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Unseeking Seeker 31-03-2020 07:07 AM


We may liken head as Hiranyagarbha
Containing manifested universe within
The dimensionless Anahata an enigma
Residence of Atma in stillness sanguine

Upon cosmic egg splitting arises duality
Male & female energies fuse in the heart
Giving rise to bliss of explosive intensity
Moment to moment ignition does restart

Gurus divine blessing as rod of initiation
Enlivening within form enabled lifetrons
Thus arises from root to crown erection
The pulse of bliss at each moment reborn

There is no finality upon this pathless path
The divine love imbibed in hues beauteous
Each moment in the pulse a holy sabbath
Resonating with the divine play continuous

Our affirmation no validation of this secret
Each in aloneness receives as of their merit


Unseeking Seeker 02-04-2020 03:35 PM


Let us not deny the delight
Invading our being day & night
Resting all vicarious knowing
Alone in silence gently flowing
Having ignited our inner polarity
Bliss current renews in continuity
Shifting fulcrum of being-ness
Ecstatic rapture our is-ness

Known to us in our aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 03-04-2020 08:12 AM


Stagnative thoughts orbiting narrow grooves
Whilst ineffable bliss going where God moves
Choicelessly choosing our weapon
Boundless love or sceptical reason
Let the movement of thought & action
Follow the pulse of the divine vibration

In aloneness of rippleless stillness


Unseeking Seeker 03-04-2020 11:57 AM


The navel & jugular notch
Heart keeps under watch
Yet interferes not
The untied knots
Pave way for celebration
As nodes dance in elation
Who’s to say
How to sway
In the bliss current elixirous
Ignition renewal continuous

The crown steering blessings
From a divine power pouring

Who’s the eternal witness
Save us in our aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 03-04-2020 04:14 PM


In our aloneness we pine
To entwine with the divine
A burning yearning
For connecting
Love in love for love alone
Magnetic pull we alone own
Chemistry alchemical
The ignition magical
Poignant pulse of is-ness
Cognised by us in stillness

In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 04-04-2020 03:43 AM


Standing erect
We alone detect
Being sentient
To the current
As ignition
All nodes dancing
To bliss enlivening

We cannot share
We alone may pair
By endowed polarity
Renewal in continuity
Yet each hue new
As it does renew
Essence of presence
Ecstatic in innocence


Unseeking Seeker 04-04-2020 08:22 AM


Secret blown
Yet unknown
Being enigmatic
To the phlegmatic
Love seeds sown
Now grown

For us alone


Unseeking Seeker 04-04-2020 10:00 AM


What did we miss
Whilst immersed in bliss
Can a clenched fist
Cognise the gist
Of our elixirous rapture
All else a mere caricature


Unseeking Seeker 04-04-2020 02:02 PM


Within the tunnel
The erect funnel
Pillar of initiation
Rises bliss elation
We remain present
In stillness sentient
Receptive innocence
Vibrancy of silence
A flowing continuum
We feel the ॐ hum

The thus orientation
Ignition continuation
A perpetual renewal
Of the divine miracle
Love hues beauteous
Enlivenment fortuitous
By divine blessings
Upon us showering
We being the receptor
Of the elixirous nectar

Fruits of seeds sown
We thus imbibe alone

In stillness


Unseeking Seeker 05-04-2020 03:42 AM


In the still of the night
Melodious songs of delight
Hum within our being
As a bliss current enlivening

Jarring our presence
Narrow thought interference
Can & does surface
Bubble of doubt to joy deface

Grace of love divine
Steadies our pulse to realign
With the bliss pulse
Ignition within instantaneous

Open secret all know
Nectar imbibe-able as it flows
Each lifetron its home
Facilitated by the mantra ॐ


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