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Unseeking Seeker 05-04-2020 09:59 AM


Unwanted company
Of thoughts aplenty
Even when we are alone
My! How they’ve grown
Looking in nonchalance
Rejecting frivolous parlance
Attention flowing in effortlessness
Our being engulfed in blissfulness
We choose our coordinate
In silence & stillness sedate
Getting to an orientation
Of all time meditation
Gently sways the pendulum
But we are at the fulcrum
As we embrace & release
All pulsations with ease
Simply self aware
In easy breezy flair


Unseeking Seeker 05-04-2020 01:14 PM


Are we open to rejection
Receptive to suggestion
We alone can tell
If within all is well


Unseeking Seeker 06-04-2020 03:00 AM


In aloneness we feel the magnetic pull
From root to crown in blissfulness full
An ecstatic rapture defying delineation
Silent scream of delight in continuation


Unseeking Seeker 06-04-2020 09:01 AM


Feel the divine nectar flow
In stillness slow
As energy centres come alive
A joy we cannot describe
Envelopes us from head to toe
We watch ourself grow
An enchantment in slow motion
Bliss within the love potion
Having ceased even unconditioning
Divine doing all the doing
Surrendering on an as is where is basis
Pulse slow yet heart races
Empty within charged with magnetism
Love radiates from this prism

We alone can tell
How bliss does swell
Divine fragrance does smell
Thunder of the silent bell
How love with love does jell


Unseeking Seeker 06-04-2020 03:23 PM


Tides rise and fall
Still is eye of the storm
Empty so immune to the squall
Gently imbibing the bliss swarm

No doing to be done
No agenda no fear no desire
Each pulse does blissfully stun
Our being our soul our form afire


Unseeking Seeker 07-04-2020 03:34 AM


Recognition the mere beginning
Yet it it is the release
Divine entwined gently flowing
In agendaless ease
That we imbibe bliss enlivening
No ego to appease
Each pulse delighting & surprising
As this moment we seize


Unseeking Seeker 07-04-2020 07:30 AM


We alone may plot
Movement of thought
Blaming not the ego
Which we chose to forgo
It is our reflex instinct
Determining if we sink
Yet anytime we may rise
Ceasing to think or size
Getting to the fulcrum
Of the swaying pendulum

No practice this but choice
To listen to our inner voice
Looking at narrowness
In detached nonchalance
Our quiet contemplation
Choosing attention correction
We release all feral baggage
Animosity that seeks to ravage
Getting to silence & stillness
Childlike innocence in aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 07-04-2020 12:24 PM


Sharing inner joy one day ceases
Our transmission in midair freezes
Upon realising being is becoming
Blocked hearts foiling connecting


Unseeking Seeker 08-04-2020 02:55 AM


Awareness self aware in the void of emptiness
There is no one here save is-ness of being-ness

Presence vibrant in aliveness in stoic aloneness


Realm Ki 08-04-2020 06:07 AM

So many lovely poems! It's been too long.

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