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Unseeking Seeker 28-05-2020 02:48 AM


Nonchalantly flowing in the current
Yet to each nuance alertly cognisant
Such is the enigma
That even without agenda
The ordained doing is done
Under auspices of the spiritual sun
With prudence & mindfulness
Without diluting rapture of blissfulness

In our divine centric aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 29-05-2020 03:02 AM


Unvoiced utterance
Sparkling resonance
Instant manifestation
By co-creation
There being no doubt
That does grout
Deflect or limit
The words we emit
Within our heart
As an innocent upstart

Thus the affirmation
Free of egoic precipitation
A melodious verse
Voice of the Universe
Threading love seamlessly
Unifying in joy continuously
The temporary misalignment
Transient discontentment
In nonjudging embrace
As divine grace


Unseeking Seeker 30-05-2020 02:48 AM


The single eye brightens
As pulsations in the ovoid heighten
Centres connected yet each independent
Attention following bliss sentiment
As magnetic currents within rise
Each offered nuance a surprise

Whilst we neither predict nor anticipate
Allowing divine pulsations to enliven & elate
We cannot help but notice the conjunction
Of love & thought at the heart junction
Even as the light within self luminous
Foretells us of a destiny beauteous


Unseeking Seeker 31-05-2020 03:12 AM


Surprise begetting astonishment
Innocence enabling surprise
Orientation of tranquil contentment
Inducing bliss within to arise

Silent thunder in stillness & silence
An invisible storm within
Ignition in renewal divine parlance
Feeling magnetism rising


Unseeking Seeker 31-05-2020 11:52 AM


Who but we ourselves may say
How we do involuntary sway
Interacting with and responding
To vibrations our aura penetrating

Who but we ourselves may recalibrate
The choice of music to dance & gyrate
Co-creating our own reality manifest
Both moments of joy and fears we detest

Who but we ourselves choose elation
In an unbroken flow of divine connection
Nestling in bliss within the heart dome
In resonance with the reverberation ॐ


Unseeking Seeker 01-06-2020 03:29 AM


Here I Am
As Ajna scans
Subtle vibrations
As of resonation
Of our instinct
Karmically distinct

View spherical
The flow optimal
For ascension
With bliss elation
In accompaniment
As of soul agreement

Yet we must choose
Without excuse
To so be
In our entrée
Attentive & sentient
Receptive & innocent


Unseeking Seeker 02-06-2020 05:46 AM


Bubbles within bubbles
Shapes spherical
Yet orbits elliptical
Energy field toroidal

Pulsations of energy
Makes everything Kundalini
From the lowest entity
To infinity

Leaving darkness behind
We shift from instinct to mind
Stagnation in ego does bind
In stillness we unwind

Ascension shifting enablement
Identity choosing containment
Whilst heart in contentment
Manifests bliss without abatement

Our choice choiceless
In silence & stillness
We each in aloneness
Are one in oneness


Unseeking Seeker 03-06-2020 04:15 AM


After being swathed in the bliss shower
Curious ego mind limited seeks answers
We encourage not it’s urgings & cravings
Our distilled attention in bliss scintillating

Recognising lower mind as an instrument
We rest it and throb in our native element


Unseeking Seeker 04-06-2020 05:29 AM


Actuality of being
In the here & now
With love resonating
In gentleness mellow

Hum of bliss magnetic
Ignites the Sushumna
Energy centres ecstatic
Ajna, Guru & Sahasrara

Thought rested awareness
Magnetising form hollow
Bliss vivifying our emptiness
Divine leads and we follow

Bliss elixir enlivening that elates
Imbibed by us in stillness sedate
In receptive resonation we gyrate
In renewal osmotically assimlate

There being no path upon which we walk
We simply follow the scent of love vivifying
Now remaining within no cravings that stalk
We flow in the current of ॐ reverberating

Radiating from the heart


Unseeking Seeker 05-06-2020 03:29 AM


Employing thought to position
Our fickle attention
We throb at chosen vibration
In gentle resonation

It is the stuporous awareness
Slipping into unconsciousness
A drowsy Tamasic sleepiness
Breaking flow of our alertness

Not only during state of waking
During sleep with ॐ resonating
Flowing quietly ever meditating
We witness our own blossoming


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