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Unseeking Seeker 07-01-2019 02:22 AM

Just being

No churning
No yearning
The waiting
Voiceless voice
Of choiceless choice
With the sublime
Divine chime
Love dispersal
Fragrant & colourful
Exalted essence
Imbibed in innocence
By non-self presence
In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 08-01-2019 03:58 AM

Devoid of love?

In aloneness
We gape
How did love escape
Our being
Were we not seeing
The doing
Why was our magnetising
The becoming
Not happening
Within our structure
A fissure
Has appeared
Perhaps fear
Or any manifestation
Of contraction
Which blocked
Love essence
From our presence
Unless here & now
Without asking how
We reinkindle
Movement of the spindle
To energise
Draw in
As we begin
Love to spew
Without hesitation
Without calculation
In spontaneity
As a certainty
Of the pendulum ...

In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 10-01-2019 03:00 AM


Egoic doubt stealthily stalks our presence
It is detected by ripples in stillness
Ego seeking self preservation
Our presence, it’s determination
It is, we are
Close, yet afar
A vibration switch
Does the trick

In stillness
In our aloneness
If we so choose
Without excuse
To be


Unseeking Seeker 11-01-2019 10:07 AM


Consciousness correction
Without egoic deflection
In practice, not theory
A long path weary

We trudge along alone
With no one any bone
Of contention
Fuelled by desirous imagination

The task is unending
Negativity rending
Layer by layer
The divine alone our saviour


Unseeking Seeker 15-01-2019 02:21 AM

Love index

Alone, in stillness we intuitively size
The divine embraceable surprise
Cognition & love ascension in parallel
Surging spherically within our in-form channel

There being no doer, yet the doing is done
Aglow within is the beauteous gentle rainbow sun
The single eye cognising the Oneness energy
Magnetically, enigmatically, aligning form in synergy


As the love evolves
We observe self dissolve
As the imaginary bubble does burst
Self gone and with it, desirous thirst


Unseeking Seeker 16-01-2019 03:18 PM


Alone as in feeling of separateness
From the That Oneness
As distinct consciousness sentient
Though of the same element
Signalling inner conflict
Since the gross domain does depict
A separate ego
In a web of maya which won’t let go
In the domain external
From our birth up to our funeral
And so, this being as it is, we accept
The package opted for without regret
We accept but do not to the ego succumb
Refusing to place ourselves under its thumb
Shrugging off attachment to the ephemeral
Embracing instead Oneness in the internal eternal
Then we have before us ...
Clarity both within & without form, without egoic fuss
This clarity ...
Allows us to reverse polarity
In the domain external, at will
In aloneness, with consciousness still


Unseeking Seeker 18-01-2019 01:00 PM

Delusion of aloneness

Aloneness ... an impossibility
Our in-form enableability ...
What is its source?
As life runs its ordained course
We see
That we be
All connected
None excepted
One with Oneness
Where then is aloneness?


Unseeking Seeker 23-01-2019 05:09 AM


Far from forlorn
No vying
Magnetism magnifying
Titillating exuberance
Of movement in stillness
In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 27-01-2019 05:05 PM


Alone, employing free will, we choicelessly choose Satvik vibration
By engaging in continuous contemplative consciousness correction


Unseeking Seeker 02-02-2019 05:01 AM

That which may not be known ... yet

Everything being vibration, a pulsation, attention slowing in stillness is then yet movement in sync with oneness, the source of oneness love energised vibration eluding cognition of oneness unified consciousness-awareness being not sentient to that which lies beyond the formlessness & absoluteness of Oneness itself.

Contemplations in aloneness ...


Unseeking Seeker 11-02-2019 11:32 AM

Alone we intuitively calibrate and attempt to decimate the hues of ignorance born of indulgence in egoic dalliance while the delusions, all illusions tease & encircle, a mere touch making them go viral, our observing their swirling encouraging them to hover & manoeuvre in spiralling orbits through the labyrinths of our subconscious mind, intricate pathways we as yet cannot find.


Unseeking Seeker 21-02-2019 04:54 AM


In our aloneness within enigmatic stillness how does it matter if the benefactor bestowing single eye awakening has eyes of glowing amber as long as it is a game changer in clarity of cognition marking our incremental ascension, all enabled sentience facilitated always by divine assistance.


Unseeking Seeker 05-03-2019 12:16 PM


Together we walk the talk, yet each walks alone
Pilgrims upon a path, the divine to us has shown
In the sea of Oneness too we are dissolved yet distinct
Alone in our uniqueness when fingerprints are inked


Unseeking Seeker 08-03-2019 04:15 AM


The word ‘alone’ an oxymoron, all being entwined & aligned as one under the central sun.


Unseeking Seeker 17-03-2019 06:25 AM


Alone we are, alone we be
Both in duality & singularity
Hearts are one and so entwine
I am yours even if you are not mine
There is empathy and there is love
Yet alone flies the swallow far above


Taking a Break 17-03-2019 05:22 PM

I am now subscribed to this thread.

Unseeking Seeker 19-03-2019 10:55 AM


Finding ourselves forlorn
Heart & mind
Needing to combine
In case of incongruence
There is imbalance
Disjointed sentience
Cognitive dissonance
If thought be made slow
In sync with hearts flow
Nodes within then align
In sync with the divine
All we do is relax & allow
With attention in the now



Unseeking Seeker 24-03-2019 04:20 AM


Alone we silence
Thought turbulence
In quietude
With fortitude
A sacred space
Where we race
At our own pace
To deface
Delusion of separateness
In contemplative stillness
And then as a rebel
Fears & desires quell
Living the chosen orientation
In a continuum of meditation


Unseeking Seeker 28-03-2019 03:05 PM


Alone we choose
Without excuse
With vibration of selection
Creating precipitation of manifestation
Reality shaped by our very own suggestion

We would do well then to pause
The cause
Being thought
Often ego begot
Choosing to be receptive & allowing
In a desireless orientation free flowing


Unseeking Seeker 02-04-2019 04:27 AM


The magic wand we alone wield
By free will in any vibrational field
Breathing in energy as thought
Exhaling value addition self taught

What we breathe out we breathe in
As we renew afresh and again begin
So alone we choose the breath we release
Pure intent to please, with nonchalant ease


Unseeking Seeker 11-04-2019 07:23 AM


In the magical stillness
of aloneness
we cognised
and so realised
the seeming boundless space
energised by divine grace
first expanding
and then contracting
into a single point
at the Bindu still & silent
and love needing to overspill
pouring its nectar upon the anvil
of & within momentary form
that one with Oneness we adorn


Unseeking Seeker 15-04-2019 03:11 AM


Alone time for reflection
A much needed circuit breaker
A renewal, a regeneration
We are both the mover & the shaker

Exiting grooves of stuporous routine
Choosing polarity rotation to wisdom glean


Unseeking Seeker 23-04-2019 03:07 PM



Each realm of vibration
requires a vehicle for interaction
which we occupy and energise
to experience and feel alive
in that domain
Yet boon may soon become bane
if we are so deluded
to believe that the vehicle is us, soul excluded
The temporary life force of the vehicle is the ego
seeking attracting our attention in waters shallow
and if we succumb and it’s feral cravings follow
in a state of delusion we continue to wallow
Our actions with ego as fulcrum generates karma
which we then need to resolve being law of dharma
leading to repeated birth after birth in that domain
A web of self created suffering until the ego is lain ...
to rest, employed as but a temporary interface
connected to Universal consciousness’s divine grace

The earth domain is where we learn
within our stillness in aloneness to discern
that we are the formless Oneness awareness
enlivening ego as divine entwined consciousness


Realm Ki 23-04-2019 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker


Each realm of vibration
requires a vehicle for interaction
which we occupy and energise
to experience and feel alive
in that domain
Yet boon may soon become bane
if we are so deluded
to believe that the vehicle is us, soul excluded
The temporary life force of the vehicle is the ego
seeking attracting our attention in waters shallow
and if we succumb and it’s feral cravings follow
in a state of delusion we continue to wallow
Our actions with ego as fulcrum generates karma
which we then need to resolve being law of dharma
leading to repeated birth after birth in that domain
A web of self created suffering until the ego is lain ...
to rest, employed as but a temporary interface
connected to Universal consciousness’s divine grace

The earth domain is where we learn
within our stillness in aloneness to discern
that we are the formless Oneness awareness
enlivening ego as divine entwined consciousness


Here's my new art - practicing listening to stillness in
loudness, in disorganisation, in crowds. Where the aloneness quite literally can be skipped over, like a hurdle between the many in separation and the many in one.

I love this poem. Even when I ramble :)

Unseeking Seeker 24-04-2019 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by Realm Ki
Here's my new art - practicing listening to stillness in
loudness, in disorganisation, in crowds. Where the aloneness quite literally can be skipped over, like a hurdle between the many in separation and the many in one.

I love this poem. Even when I ramble :)


Of course! Why walk the tightrope
with balance in hands to grope
when you have wings to fly
anywhere, anytime in the boundless sky :smile:


Realm Ki 24-04-2019 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

Of course! Why walk the tightrope
with balance in hands to grope
when you have wings to fly
anywhere, anytime in the boundless sky :smile:




Unseeking Seeker 30-04-2019 09:37 AM


Alone we are within the sacred space
Where we ourselves may enter only by divine grace
Our inner sanctum where no one else may follow
Especially narrow egoic thoughts wayward & shallow
Knowing that we are the receptor, the non-doer
Yet observing that in our stillness the divine being the mover
Fulcrum of our consciousness has over time shifted
As of divine grace been uplifted
There is no ego in this recognition
It is as it is, an observation without calibration
The journey too being through labyrinths unknown
We joyously accept unfoldings as shown
Alone, quiet & still we observe our consciousness blossoming
In being to become we are one with the flow in ascension unending


Unseeking Seeker 09-05-2019 10:38 AM


Alone we be and alone we are
Divine within close and yet so far
The imaginary distance
Illusion of ego resistance
Alone we see the trajectory
Of our memory drawn imagery
Alone we uncondition our ferality
Alone with the Divine we seek unity


Unseeking Seeker 11-05-2019 12:58 PM


The experience real as cold steel
For he who did within so feel
For others it is but a fairy tale
Each ship as such in aloneness sails


Unseeking Seeker 19-05-2019 07:36 PM


How may we Love transmit
The gift the Divine one to one does remit
For we are One and yet as each being self elect
Entwined by Love as Love does voluntarily select
Such is our enigmatic vibrant aloneness
Waiting for our lover to awaken from stuporousness


Unseeking Seeker 29-05-2019 06:31 AM


Choosing in a manner non-doing making movements slower
Our orientation being that of an ego surrendered allower
Divine Love manifests as the omnipresent consciousness nurturer
As the caring gardener joyous to see our being flower
As for us, in our vibrant aloneness we are a childlike observer
Blissful & content in the blissful Divine shower

We are the loved and the loving lover


Unseeking Seeker 15-06-2019 05:16 AM


Mischievous intent
In playing truant
Hoping our prank be detected
And thereby we be connected
Face to face
With the Divine grace
Cajoling and steering
Guiding and loving
Steadying our spirit
Non judging of our merit
And so we delight
In the Divine Light
By deliberately going astray
Pretending to lose our way
Whereupon our guide
Always beside
Hastens to assist
And as He does manifest
His presence
We in innocence
Smile a childlike impish smile
A game of hide & seek without guile


Unseeking Seeker 17-06-2019 01:12 PM


We would
if we could
share the Divine pulsation

But the imbibing
and the assimilating
are an inner felt joyous elation

We are all one yet each a distinct consciousness
blossoming in secrecy of Divine entwined aloneness
in free flowing renewal and unending continuation


Unseeking Seeker 24-06-2019 05:12 AM



There is no doubt about our enabled co-creation ability
Still within there is nothing we may like to seek to create
Having earlier suffered ego begot thought turbidity
Divine entwined we are now content in stillness sedate
As outpourings of Love percolate our being osmotically
The fullness of our consciousness is ecstatic & joyous
Flowing without resistance in the Divine stream gently
We imbibe the sublime elixir of life in renewal continuous
And yet so endowed we are urged to create our reality
Looking around we see ignorance borne bewilderment
So reflecting Divine Love we pour out healing stability
Setting in motion cause & effect bringing inner alignment
Such is the non-doer doing of the power of co-creation
Strengthened by repeated intuitive loving affirmation
In rippleless stillness of unending prayerful meditation
In a timeless continuum of Divine entwined elation


Unseeking Seeker 01-07-2019 05:19 PM


The secrets whispered
For us alone
Nuances deciphered
Seeds of renewal sown


Realm Ki 01-07-2019 11:52 PM

Absolutely breath taking, both.

And we dance and play in our creation, sensing the strokes of another dancer beyond, in truth never alone.

Unseeking Seeker 05-07-2019 03:26 AM


As waves of doubt & uncertainty invading
lap up against the porous shores of our being
their presence we notice automatically transmuting
their contracting vibrations into octaves ascending
in resonance with vibrations of Divine Love pulsating
as an unceasing uplifting osmotic magnetic flowing


wherein in stillness of so being we are becoming
as the very source of creation ever benignly radiating
the elixir of life all pervading ceaselessly outpouring
in an all embracing enveloping and co-creation enabling
endowments freely showered if we just accept receiving
blessings of The Divine in innocence choosing aligning



Unseeking Seeker 15-07-2019 03:25 AM


Choosing fullness not emptiness
In flowing aliveness one with Oneness
Timeless beginningless & endless
In renewal of innocence continuous

In our divine entwined aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 20-07-2019 04:07 AM


When on unfamiliar terrain
In another domain
Taking time for familiarisation
Is prudence, not hesitation
Relying as always upon divine assistance
Navigating uncharted waters with confidence
Rooted in the knowing
That by divine entwined connecting
In an uninterrupted continuum
With no identity based residuum
We are in alignment
With inner & outer as enlightenment
Osmotically imbibing
Lovingly outpouring
Love divine sublime
In unending time

As above so below
In stillness our pure intent does follow
The rhythmic beat of the divine pulsation
In a continuum of timeless meditation
The vehicle as interface may be any
Enableabilities bestowed could be many
Yet we being not
Our ego naught
Neither measuring nor sizing
All doings being but happenings
With a smiling face
And a spontaneous embrace
Orientation of lovingness
Stance of fearlessness
We flow all aglow
Easy & slow


Unseeking Seeker 22-07-2019 12:32 PM


Close encounters in aloneness

From a one who was in pain suffering

who had resigned himself to health declining

it may be affirmed as his first hand knowing

that even in a debilitating body so decaying

the Supreme being manifesting in fullness of loving

along with the spirit guide all questions answering

with of course chakras aligning and kundalini fully rising

in a soft golden light all enveloping and illuminating

and entry domain of Shivlok in all its beauty revealing

in clarity and with daily repetition of the wondrous experiencing

thereby demonstrating that upon the divine so choosing

the gracing there remains nothing limiting

with no need of any doing save trustingly accepting

the unfolding so enabling and in innocence flowing


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