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Unseeking Seeker 01-07-2020 03:11 AM


Owing to past conditioning
We are a dead man walking
In a self imposed trance
Yet each moment a chance
To awake
If we shake
Ourselves from our stupor
Assuming role of an observer
In prayerful surrender
Cognisant of the bliss thunder
As bliss ignition
Without any hiatus
Awareness continuous

Poised in stillness
Cognised in aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 02-07-2020 03:33 AM


Looking within we alone may see
In our moment to moment entrée
Myriad of bliss hues in permanence
Beauteous bubbling effervescence
A searing yet benign magnetic pull
Ecstasy climax nothing can annul


Unseeking Seeker 03-07-2020 04:01 AM


Gently shifting attention
Into domains subtle
Quietude our orientation
Complex made simple

All nodes within entwined
A collective resonance
Deep truths instantly divined
In childlike innocence

Lower mind no longer sizes
Its mode receptive
Embracing bestowed surprises
Aspect meditative


Unseeking Seeker 04-07-2020 02:55 AM


Attention oscillation
Between quietude & turbidity
Impacts not our tranquil orientation
Rapturised by the bliss pulse in continuity

Vibrant stillness as in the eye of the storm
A nonchalant witness to the external
Imbibing bliss currents warm
Each pulse a miracle

Throbbing with power
Void of our heart magnetised
Elixirous in the divine bliss shower
Acceptant presence ecstatic & electrified


Unseeking Seeker 05-07-2020 03:46 AM


Growing compassion
As a colouration of loves hue
There shines no reflection
Until dawn reveals the dew

Presence stands alone
Identity long vaporised
Equal are shrine & stone
With inner self baptised


Unseeking Seeker 06-07-2020 04:14 AM


Yearning for attainment
Or flowing in contentment
Which should we choose
As ego urgings we defuse

This question superfluous
As bliss pulse continuous
Softens residual egoic hold
That light within we behold


Unseeking Seeker 06-07-2020 07:39 AM


Energy seeking balance
Flows into a vacuum
Teasing divine parlance
Bliss at the sensorium

As ego cravings recede
In our emptiness within
Self does self supersede
As thunderous ignition


Unseeking Seeker 07-07-2020 03:26 AM


Aloneness in vibrancy
Bliss throbbing in constancy
We watch the play
Involuntarily sway
Thrill and wonder
As in ecstasy we shudder
With unbound delight
Through day & night

Sharing futile for we cannot translate
The rapture of bliss that our being elates
Yet if it resonates let us say we validate

That that has a thousand times been written
Are we, in the here & now, by love smitten?


Unseeking Seeker 08-07-2020 02:50 AM


The journey thus far
As we shuffle & spar
Walking mile after mile
All our doings futile
Ultimately all is grace
Revealed at its own pace
It is our receptivity
Openness and porosity
Aspect of allowing
That enables becoming
One with the divine
As we gently align
In stillness & silence
Resonance of innocence
Imbibing & assimilating
Elixirous bliss throbbing
Lower mind dropped
Stuporous thoughts stopped
From interfering with the flow
Garnered in stillness slow

We are as we are ever aglow


Unseeking Seeker 09-07-2020 03:02 AM


Free flowing feeling
Without resisting
An act of valour
Bliss flavour
Displaces the old
With rays of gold
As we vaporise
To embrace surprise
Desires subside
Identity dies
All that we clung to
Yields to the new

Only the innocent
To bliss sentient
May reorient
Their being
In ecstasy enlivening
Elixir rapturizing
Moment to moment
The magnetic current
Feeling complete
With bliss replete


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