Pause The cause Of consciousness contraction Lest then any impulsive action Have consequences irreversible Pause! Breathing easy, life joyful Thought rested, behold Gods miracle Within *** |
The medulla involuntarily flickers A well concealed bliss trigger We shudder as spasms of rapture Which feeble mind cannot capture Rapturises form in ecstasy ineffable Outward radiance unstoppable Churning within of lifetrons beautiful Climaxical explosion renewal continual Palms too radiate magnetic heat Being in sync with the rhythm upbeat When bliss enters There remains no centre It is a wholeness Of radiant completeness Is-ness of being-ness *** |
Creeping contraction Marring bliss elation The latent craving Seeking quicker enabling Cannot be denied As coordinates are sized By lower mind We imagined left behind Each desire egoic lust Specious logic thrusts Causing a ripple Making complex the simple We view this oscillation With nonchalant attention Recognising the confusion Owing to body identification Though deluded for a while We shrug it off with a smile We alone witness this battle Consciousness the mantle Where we are put to test Be it trough or crest We rise like the Phoenix Ecstatic in bliss electric *** |
We like to play And so we do In stillness sway Aliveness renew We make a game Of everything we do Watching wax & wane Of each pulse anew Beginning of the itch The urge to scratch Allowing the twitch We are our own match Differentiating intent At half breath cessation The pauses potent At inhalation & exhalation Lips opening to sip A pause pregnant Into the tea they dip The gulp too expectant We look in the mirror Beyond outer appearance A spasmatic bliss tremor Reveals our innocence *** |
Aspect playful Attention watchful Intellect discerning Heart all embracing Orientation acceptant Flowing in contentment Single focus The divine locus Joyous celebration In every situation Our silent prayer Asking only one favour Divine connectedness Unbroken awareness The elixirous soma fizz Manifesting ineffable bliss As ignition in renewal Ecstasy continual Within *** |
Doing as we like In resonance with love Thriving on the bliss spike God & we are both hand in glove Who’s jealous? :smile: *** |
Taking what is given Bliss rapture having risen We hold stead our stand At loves frequency band Continuous contemplation Consciousness correction Purity instilled Attention distilled Enabling cognition Of subtler vibration As layer by layer We uncover Our Self *** |
Yoga meditation Stress relief by neck rotation Side to side Holding extremities in tension Void our guide Arching back in the cobra pose Movement ceases Muscular tension zone of repose Pain that pleases Pranayama popular Kapalbhati Each exhalation Though rapid and in continuity Void of cessation There are postures of balance Aided by no-mind A playful meditation parlance Free of egoic bind *** |
Awaking from sleep We imagine as deep How awake are we In our entrée Way past dawn We stretch & yawn Not in awareness But in stuporousness We are oblivious to The pulse that renews Ignites & delights In the Sushumna bright Cave within our heart Where bliss ignition starts Veiled By our aura stained Yet if we do choose Without excuse With identity forsaken Our awareness is unbroken The continuum timeless Each pulse priceless Aliveness in each sensation Magnetic ॐ reverberation *** |
Harsh judgment & accusation Yet seeking validation The unseemly commotion Owing to preconceived notion In resignation we sigh Looking at the jaundiced eye Animosity & discord We attempt to ford Drawing in the toxic current Transmuting it to its native element Love unconditional Our reflection continual Yet if the recipient Be now not sentient The seeds yet sown In timeless time grown Will undoubtedly bear fruit To some measure contribute In aligning Transforming All that that is feral Into the ethereal Bliss bubbling Hearts beating As one *** |
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