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Within Silence 14-08-2016 11:37 PM

The Error of Conceptual Thought

After reading this article, do you think conceptual thought is an error?

wstein 15-08-2016 12:12 AM

I don't agree that 'conceptual thought' is what is described. The rest of the article is right on. You might also look into the 'Reactive Mind'.

taurmel 15-08-2016 12:18 AM

I think...and if you disagree I'd love to hear that, but I think that this author's views of conceptual thought sound a lot like the ego's voice. The way he was describing conceptual thought (opinions) as "I'm fat" and "I'm worried" and all that was just the ego keeping control. Personally, I don't think you can just dump conceptual thought, but can rewire the brain to see things in a different light, such as creating a more positive outlook. That's just initial impression from this author's point of view, though!

Within Silence 15-08-2016 12:34 PM

Full Definition of concept
1. 1 : something conceived in the mind : thought, notion
2. 2 : an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances

Full Definition of conceptual
1. : of, relating to, or consisting of concepts <conceptual thinking>

Full Definition of conceive
1. transitive verb
2. 1 a : to become pregnant with (young) <conceive a child>b : to cause to begin : originate <a project conceived by the company's founder>
3. 2 a : to take into one's mind <conceive a prejudice>b : to form a conception of : imagine <a badly conceived design>
4. 3 : to apprehend by reason or imagination : understand <unable to conceive his reasons>
5. 4 : to have as an opinion <I cannot conceive that he acted alone>

Full Definition of thought
1. 1a : the action or process of thinking : cogitationb : serious consideration : regardc archaic : recollection, remembrance
2. 2a : reasoning powerb : the power to imagine : conception
3. 3 : something that is thought: asa : an individual act or product of thinkingb : a developed intention or plan <had no thought of leaving home>c : something (as an opinion or belief) in the mind <he spoke his thoughts freely>d : the intellectual product or the organized views and principles of a period, place, group, or individual <contemporary Western thought>
4. past and past participle of think

Definition of notion
1. (1) : an individual's conception or impression of something known, experienced, or imagined (2) : an inclusive general concept (3) : a theory or belief held by a person or groupb : a personal inclination : whim
2. 2 obsolete : mind, intellect
3. 3 plural : small useful items : sundries

Full Definition of think

thought [thȯt] thinking

transitive verb

1 : to form or have in the mind

2 : to have as an intention <thought to return early>

3a : to have as an opinion <think it's so>
b : to regard as : consider <think the rule unfair>

4a : to reflect on : ponder <think the matter over>
b : to determine by reflecting <think what to do next>

5 : to call to mind : remember <he never thinks to ask how we do>

6 : to devise by thinking —usually used with up <thought up a plan to escape>

7 : to have as an expectation : anticipate <we didn't think we'd have any trouble>

8a : to center one's thoughts on <talks and thinks business>
b : to form a mental picture of

9 : to subject to the processes of logical thought <think things out>

intransitive verb
1a : to exercise the powers of judgment, conception, or inference : reason
b : to have in the mind or call to mind a thought

2a : to have the mind engaged in reflection : meditate
b : to consider the suitability <thought of her for president>

3 : to have a view or opinion <thinks of himself as a poet>

4 : to have concern —usually used with of <a man must think first of his family>

5 : to consider something likely : suspect <may happen sooner than you think>

So, based on these definitions the authors statement; "The error of conceptual thought" is itself an error, which means she's correct:biggrin: , because to think that conceptual thought is an error is itself a conceptual thought, its her opinion. Thus, the mind is a vicious circle, and because it generates conceptual thoughts it comes to believe them, i.e. it produces the idea that conceptual thought is an error and comes to believe this notion which is itself a conceptual thought.

So, as I see it, conceptual thought is neither error or non-error, but an actuality, it is what it is, as error and non-error are also both concepts, just as the author states in the article; "simply abandon thinking that something is heavy or light, long or short, pretty or ugly, right or wrong, and realize these conclusions only serve to describe YOUR viewpoint or position at the time, and nothing more." Yet, what is error & non-error but right & wrong which are both concepts based on subjective opinion, thus the author is lost/caught up in her own conceptual thought patterns and doesn't even recognize it (this is my opinion), yet she's telling others to do what she is not doing herself (this is my judgment). Hence, mind is a vicious circle. How does one break out of the loop?

Perhaps the author knows full well what she's doing in contradicting herself, but she must use the limitations of language to point to the error of conceptual thought.

r6r6 18-08-2016 03:23 PM

Metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts are resultant of consciousness, tho not all consciousness accesses metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concept.


Three14 16-09-2016 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Within Silence

After reading this article, do you think conceptual thought is an error?

No. One cannot abandon a method of evaluating our experience based on their observation that it is negative. I argue it is an evolved tool of the conscious experience that enables us to enact a higher success rate of best-case scenario's. Arguments are fiction, and the article reads like anti-establishment propaganda.

Maybe we are to embrace thought and ego and recognize the good things it give us and evolve it's positive aspects for example. One does not choose to de-evolve a fist because it hurts when I get punched with it

the opposite is better, equally true and more influential.

Izz 03-04-2022 12:00 AM

No. Without conceptual thought, we would have less reliable or no mode of investigation

JustBe 18-08-2022 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Within Silence

After reading this article, do you think conceptual thought is an error?

Sadly we are infused by others from birth so it becomes part of our formation.
In the undoing of the mind, it certainly supports you making sense of yourself and life around you until you reach the core of that inception. It serves until it no longer does. Or perhaps it serves in a new way.

I wonder if conceptual thinkers in some way have affected their natural brainstorming through flow state..

wstein 20-08-2022 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Izz
Without conceptual thought, we would have less reliable or no mode of investigation

I have found Knowing and Intuition to be as effective and reliable as Conceptual Thought.

Still_Waters 21-08-2022 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by wstein
I have found Knowing and Intuition to be as effective and reliable as Conceptual Thought.

I have found Intuition to be more effective and more reliable than conceptual thought. :smile:

Insightful post. :thumbsup:

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