Lingering loving tease
Microscopic shifts within almost imperceptible like the sun slowly setting each moment beautiful As a silent in-form receptor we behold all happenings silent stillness continuum witnessing the blossoming Divine energy moves softly paving its own pathway in a lingering loving tease whilst we in ecstasy sway Thus all the doing we do is to get out of our own way allowing the divine sublime to engage with us in play Each spiritual path unique tailor made for us alone the divine revealing truth when our ego has flown *** |
Divine vision
There being no compromise we flow into His heart in astonished surprise Within His heart blue electricity afire contouring a human form wherefrom pure love sires That that revealed by mind misinterpreted yet from our heart centre we find being-ness elated *** |
Mind Heart And being.... What makes us divine. What makes us wise? The bliss of life.... Continues. |
The pulse within
as we till the garden of our mind steering it along pathways of gentleness our orientation of surrendered quietude relies upon universal consciousness the thus flowing continuum of tranquil calm a vivification of form ineffable & beautiful wherein we osmotically imbibe waves of bliss holds us in ecstatic rapture continual *** |
Recalibrating the core
Reflector not the doer thus with this recognition flows gently in quiet surrender in a continuum of prayerful meditation Stupor yet interrupts pure loving intent hypnotic trance of ego origin if our fulcrum be content we be in bliss ignition Recalibrating instinct feasible solely by grace for making of ferality extinct requires assimilation at an easy pace |
as we be one with the current in & within & omnipresent presence vivifying mind body entrée moment to moment the continuum entwined no doing to be done as doer is divine recognising that all is thine self with Self aligned as love binds |
Orientation welcoming surprise
The horizontal energy conduit at the central Anahata spacial burrows polarity opposites radial with patience slow but resolute Likewise the head upper ovoid sees multitude of nodes deepening magnetic electricity heightening with presence in bliss overjoyed Whilst lower mind is at rest we cannot help noticing divine geometry energy centres glistening in symmetry each pulse manifesting a new crest |
Defying translation
Do we feel within spasms of delight An involuntary shudder day & night Manifesting as & where & when it likes Felt unmistakably within as a bliss spike No effort needed in tuning into the current We simply be here present & unexpectant Is-ness of being-ness here & now complete Ineffable joy suffused with the elixir replete We would if we could transmit to all this bliss Being a loving & lingering & teasing caress Yet our affirmation for others offers no solace Each in aloneness must imbibe divine grace |
Life is a unity...
Alone we are locked in the cranium. Love lets us out, to dance about with the world.:hug3: |
Inner shift
Tranquil playful calm No thirst remains Blissful healing balm Ego to rest is lain Celebrating vibrancy Humming within Ecstasy in continuity Is-ness sanguine Palms & feet ignited Current airborne As a child in delight On being reborn There is no seeking Yet we progress Being so becoming In staid stillness |
Steady healing hum
Current stabilisation Unceasing pulse Divine love radiation Manifest at once Palms & feet ignited Resplendent glow In solitude delighted In electricity flow No longer sporadic Is the magnetism Divine elixir eclectic Fills all chasms Within |
Life journey
as we amble along osmotically imbibing intuitively assimilating the divine love song the flowing continuum gently shapes our soul making us pure & whole cleansing ego residuum walking thus we go afar along a path beauteous vivified by bliss rapturous oblivious to karmic scars looking in within we see that in reality we are still as God Himself does instil joy throb in each entrée journey without movement wherein He the transmitter we as a willing love receptor dwell in joyous contentment there thus being no seeking in childlike trusting surrender we keep looking on in wonder at our petals slowly opening |
Deep sleep
During sleep Meditation deep Automatically Enigmatically Electrifies Vivifies Our form The current warm Rapturous Elixirous Reveals As we feel Pulse spacial View spherical A miracle |
Fullness in emptiness
How may we as the witness centred in emptiness in silence experience without thought interference each imbibed vibration hued by our perception arising from memory imagery recalled automatically manifest involuntarily unless our hollowed out form swathed in bliss warm is throbbing in fullness free & above narrow rancour offering ego no anchor in unbroken continuum devoid of delusion residuum |
Morning yawn
Pointedly grows Magnetic bliss throes Between our eyebrows We be at ease Allowing bliss tease To seductively please At the heart spacial Divine energy toroidal Purrs in a hum magical Palms & feet Potent & upbeat Healing energy tweet We watch The jugular notch Aligning crown to crotch Divine nectar Gift of the creator Enlivens all energy vectors Thus complete With bliss replete Each life pulse we greet With joy |
Playful divine parlance
There being in reality no limitation Misalignment causation of distortion Yet on an as is where is basis we do say That ego attention oscillation yet holds sway Recognition of truth merely indicates the horizon Weary are our feet long laden with toxic poison Light beyond at an unfathomable distance We surrender therefore inner resistance Letting go of to get to being the path Each pulse within a holy sabbath Awakening smoothly enabled No ego agenda tabled Unhurried stillness stance Of our bubbling joyful innocence Marks not the time it may take for ascent Having trustingly surrendered so simply present There thus no one resident within to measure Identity vaporised and thereby no fissure Each throb within deemed as optimal Beauteous vivifying hues inimitable |
Tuning in
When there be no inspiration Shrouded in gloomy darkness Upon our brow perspiration We shift into tranquil stillness Attention poised unexpectantly No one within now searching A throb within rises vibrationally Identity with universe connecting Thought rested limitations cease Within the world internal we dream Following the scent of love in ease Inspiration divine begins to stream We write although not the author Of the wisdom that we did imbibe Innocently embracing each flavour With bliss throbbing deep inside |
The pathless path
There is a deepening A distinct heightening Of magnetic electricity Throbbing in continuity We now find it beneficial To use resource magical In dissipating the current Into mother earth element Though the hum is benign In surrender we do align We feel an insatiable thirst Even if bubble of form bursts Indeed we are ever grateful For the bliss throb ineffable We cognise slow assimilation In a continuum of meditation What is yet is an open secret None can pair or essence ferret We walk the path all alone Harvest within all home grown |
Innate magnetic pull
As lower cravings from body identity sprouting slowly recede when gross ferality we do weed there yet remains inner urge free of any ego stain innate magnetic pull as of Jonathan Livingston Seagull thirst for flight to thought transcending height a burning yearning with veiled divinity connecting thus make a choice to align with conscience’s voice shifting to the heart within where all one, none apart unshackling love resident deep within not far above this simple shift in surrendered stillness, Gods gift allows the divine flow each node within blissfully aglow with the one light ecstatic throb within day & night |
Sea of calm
Deceptive memory Feeble cognition Stuporous thinking Should cause agitation But it doesn’t! Poised to leap Into the void dark Hold of delusion loosened To see the truth stark By being present! |
Be to become
Here I Am, receptive in innocence; inner sentience attentive to each pulse, without thought interference, poised in an unexpectant calm. With our identity vaporised, we rest in the void of vibrant silence. In our stillness we feel within movement, being throb of bliss enlivenment, the continuum unbroken lower aspects forsaken, nodes within awaken out of their slumber. A calm tranquil, joy blissful, covers us. Poetry form: Etheree |
The knowing
Fear of death envelopes all other fears; annihilation of who we think we are, as in a separate self. This delusion, our suffering; identification with body, though knowing that it is ephemeral. Upon internalising attention, in thought vaporised meditation, we connect with the universe. Our consciousness shifts gently, reveals divinity, being we ourself hidden within; eternal, pristine, pure! Poetry form: Etheree |
Embracing surprise
Throb of bliss surprises the child within, displaying delight at each nuance cognised, softly embraced and released, treading gently upon the earth, as is wont of free flowing presence, aligned with the source in exuberance. |
Wait and watch
Nodes, chakras, enigmas. We discover divine play within by directly feeling, the throb of bliss within form, whereupon there remains no doubt, as we be to become the bliss mist; purring rapture in renewal within. Yet each seeming end a new beginning. A tranquil calm descends upon us. Invisible veils are lifted. All we do is to allow, open and receptive. In direct knowing, merging with Self, here and now as we watch. |
Merging by melting
Path pathless. All it takes, is our yearning, with God connecting. Rapt attention thus still invites bliss our form to fill. Having emptied out all toxins, paving way for divine ignition being-ness thus our orientation Bliss continuum an unending flow, rapturising form in stillness slow. As we melt into no-thingness, the singular consciousness is all that here remains. Joyful and unstained is a bliss mist, pulsating within now. |
Throb of bliss within
Joy, sorrow; both cyclic, as is all else in the external. Simple recognition of a pulse in renewal, an open secret in plain sight, compelling us to explore within: inner sound current, divine light and bliss. The pathless path thus begins with a thirst, to see the truth clearly in plain sight. Resting instruments external, distilled attention flowing, devoid of resistance, we go in within in surrender, to behold vibrant bliss. |
Lead us from darkness to light
Veil: the dark, ignorance, befuddlement, web of illusions, begetting delusion, said to be a divine play, as our fickle attention sways, blown like a leaf in the hurricane, encircled by ego, our thoughts inane. More the learning, lesser is our knowing, whilst joy and sorrow remain cyclic. On choosing total surrender, we imbibe bliss in wonder, resting our lower mind, free of ego bind. Our ascension just happens, as does dawn. |
Heart aflame
Spark, aflame in our heart; burning passion, thirst unquenchable. No scope to compromise; God connection the seeking, wherein bliss throb within rises, through paths full of divine surprises, moment to moment, all moments entwined. There then thus no doing to be performed, save choosing to melt in love divine. In silence and stillness we watch as we are slowly transformed. Form and formless align under the love sign, in timeless time. Our prayer, is soon heard. |
Octaves of love
Love graded, joy bubbling, then transiting, on heart opening, to empathy spacial; it’s outpouring radial. In time we get to compassion; warmth of love steadily outpouring, with vibrant bliss within thus pulsating. Over time, something within falls away. Inner silence becomes our mainstay. Hollowed form pure and pristine, exists to live the love dream, as joy within does stream, an invite to merge in the bliss surge, radiant, aglow, here. |
Our life, our choice
Pull innate, to align, with the divine. The geometry, chakras in symmetry, draws us magnetically, into pathways vibrant with love. No doing to be done save shifting, from head to heart, throb of love embracing. The blueprint is clear, yet strangely we err, slumbering in swamplands of stupor. This is the enigma baffling; cause of human suffering. No sooner we exit ego narrowness, instantly free, each entrée joyous bliss. |
Love alone is real
Love, divine. All else false. This is the truth. World of illusions, self conjured vibrations. The moment we recognise, we are released from delusion. Ego borne thoughts fall away in time, no sooner we choose to gently align. Alignment is with the voice of conscience seated at the spacial heart centre. Resonation with the love throb, paves way for bliss to enter. Thus no doing is done, save surrendering. As we listen, we wisen. The lamp, lit! Poetry form: Etheree |
The vaporised self
Still thunder; the throbbing, one hand clapping; flow thus unceasing, rapture of pure delight, vivifies form day and night! Stillness and silence our domain. Pure bliss within, we gently ingrain, as lower mind rests, leaving us unstained. Ceasing striving, shifting to aligning, we imbibe bliss pulse enlivening. Our fulcrum shifts into the void, as we flow thus overjoyed. We rest in tranquil calm, love our healing balm. Grace from within and above showers love. |
The last bow
Here, right now, arrow spears, testing our fears, of life we hold dear. The possibility of slow death fatality, question posed is direct and blunt: are we yet in blissful calm tranquil or shrouded in fear of oblivion? Vicarious knowing of no avail, at moment of final appraisal. Our core determines how we sway. Thought constructs all fall away. We stand thus stark naked. We cannot fake it. What will it be, bliss or fear? Earth life tests! |
Softened attention
This, right here, mind body, is where we are. Not negation then, rather embracing truth, shift into the heart centre, feeling therein bliss that canters, we embrace, hold and softly release, divine offerings with nonchalant ease. All it takes is thought rested awareness, wherein attentive in no-thingness, we imbibe bliss by osmosis. Thus one with the universe, joyous, we sing our verse, moment to moment, moments entwined, with divine, feeling love. |
Slow boat
Map is not the terrain. Mental knowing, not the becoming. Gradual shift within, sensing the bliss ignition, transforms us at the very core. Ambling along smelling the roses, we accept unfoldments as God chooses. Stillness our abode, movements all slower, swathed as always, in a bliss shower, God alone being the mover, bestowing upon us grace, in, within, face to face. We be to become, with divine one, in the still, vibrant void. |
Waking from the dream
We, as bliss in fullness, as it is choose to dream deep descent, followed then by ascent. As both subject and object, we enact the play as chosen, hoping in timeless time to wisen, as to our innate self, we awaken. Hypnotic stupor a double edged sword, upon turning attention outwards. Having chosen separateness, are plunged into darkness. Amnesia nemesis. The way to awake: melting ego in the void. The dream ends! Poetry form: Etheree |
Inner shift
We as an entity, identity, separate from source, fret and frown and struggle, seeking transient expansion. One day we ourself recognise: eternal throbbing in heart spacial. We rest then in blissful stillness tranquil. Shift from struggling to quiet cessation, as we embrace-hold-release with ease, all that chances to come our way, no one here within seeking, one with the flow, aglow, in staid stillness slow, we feel complete, bliss replete without end. |
Celebrating life
Spoilt for choice, in a trance, are bewildered; fickle attention, drawn to the illusions, indulges therein for long. Karmic consequences follow, requiring simply to melt in love, transmuting lower vibrations therein. We may play the game as long as we like, love divine never employing force. Some rise faster, others slower. Look at life as but a dream. Love the healing current, carries all ashore. We celebrate, in stillness, throb of love. |
Invisible intent
Grass greener on other side of the fence. Pain behind the veil, goes unseen and unheard, as love bravely holds its breath. Unvoiced intent poignant silence, even as light fades into the night, silent tears and hidden fears manifest. As we be gently breathed by God Himself, each half breath being void of stillness, contrast marked by intent colour, birth paving way for intake, exhaling into death. The play unnoticed, by ego mind. Yet what is simply is. |
It’s like your twisting turning in your core
Am I present at fears door? Am I present as nothing raw? Am I present as I am? The space between your triangular plan Shows the path, ignites it all Balanced, beauty without the fall |
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