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Unseeking Seeker 24-05-2020 02:08 AM


Imagine a living light
Self luminous & bright
Alive & aglow in the Sushumna funnel
Emanating rays of magnetic bliss radial

This is how it is
The elixirous fizz
Radiating inside out as ignition in renewal
The climaxical explosion a throb continual

Time alone can tell
How bliss will swell
Bubble of form fragile feels rising intensity
Leaving it to God to determine life or fatality


Unseeking Seeker 25-05-2020 02:50 AM


Cave within heart toroidal
A void swirl at the Anahata
Perfect pattern geometrical
Abode of Parvati and Shiva

Rephrased we may also say
Pulse of separation & union
Dance of seduction in sway
Manifesting the ॐ vibration

Recognition is stillness
Felt by us in aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 25-05-2020 04:23 PM


Sitting alone poised in attention
Allowing the bliss pulse to be our meditation
Simply thus looking doing nothing
Feeling consciousness from within expanding
We neither predict nor anticipate
In silence & stillness syncing with bliss gyrate
Resting memory drawn imagery
Total trusting surrender tranquil & sedentary
An orientation of inviting surprise
One with magnetic bliss currents that do rise
Electrifying the Sushumna funnel
We behold bliss in permanence as the miracle


Realm Ki 25-05-2020 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

Cave within heart toroidal
A void swirl at the Anahata
Perfect pattern geometrical
Abode of Parvati and Shiva

Rephrased we may also say
Pulse of separation & union
Dance of seduction in sway
Manifesting the ॐ vibration

Recognition is stillness
Felt by us in aloneness


So many beautiful poems. This speaks to me at this time.

Unseeking Seeker 26-05-2020 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Realm Ki
So many beautiful poems. This speaks to me at this time.


Ah! You have finally really resurfaced! Our delight bubbles with expectancy! :hug3:


Unseeking Seeker 26-05-2020 05:36 AM


Stiller our stillness
In surrendered gentleness
Looking without questioning
Each subtle pulse arising
Our orientation innocent
To each nuance sentient
We feel the bliss elixirous
Ecstasy within continuous
As an embodiment of being
In wholeness enlivening
The renewal
As we rest in our emptiness
Radiant in luminousness
Aliveness complete
With bliss replete


Realm Ki 26-05-2020 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

Stiller our stillness
In surrendered gentleness
Looking without questioning
Each subtle pulse arising
Our orientation innocent
To each nuance sentient
We feel the bliss elixirous
Ecstasy within continuous
As an embodiment of being
In wholeness enlivening
The renewal
As we rest in our emptiness
Radiant in luminousness
Aliveness complete
With bliss replete


Very beautiful:hug3:

MDBdivinity 26-05-2020 06:53 AM

Trnaquility in sedentarism is not descerning

Unseeking Seeker 26-05-2020 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by MDBdivinity
Trnaquility in sedentarism is not descerning


Just as we are not the doer
The divine being the mover
Discernment of mind
We leave behind
Choosing with love pulse resonation
Alignment with the ॐ reverberation


Let there be no half measure
In transcending mind-body caricature
Ceasing to measure & size
We vaporise
Being to become
With oneness one


Unseeking Seeker 27-05-2020 04:38 AM


our silent scream of delight in the vibrant void
goes unnoticed as we continue to be toyed
willingly we may add, by the divine caress
a lingering ecstatic rapture where more is less
wherein we are both captive as well as free
as bliss mysterious makes its enigmatic entrée
teleporting us to our core within throbbing
pulsating with ignition in renewal vivifying
and thus as awareness without thought we flow
in a continuum of unbroken is-ness all aglow

que sera sera
whatever will be will be


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