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StephenK 29-12-2011 08:49 PM

The Alkaline/Acid magic bullet
Okay... this may well be the issue that ties all things together... I'd been swinging back and forth around this issue for some time and last night finally dove
deep into the subject and am truly inspired by what I see!

The Western diet is a highly Acidic diet... our bodies are best served by a leaning toward an Alkaline centric system. Pretty-much daily we're taking
our bodies into a more acidic range.

watch this video for a fuller explanation..


Now, the company that produced this video points to food as the culprit/remedy but they also sell a supplement so, as to food, they're not
zeroing-in as effectively as they could be... for that we can visit other sites... I'm clearly a believer that this can be fully addressed in a dietary way!

Here's the list that I printed out and am now using:

and here's another list for further reference:

... this all seems to suggest a common and yet critical tie-in to much of what's out there that's health related, within the alternative community.

Vegetarianism works because it's primarily Alkaline.. this is specifically the case with raw foods and with the vegan diet. Clean up all the acid forming
foods --> processed and abused foods, concentrated and artificial sweeteners of all types, most all grains, ~ and limit or eliminate meats, caffeine and alcohol~ (this later
batch I've chosen to "limit" but have moved to the most healthiest options available with each. :^)

This is a very fascinating study to spend time with..! and may well be the key that unlocks the common thread between all healthful diets! I'm
thinking this would be less described as a fad, and appropriately viewable as something more of a "Revelation"! :^)

Sarian 30-12-2011 07:48 PM

thanks Stephen, I was sitting here and thinking about positive changes I want to make in my life...I've never been one for new year's resolutions, but the new year is upon us, so why not. I've got my goals ready.

StephenK 31-12-2011 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by Sarian
thanks Stephen, I was sitting here and thinking about positive changes I want to make in my life...I've never been one for new year's resolutions, but the new year is upon us, so why not. I've got my goals ready.

I can't imagine you'll regret diving-in with both feet! Wendy and I were comparing notes this morning and were marveling over the changes that
have occurred to us physically since making this shift!

I've now lost over 50 pounds whiles she's lost about 30 (she has a desk job while I'm on my feet all the time :^)
I no longer have that middle aged pot-belly that's so common among men of my age!

Both of us have stopped snoring... that's clearly an inflammation issue.
She used to take sleeping pills and would race to get to sleep before I did, my snoring was that bad.

She's stopped taking all her meds except one... addressing a minor heart issue brought-on by menopause, runs in her family, she's looking to get off
that one before long)

I had growing liver spots on my arms, hands, chest and back... most all of those have receded leaving behind clear and clean skin.

No more ups and downs when it comes to energy levels... I used to have wild swings, now it's a steady hummmmmmmmm....... with a very-positive
feel-good bent.

Wendy was taking ibuprofen on a regular basis to address some deepening joint pains that have since completely gone away.

No more acid reflux... never... for either of us... Wendy had it so bad that she was taking proton pump inhibitors... she stopped taking those within
days of cutting-out grain...

And then the small vain clogging issue with the primary symptom being erectile dysfunction that I spoke of in another post... that's resolved
itself as well.

And we're never really hungry in the ways we were before, now it's just a gentle nudging instead of the desperately-gotta-have-more-food
compulsions of yester-year...

I'm sure there's more stuff but these are the ones that come easily to mind....

This all is simply incredible! We were slipping into old age and then handed a free get-outa-jail card and transported back to the body of our later 30's.

Medicine can't do this.... while a good healthy whole foods nicely balanced diet can!

So if you do make the full commitment to hug yourself with both arms then there's really few things better for this than by listening to your body and
helping it out where you can.... it'll happily return the favor by many fold!! :^)

in progress 31-12-2011 09:51 AM

I had a dream in which the lemon was shown to be the cure-all. It's a known alkalizer recommended by many. I'm certain the dream was telling me to alkalize!

There are many videos on YouTube showing raw vegan diet curing many ailments like MS, epilepsy, candida, cancer etc (anecdotal). Search for "Arnold's Way" on YouTube to see them. He interviews people who walk into his health food store who have stories of cures after changing their diets.

StephenK 31-12-2011 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by in progress
I had a dream in which the lemon was shown to be the cure-all. It's a known alkalizer recommended by many. I'm certain the dream was telling me to alkalize!

There are many videos on YouTube showing raw vegan diet curing many ailments like MS, epilepsy, candida, cancer etc (anecdotal). Search for "Arnold's Way" on YouTube to see them. He interviews people who walk into his health food store who have stories of cures after changing their diets.

Lemons are a really strange entity. You would think them to be acid but our bodies will treat them as alkaline.. some twisted weird thing going on there! :^)

And I will definitely check-in to Arnold Way! This whole process is truly quite mystical! For so long we've been led down the road thinking that
our bodies are a mess and thank god for medicine for coming to our rescue... oye... have we been missing the boat... much better instead is to
focus closely on the integrity and balanced health of the body as a live self-policing, self adjusting, self correcting organism (one that's been
studying itself for millions of years) and then stay the heck out of the way by not making it's job harder!

My wife and I have instantly adapted to this alkaline/acid approach and are deeply curious to see how this progresses... In many ways we've been
doing this for awhile without realizing it.. in the last year we've greatly alkalized our diet.... but now that we know what this is all about we're
purposefully heading in that direction.... next-up is sprouting and a dive into wheat grass... the alkaline value for both of those is about as
good as it gets! :^)

Silver 31-12-2011 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by in progress
I had a dream in which the lemon was shown to be the cure-all. It's a known alkalizer recommended by many. I'm certain the dream was telling me to alkalize!

There are many videos on YouTube showing raw vegan diet curing many ailments like MS, epilepsy, candida, cancer etc (anecdotal). Search for "Arnold's Way" on YouTube to see them. He interviews people who walk into his health food store who have stories of cures after changing their diets.

What a fascinating dream. The lemon really is a known alkalizer? wow. This makes me think of an experience I had many years ago when I had a hankering for some pink grapefruit one time...bought a few, ate 'em, and they were especially tasty, idk...anyway, in the days to come, I felt as though they had somehow given me extra energy and vibrancy in my life, it was really really weird and unusual to feel that way and I only knew to attribute it to those pink grapefruit. What do you think of that?? Is there something special about grapefruit, too?

StephenK 31-12-2011 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by in progress
Search for "Arnold's Way" on YouTube to see them. He interviews people who walk into his health food store who have stories of cures after changing their diets.

Arnold's Way just bookmarked to my tool bar for quicker access! Thank you In Progress... both his website and youtube site look wonderfully promising! :^)

Miss Hepburn 31-12-2011 04:08 PM

Ah, the "The Ph Miracle"
by Dr. Robert Young -
I wish everyone would read it.

If people only knew that it is impossible for cancer cells, yeast, molds, etc - to grow in alkaline - what a world of health we would be living in!

For fun - buy ph strips ---when you feel bad run it under your urine stream in the morning - it will always be acid ----
when you even begin to feel better -it will be magically alkaline!

Another good read -Vermont? ''Folk Medicine'' by Dr. Jarvis, maybe from the '40s or '50s.
There are new editions available finally.

Btw, lemon in distilled water, though, not tap.

And, no, to oranges and grapefruit - they are not alkalizing.
Oy vey, and the molds in the bins with the oranges and grapefruits made into juices - don't get me started!!!

in progress 31-12-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Silvergirl
What a fascinating dream. The lemon really is a known alkalizer? wow. This makes me think of an experience I had many years ago when I had a hankering for some pink grapefruit one time...bought a few, ate 'em, and they were especially tasty, idk...anyway, in the days to come, I felt as though they had somehow given me extra energy and vibrancy in my life, it was really really weird and unusual to feel that way and I only knew to attribute it to those pink grapefruit. What do you think of that?? Is there something special about grapefruit, too?

All citrus is alkalizing but not to be mixed w/ other foods so if you can eat it alone, even better. Most charts show citrus as alkalizing to the body. Alkalizing to the body means once the body starts to process the item it will have a pH raising affect. Not that the undigested item is alkaline or it tastes alkaline.

Silver 31-12-2011 05:53 PM

I've just bought a bunch of new/used books from alibris.com within the past month or so and have another slew on the way ~ ah what the heck what's acouple more books, I'm up to my eyeballs in 'em ~ thanks for sharing about the ph books, Miss H.

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