who but we alone may detect if in midst of turmoil we stand erect calm & tranquil as eye of the storm swathed in bliss currents warm as outer countenance reflects the inner we cognise veils of delusion now thinner separateness boundaries begin to blur even as currents of love within do stir *** |
Searing bliss Burning kiss Peaked ecstasy In continuity We would If we could Share Pair We cannot So shall not Our cover is blown We vaporise alone *** |
Thoughts of loss or gain To rest lain Equal in pleasure & pain A mode insane Instant empathy unthinking embrace Thriving solely on divine grace Allowing blossoming at its own pace Tranquil calm no goals to chase Upon this adventurous spiritual foray To each pulse that comes our way In exuberance we exclaim hurray A dance divine we gleefully play Who but we alone feel the vibration Nuances of each subtle sensation Elixir of rapturous bliss elation Renewing in an unending continuation *** |
The Sahasrara assumes pole position Importing into its domain spacial elation Signalling harmony with hearts delight As also the central funnel aglow with light Lower mind shorn We stand alone Naked Upon ground sacred *** |
Whirlpool of outer activity Interrupts not continuity Of our inner tranquility Embalmed with serenity Of bliss The divine caress At play within Unending ignition Love an open secret As we freely ferry it Fully quenched thirst Is the bliss burst Within as ignition *** |
Here I Am The horizon we scan There is no one else Yet we feel the pulse Within *** |
A thought arises That surprises Before we admit We look at it It’s innate emptiness The core stillness The periphery moves In patterned grooves Whose? A reflex instinct We imagined extinct Manifests That we later regret It’s source Ferality coarse Sublimated Not quite decimated Dark humour *** |
As the veil thins we pause Drawn by an inner urging Love being the cause To lend our hand helping The Universe holds its breath Smiling & according consent At renunciation of untold wealth Honouring our loving sentiment *** |
Recognising wisdom of the scriptures As directional indicators We employ the knowing vicarious To steer our affinity to love beauteous In aloneness piercing layers subtle Until we shrug off ego bonds inimical We renew ourselves in continuity Since there is no finite finality To our becoming by blossoming In rapture of joy unending Resting lower mind ceasing to size In bubbling delight we embrace surprise As bliss within does rise *** |
A secret known To us alone Within deep sleep Soma nectar seeps As magnetic electricity Of heightened intensity Shaping & enabling Blossoming & awakening Our in-form consciousness To unbound awareness We ingrain the bliss Enabled by the caress That in waking too persists But then we resist Since lower mind Holds us in a bind Accustomed to limitation Self blocks the bliss elation As such the, deep sleep Is when we enter waters deep With divine assistance *** |
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