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KonrD111 08-09-2019 12:38 PM

How to practically force your ego to die?
How can you kill your ego to be happy in life and unveil the truth by stopping your mind? Some creative ideas please.

Unseeking Seeker 08-09-2019 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by KonrD111
How can you kill your ego to be happy in life and unveil the truth by stopping your mind?


Ego : delusion that the mind body construct as identity (false self) is all there is

When is delusion dispelled : upon actually seeing and so knowing our true self

How to arrive at this knowing :

disassociating from the transience of the external by shifting our attention to the internal, by resting ego (identity/doer) thought in silence & stillness, allowing our latent intuition within us to connect to Universal consciousness. we become the immaculate witness to movement of thought and sensory perception ... looking without judging, anticipating or interpreting. we flow in the now continuum, attentive without any agenda, save connecting with Universal consciousness without defining, distorting or limiting it by conjectural imagination.

oscillation of attention between egoic thought and silence slowly slows down upon our choice to prioritise the internal over the external. such a prioritisation evidently requires a voluntary acceptance that we cannot find the eternal in the ephemeral and therefore reject fears, desires, attachments as the glue of maya which enmeshes our attention in illusions, resulting in stagnation. this rejection must be by voluntary acceptance since otherwise the attention shift would be forced, a repression or even sublimation of our energy actuated by a doer ... and the doer is always the ego.

our internalisation is simply a choice to walk along the path that takes us back home instead of getting lost in the wilderness. hence effortless. to employ an oft employed quote ‘we are then in but not of the world’. we engage in all activity with zest and zeal without stagnating. Just like the heartbeat or breath ... we flow in continuous renewal in an aspect of childlike innocence.

Importance of resolve :

a seeming paradox since resolve implies conviction by a thinker so thinking akin to a doer doing, which we do not want. yet, as stated, there is a momentum of ego energy already in motion and so our attention will tend to oscillate.

ego will fuel doubts like : what if all this is a hoax? are we deluded into searching within for something which may be fictional, imaginal? if it was meant to be, why are our senses externalised?

“You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” —André Gide

What is happiness : Divine Love manifesting first as bubbling joy and then self existent boundless ineffable bliss in permanence pouring out as compassion in purity. unconditional - meaning no condition in the incessant outpouring, no calculation, no expectation of reciprocation or even recognition. no judgment, no discrimination.

What is the truth : the truth is known by actually becoming by blossoming upon imbibing & assimilating the omnipresent Divine Love energy. it is a happening, an unfolding by grace and so is best distanced from narrow egoic intellectualisation, speculation or discussion, even though talking about it may act as a prompt to steer our fickle attention upon the path. hence usefulness of satsang, prayer, meditation, discourses etc. ... in fact we are then drawn towards one or more of such activities automatically.


iamthat 08-09-2019 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by KonrD111
How can you kill your ego to be happy in life and unveil the truth by stopping your mind? Some creative ideas please.

Try Ramana Maharshi and self-enquiry.

We experience the mind as one thought at a time. Stop thoughts as they arise and eventually they fall away, because we don't give them energy or attention. This requires continual vigilance and awareness. When thinking ceases, the mind is no more. In the absence of mind, there is only the Self.


ocean breeze 09-09-2019 02:20 AM

Its ego that lies to you and says it wants to kill itself to be happy and discover truth. Which sends you on an egotistical merry go round. The idea of forcing ego to die just strengthens it. What would most likely happen is you'll develop a more subtle, cunning, sophisticated ego like most so called spiritual people.

Zhyanoqua 09-09-2019 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by ocean breeze
Its ego that lies to you and says it wants to kill itself to be happy and discover truth. Which sends you on an egotistical merry go round. The idea of forcing ego to die just strengthens it. What would most likely happen is you'll develop a more subtle, cunning, sophisticated ego like most so called spiritual people.

Agree. My ego isn't important enough to worry about.

Uday_Advaita 09-09-2019 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by KonrD111
How can you kill your ego to be happy in life and unveil the truth by stopping your mind? Some creative ideas please.

Practice personal Non-doership

Initially let there be an intellectual conviction that you are not the doer of actions happening through your Mind-Body Apparatus (MBA).

Every thought that arises in the mind has an I, me, myself or the “Other” at its base.
Please note that – action happens only after the thought has arisen.

At the end of every day, sit in a quiet place and contemplate on important actions (Good or Bad) that were initiated by a you and probe if they were really “your” actions or were in a way compelled by a certain thought that arose owing to circumstances out of your control. Slowly and surely this practice will convince you that the so called “Actions” happened through your Mind-body Apparatus (rather than your doing) and as such you should neither blame yourself nor feel proud (by taking credit).

The next step is more difficult:

The same procedure needs to be repeated for “Actions” by others that affected your MBA or the world at large. Slowly and surely, it will convince you that the “Actions” happened through Other MBAs, were owing to circumstances beyond their control. This will enable you to stop blaming, judging and controlling others. It will help you accept the present moment as it is rather that what it “should” be.

The third step

Let this intellectual understanding about personal Non-doership continue on a day to day basis where anytime a thought that, you want to put blame on a me or other or take credit for any achievement, should get discarded automatically.

Slowly and surely the expanse of Inclusiveness (Love), Compassion and Humility will take over your Mind-Body Apparatus and the “Ego” will drop off

Miss Hepburn 09-09-2019 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by KonrD111
How can you kill your ego to be happy in life and unveil the truth

by stopping your mind? Some creative ideas please.

Lol, killing is not the thing, but we all know what you mean.

One way is to recognize what the ego does that you wish would stop.
-Whatever feels icky comes from the ego...that is the simple formula!!!:wink:
Jealousy, hatred, indignation, procrastination, laziness, gluttony, vengeance, cruelty, stealing, lying, cheating...etc.
Then, not doing those things! Hahahaha, I mean it.
You want to strangle someone? Do the opposite:

Be super nice to them and praise them for something.
Gosh, the ego HATES that! :D

-What feels good, is kind and constructive comes from godliness...
or from the Holy Spirit's Thought System...
not the Ego or Worldly Thought System.

Now pls, no one say, 'It feels good to eat the whole pie, tho. And get mad and get revenge on someone.'
No, it doesn't, you bozos, not in the true sense.:biggrin:

Now, if you would like to 'undo' the ego...there is a fascinating fast way...
I discovered it in Dec 2015...now, this was after 40 years of meditating, ha!
It is really quite amazing...a Self Study book ...no groups, leaders or donations! Ha!

"A Course In Miracles" or ACIM...I was shocked to see a difference in 28 days doing the 365 Lessons!

But, if you were interested, really, I would recommend an intro book first...diving right in, most people go, 'Huh? This is not for me.'
But, it is with an introduction.
Ego takes a back seat, my friend!!

Btw, the previous people said great stuff! As usual. :smile: Go team!

LadyMay 09-09-2019 08:13 PM

Um, don't do that, it will make you miserable. Rehabilitate your ego and learn to work with it as a friend. Then you will find wholeness.

Afterthought: Perhaps my definition of ego is different to what you mean.

janielee 10-09-2019 04:00 AM

Miss H haha good one

janielee 10-09-2019 04:01 AM

No-one kills anything, if you see it, it goes away on its own eventually

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