Any time of the day or night Hues of bliss may choose to delight Flitting like a bee from chakra to chakra We observe in silence from the Anahata Cave in the heart a reservoir bottomless Enigma of its magnetic pull fathomless Ceasing questioning we flow in rapture As boundaries blur bliss has no measure *** |
As a veil of darkness seemingly covers the earth Fearing it not we hear laughter of bubbling mirth Emanating from the Self resident in heart spacial Immunised from the external radiating love radial *** |
As the world slows down prompting serenity Clear skies, birds chirping, outer activity still Reflecting within do we see thought turbidity Or do we feel love as bubbling bliss overspill *** |
Such is the tingle As lifetrons mingle Quiet contentment Childlike excitement Entwine as we align With the love divine Innocence sedentary Plots not trajectory Being simply present Allowing the current To magnetise our form Imbibing bliss swarm Fruit of seeds so sown Partaken by each alone *** |
If direction Be determined by our action Marked by intention Of our instinctive orientation Love connection Recognising no such condition Flowing in jubilation Outpouring with no negation Childlike celebration Bursts forth as bliss elation Benign explosion Re-ignition in continuation Within *** |
Aloneness an impossibility When hearts are entwined Bliss pulsating in continuity No cause need be assigned Rotating attention polarity Equal both within & without Heightens our bliss intensity As we nonchalantly go about *** |
The Guru chakra nodding Zinging tingling signalling Is-ness within complete With blissfulness replete Nodes one & all participate In heightened joy celebrate The rhythmic dance spontaneous Ecstatic rapture within fortuitous Identity vaporised our innocence Is in a continuum of exuberance These spasms of delight Through day & night From which we never alight Make our aloneness bright *** |
Inch by inch We slowly winch Gently steer Towards love veer Consciousness fulcrum That mind body prism Reflect the goodness Of the That awareness With minimal distortion Even as bliss elation Becomes our orientation As a flow without cessation Spacial emptiness Magnetised in fullness With the divine electricity In unending continuity Within *** |
Body dome Echoing ॐ Magnetic tingle A wake up signal To centre attention In flowing elation Moment to moment Our bliss quotient Rising & falling Each nuance enlivening As of breath principle Seamless and simple Inner sacred space Energised by divine grace Dynamic stillness Of our aloneness Innocent receptivity Ensuring continuity Heart our home Reverberating ॐ *** |
Idle chatter No longer matters Debates futile As is guile Revelations shown In the heart grown The clear light Shining bright Each journey unique Where none may peek Truths etched in stone For each alone The meditator Needs no translator *** |
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