferality within that taints
Determines default orientation

The strength of each chain
Governed by its weakest link
When a question of swim or sink
What manifests is ego stain

Measure of our ascension
Marked by moments spent in stupor
Wherein oblivious to the bliss flavour
We are mired in habit borne stagnation

No wonder then we see ascended masters
Immersed in meditation continuously
For even they may fall instantly
If their attention drifts to vibrations lower


Unseeking Seeker 31-08-2020 07:48 AM

Who works while we sleep?

awaking gently from deep sleep
a mantra recital in progress
the realisation sinks in deep
arising from divine connectedness

revelations divine thus enabled
a gift of grace from the absolute
for no agenda by us was tabled
save alignment in prayer resolute


Realm Ki 31-08-2020 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

A thousand petals
of which only two open
At the divine mantle
deluded beliefs shaken

That that is known
as lucid understanding
Origin past seeds sown
now slowly blossoming

Identity and Self merger
within the heart spacial
It is a soundless thunder
of bliss explosion radial

There is no one within
seeking instant ascension
Each moment we begin
renewal of our meditation

Actuality of each revelation
a wonderment ineffable
Beyond reach of imagination
is splendour of Gods miracle


Thanks for all the wonderful poetry this was a new favorite. :hug2:

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