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TonySG 04-05-2020 07:40 PM

What would you call this gift/talent?
I am a 39-year-old empath male. I have recently been coming to terms with this aspect of myself and I am beginning to realize more about who I am. I also feel like I carry a lot of trauma from my childhood, although I have made good progress with it. I think it still limits me in my life.

What I have realized is that I have this ESP gift/talent which allows me to control or manipulate people/energies around me. I feel like I have a big aura/energy. I will give an example to help you understand how this has manifested itself in my life.

For a number of years, I worked in telephone sales jobs. In these jobs, you're usually in teams of 10-15 people. What I have noticed was that when I was performing well, the rest of the team wasn't. But, when I stopped trying then everyone else in the team would start performing better. In the back of my mind I always found this strange, since it used to happen quite often.

I have seen this pattern play out a number of times in my life not just at work. I feel like I have some ability to manipulate/control my environment in a very subtle way. I think some people can sense it and they get a negative perception of me.

However, I have never consciously been trying to manipulate/control anyone. It seemed to be a unconscious thing, which I think I did due to my past trauma. Since I was a child I think I have been trying to control my environment so I felt safe. Now, I have realized what I have been doing and why people sometimes get uncomfortable around me. I've set an intention to stop doing this and to work with this gift to maybe turn it into something that helps and serves others.

I wondered what this talent/gift might be called? I am very new to this HSP area. If anyone can advise or direct me towards information/books/youtube videos etc it would be much appreciated.


asearcher 07-05-2020 04:01 PM

Hi there! :)

hum... i may not have much knowledge of this but can only refer to an experience where the person was coming across as very strong and i and others would without thinking twice just do as he said and it was not until a moment later i think it dawn on me, he had a way of talking like frank sinatra for instance, that kind of way. Is this how you can come across? I find it very interesting you can do this and am trying to figure out if it is not just that isolated ability but if it could be a combination or to do with how you come off?

TonySG 08-05-2020 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by asearcher
Hi there! :)

hum... i may not have much knowledge of this but can only refer to an experience where the person was coming across as very strong and i and others would without thinking twice just do as he said and it was not until a moment later i think it dawn on me, he had a way of talking like frank sinatra for instance, that kind of way. Is this how you can come across? I find it very interesting you can do this and am trying to figure out if it is not just that isolated ability but if it could be a combination or to do with how you come off?

My intuition tells me its something I developed when I was very young but I don't know how. The example, you give sounds kinda like what I mean. I find it easy to influence others verbally and even non-verball (which is what I am trying to figure out). I think it's something to do with my energy/aura but I am not sure how to work with it.

What you have said about it being in combination with how I come across seems to resonate but I haven't really thought about it in this way. I think I am come across as a little 'controlling'. So I actually try to hold myself back now a little until I figure how to work with this consciously.

asearcher 10-05-2020 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by TonySG
My intuition tells me its something I developed when I was very young but I don't know how. The example, you give sounds kinda like what I mean. I find it easy to influence others verbally and even non-verball (which is what I am trying to figure out). I think it's something to do with my energy/aura but I am not sure how to work with it.

What you have said about it being in combination with how I come across seems to resonate but I haven't really thought about it in this way. I think I am come across as a little 'controlling'. So I actually try to hold myself back now a little until I figure how to work with this consciously.

Hi, wow how nice i was right :) i think you are are the right path already, you know about this, you are an empath, you take consideration, express yourself after you have thought of others and so on. This personality is part of your soul, your strength is part of how you have evolved and I don't think you should feel ashamed of it, the other way around. You just have to be aware so you don't take over, you don't control, you have to wait in someone else too, it can also be how it has been with me is that i use to lay back and let someone strong speak, rule (caus this person seemed more secured than i was) and it can easily be part of a pattern and then it was my fault as much as the other ones, so all this is not on you, others have a responsibility too in this :) i bet when ever someone gets in trouble you're the first they call?Am I right? this because they know you will be there for them and that is something you should be proud of.

Just Tim 11-06-2020 12:39 PM

Hello !

Funnily enough, I was searching what part of the forum to ask the same question as you. Oh and I'm 29. I've always been an empath since a kid and it was not easy sometimes. Childhood trauma too, which I have healed recently, and funny thing too I've also been a salesman since I started working in my life :tongue: (well to be honest I've also been a waiter at a bar and worked at a call center)

Your example also resonates with me, because yes those days where I would perform better I would put in even more hard work for everyone to perform better. To uplift the team.

I don't take advantage from it, but it's true that people are "easy to get" to me. Is it clairvoyance/clairaudience ? Because one thing's for sure, it's effortless to me, and I certainely wouldn't invade someone's "privacy", I'm not doing it consciously. Plus I never ever "forced" a sale on someone.

By the way, have you ever had premonitory dreams ? I had a few times, and always for events that were absolutely minor. I was also wondering if the two "gifts" were connected.

Peace to you all :smile:

Elfin 11-06-2020 01:15 PM

Hi... I feel that because you are Empath you will always do well serving the community, and dealing with people with regard to your job because you will never come across as being "pushy". I too am Empath/HSP and also suffered childhood trauma. We make for good representatives when dealing with the public, even though it can be draining. I don't think it's a case of your colleagues doing "better" when you don't try. I feel this is just you having days when you know deep down you are not performing to your fullest potential and therefore you create the impression within yourself that others are "doing " better.

Hilary 13-06-2020 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Tim here
Is it clairvoyance/clairaudience ? Because one thing's for sure, it's effortless to me, and I certainely wouldn't invade someone's "privacy", I'm not doing it consciously. Plus I never ever "forced" a sale on someone.

I think it would be a separate gift. Clairaudience and clairvoyance have to do with being able to predict future events, or at least, able to connect to source, and bring back information from source. The precognitive dreams you mention could be clairvoyance. Telepathy can be a form of clairaudience, I think, as the thoughts we hear are not just from other people, but also from guides/higher self.


I have no idea what this gift is that you have. I know I don't have that.

Just Tim 13-06-2020 08:12 PM

Okay well, thanks for your answer Hilary :smile:

Hilary 14-06-2020 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tim here
Okay well, thanks for your answer Hilary :smile:

You don't sound very happy with my answer :) Just my thoughts though, based on my experience with clairaudience.

It's hard to say when you're not in another's shoes, and you don't know what it is they are experiencing. I think that maybe all you need to do is quiet your mind a bit, enter trance, and you just may find that you DO have clairaudience or clairvoyance. Because what you're describing is definitely some kind of sensitivity. It's like you're not hearing thoughts directly, but still able to act on vibes you're getting.

Just Tim 15-06-2020 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Hilary
You don't sound very happy with my answer

No no, well I mean sorry my message definitely sounded like that but no, it just left me thinking that's all.

But yeah, you're right I don't always "hear" people's thoughts but sometimes, very clearly, I'm talking to someone, ask them if they'd like to do this or that, and before the person answers I can litteraly hear a big no, or something like "I'm not interested at all in that". But most of the time it feels just like as you described it, me interacting with the vibes, sort of intercepting them and understanding their meaning instantly. It feels like getting a message on a walkie-talkie using code, or alien language.

But I'm not focusing on it. I mean, it's there, very useful, I'm happy with ! I was mostly curious in fact.

Thank you for the reply, I must admit your second message was easier to understand to me :smile:

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