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Unseeking Seeker 26-02-2020 02:44 PM


Desires denied
Hopes belied
Until renouncing desire
Quelling ego borne fire
Ceasing to size
Graced with blissful surprise
As a current elixirous
Being-ness rapturous
Divine bestowed ecstasy
Renewing within in continuity

We would if we could this bliss share
But we can’t for each must choose to pair
The divine current ever present
Accessible instantly to the innocent


Unseeking Seeker 28-02-2020 01:21 AM


May we be so guided
To always seek divine guidance
Doing as God has decided
In agendaless childlike innocence


Unseeking Seeker 01-03-2020 02:03 AM


Immersed in the ocean of boundless bliss
Each moment in the continuum a divine entwined caress
We are and we be in renewal continual
Each in aloneness choosing to embrace the divine miracle



Unseeking Seeker 05-03-2020 01:56 AM


The shift from melancholic
To joyous & ecstatic
Instant if we be sentient
To the inner sound current

In stillness unexpectant


Unseeking Seeker 06-03-2020 01:09 PM


Ascent follows earth life descent
Voluntarily and with loving consent
That our consciousness be shaken
To rapidly awaken
Fierce winds of turbid duality
Test reflex instinct for stability
Until all ferality lower is unable to anchor
We having no element that does concur
Or we may say it is all about alignment
Standing erect we get to enlightenment

Our journey in aloneness and each path unique
Holding secrets into which no one else may peek


Unseeking Seeker 11-03-2020 02:37 PM


As vibrations lift
Attention does shift
To grid connection
Alive in elation
Between Manipura
And Sahasara
As the divine nectar
Transits this sector
Whilst of choiceless will
We are still
Flowing with the enlivenment
Of heightening bliss excitement
Our innocence
Marking no preference
For any location
Bring vaporised in elation

Our silent scream of delight
In aloneness is our own insight


Unseeking Seeker 14-03-2020 05:17 PM


Bliss pulsating
In stillness dynamic
Rapture ecstatic
The divine flow
We alone know
What we imbibe
We cannot describe

Our innocence
Rests in silence


Unseeking Seeker 17-03-2020 02:59 AM


Choosing loving deception
As renews of bliss elation
We pretend we can see
Vibrational pulse entrée
Even if we be blind by sight
We align in childlike delight
Hiding our disability
Lest love contracts it’s geniality
Mirroring our energy
Being in synergy
Responsive to each nuance
It picks up instantly at once
What really matters is
The bubbling elixirous fizz
In renewal



Unseeking Seeker 21-03-2020 08:58 AM


No proxy feasible
To feel the trickle
Of the nectar divine
Imbibed when we align
Each tremor within
In stillness sanguine
Into which no one may peek
We alone know
Rapture within the bliss flow
An ineffable ecstasy
Renewing in continuity



Unseeking Seeker 24-03-2020 01:22 PM


Total acceptance not selective rejection
Of each & every subtle pulsation
Without memory drawn imagery
Predicting not target of pulse trajectory
We are poised in a void of silence
Cognising all tremors in innocence
Neither seeking nor negating replication
Flowing in meditational orientation
Joyous enlivenment in blissfulness
An ever present bliss known in aloneness


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