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Nameless 27-10-2020 02:53 AM

Seth - Positive Aspects
I would like to channel Seth and ask him - it is 5:55 am - hello Universe - if he has any thing to say on this beautiful, windy morning.

Thank you

Hello Seth

Good morning. Right now on this planet there is much confusion and chaos for the human to shift through. You have 1000’s of thoughts every day and to shift through them all is impossible. When you are used to thinking a certain way, or doing things in a certain way, and then you decide you want to think differently, you want to look at the positive aspects of things, rather than dwelling in the negative aspect of that thing, remember to flip the coin, so to speak.

Each thought has a positive and a negative aspect. Those that focus on the negative aspect get to dwell in the negative aspect for awhile. When you deliberately turn your focus to the positive aspect of a thought, you are freeing your mind from the negative aspect and the more that you do this, questioning thoughts and finding the positive in them, the more you train your ego mind to help you with this. If you tell your ego mind, this is what I am doing now, looking for positive aspects, after awhile, if you are focused and paying attention, your ego will give up so to speak and show you the positive aspects.

It may take some time to get into the groove of this, but if you are persistent, and persistence is key to this, it will happen. The glass will begin to look half full, and you will have tipped the scale of thoughts enough that this will start to become automatic. Changing the way you think, your thought patterns, is necessary if you want to change your life. One from being addicted to anxiety and waiting for the other shoe to drop, or one that feels better, one that looks for the positive, looks for the joy in the thought.

It is an inside job, but it will manifest itself outwardly in your world when it becomes your new thought pattern.

Practice, practice, practice.

It is possible. Count your blessing every hour, on the hour. That will help keep you in that momentum of thought.

Be at peace.

Miss Hepburn 27-10-2020 02:14 PM

Just sayin'.... I love Seth!!!!

And he's correct --I call it being on auto pilot changing your thoughts...since 2006-7 been
practicing Thought Control..it changes the brain -ala research done by Dr. Caroline Leaf.

Nameless 27-10-2020 04:57 PM

I am a work in progress LOL...

janielee 27-10-2020 04:59 PM

Thanks Nameless!

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