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Unseeking Seeker 27-11-2018 02:49 AM


Radiating hands
Energy bands
Finger tips to palm
Sensation warm
A gift of the divine
Are perfectly aligned
With the central line
Along the spine
Shoulder tips
Toes to lips
Each pore in fact
Lacking tact
Vibrates in elation
Dispersing love radiation
One with the oneness
In awakening aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 28-11-2018 12:23 PM


The nodes within
To the rhythm
Of the music
As they resonate
In unison
And being resident
Within form
Our form
We ascend
If we but allow
In as accepting
Without interfering
Some call it
Or rather just being
Soulfully present
In the continuum
Of nowness

In our aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 30-11-2018 02:24 AM


In the silence
Within stillness

Does it grow to reticence?
Lack of openness?
A hidden resistance?

Or a sacred place ...
Which no other face ...
May deface?

Do we spontaneously share
Glimmers of being self aware
Or are we contracted in egoic snare?

And is the sharing
Love energised pairing
Or imagined triumph blaring?

Continuous contemplation
Consciousness correction
Avoids egoic deflection

In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 02-12-2018 10:49 AM

Three wave assimilation

In our aloneness
An orientation of meditational stillness
Our state being of free flowing be-ness
In, as & one with the absolute oneness ...
We experience three wave assimilation
First embraces divine love reception
Next it’s nonjudgmental dispersion
And thirdly, as the That oneness, creation!

From subtleness
Into grossness
We descend
To then, in a waking state, ascend
To become consciously self aware
To handle the high energy glare
Which is but of which we are oblivious
The ascension is what makes us conscious

Thought creates: but see what we have created
Unless egoic separateness is not decimated ...
We observe the contrast of Universe perfection
Versus man created wanton destruction
So each node within awakens not once but thrice
It may take as long as it takes or may happen in a trice
Key words being stillness, be-ness, oneness
Journey from reception, transmission to creation, in aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 02-12-2018 10:49 AM


Alone I post
Duplicate posts
Posts which cannot be deleted
This feedback I think, is completed!


Unseeking Seeker 03-12-2018 02:29 AM


Egoic review
Of earth life destiny
Considers hardships
It seeks
As the soul seeks
But the direction
Is different
It evaluates
As the soul evaluates
But the yardsticks
Are different
The ego ...
Sorry for laughing!!
No offence intended
Looks outwards ...
In transience
But the funny thing is ...
Why does it expect
To wear the coloured glasses
Of short term vision
When we are looking at
The wholeness
Of eternity
Which we were
Which we are
In the here & now

In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 03-12-2018 03:59 AM


In aloneness
We reflect
In silence
The chaos
The confusion
Of fragmented thought

The confusion
Is good
Once recognised
As such, the source
The root
Of the chaos
Is soon eliminated
In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 04-12-2018 04:47 AM


A definition
Of ascension
With single eye sight
The light percentage
Piercing the foliage
Of consciousness
In our aloneness
As ego decreases
The percentage increases
A definition
Of ascension

Definitions in aloneness
Unless we choose
Without excuse
To act, elevate
Into action
With divine energised traction
A consciousness shift
To uplift
By inner cleansing
In being becoming
The That Oneness
In aloneness


Realm Ki 04-12-2018 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

The nodes within
To the rhythm
Of the music
As they resonate
In unison
And being resident
Within form
Our form
We ascend
If we but allow
In as accepting
Without interfering
Some call it
Or rather just being
Soulfully present
In the continuum
Of nowness

In our aloneness


I love this. 'cept this ever aloneness that seems more center stage than I keep my separation. A wonderful tool of definition and texture and learning. In the tool box.

. . .

Brings me to
A dance with One
With All.
Stillness a move
It never reaches

And Silence
Our song
In waiting
Just out of reach

Where I go
You go
Where you go
We go

In one voice
The air of us
Meet our palms
Each of us

With us

Unseeking Seeker 04-12-2018 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Realm Ki
I love this. 'cept this ever aloneness that seems more center stage than I keep my separation. A wonderful tool of definition and texture and learning. In the tool box.

. . .

Brings me to
A dance with One
With All.
Stillness a move
It never reaches

And Silence
Our song
In waiting
Just out of reach

Where I go
You go
Where you go
We go

In one voice
The air of us
Meet our palms
Each of us

With us




Wisdom keeperro 06-12-2018 08:08 AM

Hi unseen seeker. Enjoyed your poetry your words really blend and tell a story love it

Unseeking Seeker 06-12-2018 09:51 AM

Hi Wisdom Keeper!

Happy you are enjoying!

Do spread some of the wisdom you are keeping! :biggrin:


Unseeking Seeker 06-12-2018 10:58 AM

Nodes within opening?

Physical sensations
During meditation
Will arise
As the energy does prise
Blockages within our form
It is no cause for alarm
Focus not on the physical
But the ethereal
Not on attainment
But containment ...
Of the divine connect
Mirrorless & direct
At the love enabled station
There is no doubt or hesitation
To embrace
Face to face
The divine
In nowness

In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 08-12-2018 04:46 AM

Refining sensibilities

Alone we walk the winding path
Defying patterned grooves of egoic wrath
Refining our sensibilities by mere pause
We alone know, so there is no applause

Continuous contemplative consciousness correction
Is our chosen direction
To take up inner cleansing
Breaking free of doctrines ego appeasing

The flywheel of the gross has momentum
Though slowing down within our inner sanctum
The way of micro refinement
Lies simply in inner alignment

Which is, choosing thoughts of wellness & expansion
Rather than consciousness narrowing contraction
For example, choosing to agendalessly smile
Infectiously, motivelessly, love dispersion without guile

Thoughts mild
Words kind
Actions benign
Is how we align

Yet the egoic flywheel moves
In patterned grooves
Along with flowers there are a few thorns
Simply dissolve in the fragrance that adorns

Feel it!
Be it!
Become it!
Love ... transmit!

In ecstatic aloneness
One with the oneness


Unseeking Seeker 08-12-2018 12:18 PM

Knowing oneself

The search
To know myself
By myself
Brought me
Face to face
With myself
When I saw
That the self
I thought to be
Was not, Is not
The face I saw
Was you and me
And he
In form
Without form
With the oneness
Oneness absolute
Love absolute
The boundless
Ocean of awareness
Being the all
Which we were
Which we are
As one
Unified completeness
In rippleless stillness
Of aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 10-12-2018 04:40 PM

Slow assimilation

In aloneness
Absolute stillness
Vibrant oneness

The slow down mode
Of our consciousness abode
Effortlessly connects
To the subtle vibration it detects
After it choicelessly selects
The high frequency divine elect
The slow assimilation
Of the resonation
Transforms consciousness
Into absolute awareness
Self with non self merging
We as oneness surging, surging, surging ...

In aloneness
Absolute stillness
Vibrant oneness


Wisdom keeperro 12-12-2018 08:39 AM

We’re all here to spead a little something. This is a lovely place to do such things. Reading your poetry all the time I love it.:hug3:

Unseeking Seeker 13-12-2018 03:31 AM




Unseeking Seeker 13-12-2018 03:31 AM

Observer vs observed

Observer non-self
Observed being self
Both are us, fulcrums vary
Former eternal, latter weary

As the pendulum oscillates
Our attention vacillates
Across a wide frequency spectrum
The highest divine, our final sanctum

Observer internalised
Observed externalised
Once under watch
Observed becomes self taught

Over time, both modes merge
Unified as one, our frequency does surge
With low band egoism in declining decadence
The exalted divine effervescence, permanence

One in the oneness, all manifestations are fleeting
Save constancy of love, light & our awareness resonating
In the continuum of timeless time, in any domain
As one: which we were, which we are, which we reclaim

This journey of our soul
From ghoul to divine entwined goal
In free flowing be-ness
We be to become, in stillness

In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 14-12-2018 11:29 AM

Actionable empathy

Alone in innocence
Mindless of consequence
We emote love in action
Even if we lack traction
For any hesitation
Reflects egoic contraction
So what if power is lacking
With the Universe backing
Our actionable empathy
Is with the humble clarity
That we are not the doer
Universe itself is the mover
So we engage and release
Having no ego to appease


Unseeking Seeker 15-12-2018 01:08 AM

The optimal path

The pathways several
From ephemeral to eternal
Each seeker is unique
Into others experiences peeks
Yet may do what suits
As long as going to the roots
That regenerate
To merge with Oneness

In meditational aloneness

The fears we may encounter
Are easily countered
If our attention switches gear
And the limited body self disappears
Poof! Gone!
Then no longer anxious or forlorn
Our true self, in spirit manifests
At the divine behest
Vitalising limited form
That it does adorn

In meditational aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 16-12-2018 07:55 AM

Centred synchronicity

The parable
To us alone
With divinity
Nodes within aglow
One with the flow
In synchronicity
A dance of joyous beauty
Consciousness beholds
The truth untold
Because the parable
Is ineffable
To us alone


Unseeking Seeker 18-12-2018 01:32 PM

The pathless path

Alone we walk
The pathless path
Or so it seems
Until we balk

There is self doubt
For the path is virgin
The divine holds our hand
Heeding our voiceless shout

As vibrational frequency does enhance
The outpouring energising nodes
All synchronous and in harmony
We behold their divine dance

Our bewilderment we do share
With fellow pilgrims along the way
But the experience of each is unique
So with none we can compare

Not quite alone but in unified oneness
When we are pure awareness formless
It is in duality that we feel our aloneness
Self doubt erased in free flowing be-ness

With divine assistance


Wisdom keeperro 18-12-2018 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
The pathless path

Alone we walk
The pathless path
Or so it seems
Until we balk

There is self doubt
For the path is virgin
The divine holds our hand
Heeding our voiceless shout

As vibrational frequency does enhance
The outpouring energising nodes
All synchronous and in harmony
We behold their divine dance

Our bewilderment we do share
With fellow pilgrims along the way
But the experience of each is unique
So with none we can compare

Not quite alone but in unified oneness
When we are pure awareness formless
It is in duality that we feel our aloneness
Self doubt erased in free flowing be-ness

With divine assistance


It certainly is a path so unique and individual for all souls who have there own golden ticket. Free flowing words are calling back to me here I love your work

Unseeking Seeker 19-12-2018 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Wisdom keeperro
It certainly is a path so unique and individual for all souls who have there own golden ticket. Free flowing words are calling back to me here I love your work




Unseeking Seeker 19-12-2018 02:25 AM


Energy within rising
First pleasantly surprising
Then as the frequency does amplify
We let out an involuntary sigh
For the channels within
Allowing the flow sanguine
Are not yet so enabled
Are not yet so stable
To imbibe the higher resonance
In permanence
And so, comes a time to pause
The cause
By requesting the Universe
To slow its melodious verse
To enable us preserve form
Becoming uncomfortably warm
And then, so IT does as we ask
And though we continue to bask
In the sunshine
Inner nodes aligned
The energy lowers magnitude
Until we build our fortitude
Become more wise
To dip in deeper
Climb within steeper
Embracing the sublime
In timeless time
In free flowing be-ness
In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 22-12-2018 01:15 PM


Alone we observe
all movement
within & without

The observer
is non-self presence
nonjudgmental, empathetic
heart warm


In a mode

Recognising and
that the path of all
begins with the feral

And ascends
in timeless time
to the subtle domain

Alone we discern
though our aloneness
is divine-entwined

Alone we ascend
though Oneness does
us all bind


Unseeking Seeker 23-12-2018 05:39 PM

Free will

Consciousness shaped upon the anvil
Of our Universe bestowed free will
Two paths we may choose to employ
Divine aligned or ensnared by egoic ploys
One is the path of joyous expansion
The other of anxiety & contraction
One embraces joy in the eternal
The other sorrow in the ephemeral
Free will is granted by the Universe, so that we may be enabled
To voluntarily choose to be at the fulcrum of love, ego disabled
Ourselves recognising the path we need to tread
Rather than being spoon fed
Our soul evolution
Marked by ego devolution
Transforms us from a passive love receptor
To a divine entwined active love transmitter
We alone can make this choice of free flowing be-ness
In our poignant, spontaneously ecstatic aloneness ...
Pristine silence & complete being-ness in vibrant stillness ...
To unify as one with the That absolute Oneness


Realm Ki 23-12-2018 07:51 PM



Ziusudra 23-12-2018 08:32 PM

Two paths presented
To choose from
Not a freewill
True freewill
Allows one to fly
Through the sky
Able to go anyway
Over those two paths
To the other side
Across the ocean
At a cleared field
Into the woods
On the top of mountain
Perhaps into another universe
Far into distant future
Where new path
Can be created
Just for us...

Unseeking Seeker 24-12-2018 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ziusudra
Two paths presented
To choose from
Not a freewill
True freewill
Allows one to fly
Through the sky
Able to go anyway
Over those two paths
To the other side
Across the ocean
At a cleared field
Into the woods
On the top of mountain
Perhaps into another universe
Far into distant future
Where new path
Can be created
Just for us...



I am a tortoise and you are the hare
I’d like to smell the roses, on my way there!


Unseeking Seeker 25-12-2018 04:28 AM

Smelling the roses

Alone we pause
the cause
of movement, whose origin
lies in sensory duality external
Our attention pause, delusion ceasing
allowing divine centred feeling
to be cognised in stillness
By our consciousness in aloneness
Wherein, we observe as a sign
All nodes with as they align
in an involuntary dance of beauteous synchronicity
In resonance with the enchanting pulsations of divinity
That abounds
In totality
The rhythmic dance in slow motion, very slow
Allows us to cognise the divine flow
The slow divine love impulse doses
Giving us time to smell the roses
Our non-self presence
Imbibing the life elixir essence
As we desirelessly ascend vibrationally
Unhurriedly, gradually
Waking the path of be-ness
In meditational aloneness

With divine assistance


Unseeking Seeker 26-12-2018 12:13 PM

Consciousness ascension to pure awareness

Wherein lies thought origin, it’s beginning
The source of our inspirations surging
Our consciousness being to vibration sentient
Mood drawing in thought to it correspondent
Analytical thought fragmentation
Scientific analysis manifestation
Are necessary intermediate evolutionary steps
For our consciousness within form to develop
This is alright in the domain external
Within the perceived sensory duality ephemeral
To interact with energy & matter, both one
But why can we not stop thought when done
Thought empowerment is enabling
But when a habit; crippling & disabling
Even more detrimental when we imagine
Thought type ranging from coarse to sanguine
As all originating in us as a separate egoic self
A state of delusion better for us to shelf
So once we recognise
That all thought is merely a resonation
As of our limited consciousness vibration
And that the joy we seek in the external
Is attainable only in the internal
We shift our attention to intuitive thought
Resting limited thought, ego begot
Intuition cognising the whole in an instant
Relying upon the Universe as our able assistant
So, intuitive thought by our non-self presence
Receives the exalted divine essence
Though not completely
For contaminants still remain within our being
Which prevent us fully imbibing
The ineffable bliss
Of pristine love awareness
Cognised by our intuitive attention in be-ness
As one with Oneness
Which is fine
For there is no rat race here, no finish line
Nor a doer as in a separate self pursuing
Some personal goal in a manner hurrying
So, back to intuitive thought resonance
Imbibing the divine essence
By just being in a mode of childlike magnetism
Which bridges all chasms
As we thus unhurriedly go about
Within form and without
We be to become open to unrestricted reception
Of the Oneness awareness love transmission
In detached vibrant aloneness
With divine assistance


Realm Ki 27-12-2018 12:21 AM

Love this:

"By just being in a mode of childlike magnetism
Which bridges all chasms
As we thus unhurriedly go about
Within form and without
We be to become open to unrestricted reception"

Unseeking Seeker 27-12-2018 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Realm Ki
Love this:

"By just being in a mode of childlike magnetism
Which bridges all chasms
As we thus unhurriedly go about
Within form and without
We be to become open to unrestricted reception"


Ah! I see
That you perceive
Mirrorlessly :hug3:


Unseeking Seeker 29-12-2018 08:49 AM


Alone an abbreviation
Whose apt delineation
Is All + One = Alone
For with egoic separateness flown
Divine-entwined with sublime love
From within, not here, there or above
When are we alone?
How may we be forlorn?
Vibrant ecstasy our zodiac sign
With nodes within joyously aligned
In sync with the dance of Oneness
Ascending to the That awareness

Orientation ... staid, unhurried stillness
Alive & aglow in vibrant aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 31-12-2018 01:13 PM


With awareness on the upswing
The song we choicelessly sing
The joy we hope to disperse & bring
Careful lest others it does singe

The yardsticks of our evaluation
Being based upon honest computation
May find discord with narrow egoic calculations
Of souls having at present a different orientation

Doing what must be done devoid of fear
Righteousness be the way the ship will steer
Yet we must be watchful that there be no tears
Being judicious yet loving with an empathetic ear

Intuitive balance as such in free flowing be-ness
Affirmations open to yielding with graciousness
Detached & nonchalant in divine entwined aloneness
One with the truth of the That Oneness


Unseeking Seeker 01-01-2019 10:06 AM

Centred stance

In our aloneness
Centred be-ness
Free flowing
Orientation of allowing
Resistance free
Our entree
Divine entwined being
All embracing
Fulcrum internalised
Oneness cognised
In the continuum of time
In synergy with love sublime
No doer, so no complainant
To destiny twists, nonchalant
Ego containment
No urgency for any attainment
Centred stance
Brought about by divine assistance


Unseeking Seeker 02-01-2019 12:54 PM

Free will

Alone we so stand
In a frequency band
That many do not understand
Since they did not as yet demand
From the Universe ever obliging
To empower them as so jiving
With supreme love resonance
Embraceable be-ability in innocence
Alone we employ free will
With consciousness still
To choicelessly so choose
To end egoic ruse
To delude
Divine connect
Which we may then select
With egoic cover blown
We are, as we are, complete & alone
In joyous ecstasy, Universe aligned
In, as & one with the exalted divine


Unseeking Seeker 04-01-2019 06:11 AM

The pendulum

In our rippleless stillness
Contemplative aloneness
We cognise
That in most cases
Consciousness faces
Unless the pendulum
In its movement continuum
Does not swing leftwards
It cannot move rightwards
Even though
We know
That the pendulum
Generates the movement
Grants the enablement
Though Itself still
Of choiceless will


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