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ljepotica 11-12-2006 11:40 PM

Help me figure this one out...
Hey all:hug3:

Ok I gotta find out what this is as I'm pretty sure others have it and it could help me understand myself better.

Ok here we go, I've had a strange ability that I've had since childhood and I wonder where it comes from or what it is...

When I see some people, I see them in sort of like an animal, ie: a snake if they are untrustworthy/dodgy/slippery/slimy type people. Or say a chicken if they are cowardly...etc. Or a monkey if they are silly or foolish...

I also can look at some people and feel intense horror or feel frightened of them-but this is nothing to do with my empath side as well I can't explain but basically what I pick off from them feeling wise if different to this horror or frightening feeling that I feel from them-if that makes sense.

When I was about 16 we went to the house of a friend of ours and she had a sister who was 8 years old, she was a beautiful little girl with black hair and large green eyes-when I looked into her eyes I felt so frightened and saw something else other than a human girl...later on we found out that this little girl had a bad spirit inside her...

I look at some other people and can see them when they're older than their age.

How do I feel when I see all the above? Ok a little scared depending on the situation but in general I'm used to it...

Does anybody else have this?
Can anybody explain what this is?

dreamer 12-12-2006 09:47 AM

What a cool gift, Ljepotica. Do you ever communicate what you are seeing to people , in a discreet way obviously...and if so are your visions proved right? What a great tool to help people with.

mikron 12-12-2006 09:52 AM

empathic receptive

You are a highly evolved empathic receptive to all kinds of aspects of energy! and I say this with a "grain of salt kind of " the part that is highly evolved is actually a hardship that your Soul came into this world and made this difficult path for you! I want to say most of all your not alone! And you already have the spirit part you just have to fine tune it into what is in alignment with your Soul, and in you case the reward will be great ! because there is so much energy involved!

Something I heard in my past came to mind Dr Fred Bell author of book "'Rays of Truth - Crystals of Light'" had a similar situation when he was a child, adults would look into his eyes and see there futures and sometimes adults would get very upset, Dr Fred Bell is friends with Stephen Spielberg and when Spielberg did a mini series for the USA Sci Fi channel called "TAKEN" He modeled one of his characters after Fred Bell !

The Key to your Archetypal path is to transform it into a positive spiritual path! sometimes a teacher will see this in a person and help them to facilitate the next step maybe a grounding aspect so the student can reach to higher levels of integration (ie:soul level) it never has been easy especially now with all the influx of astral plain energy on the earth now !
You need to focus a lot energy Inward only and upward (Vertical) those are just some of the few ideas on my path ~ over the years! be well much Light mikron


ljepotica 12-12-2006 05:44 PM

Aha oh I see,

To answer your question dreamer no I have never communicated what I see to people as I'm not sure how I will tell someone "you look like a snake" without them getting offended LOL and I cannot tell others around me as they don't see what I see...

But next time I will try discreet communication:smile:

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-can be so annoying living in a traditional left-brain world most times-need more right-brainers:rolleyes:

Thank you Mikron for explaining, I wanted to find out what I had, not to label myself and "fit-in" but rather to sort of see which way my path was going, and it helps a lot when you find out, so at least this way I can research and think seriously about how to go about finding out more...

This ability has certainly saved me a lot of times...

Thank you so much for being kind enough to reply-it's very nice of you...that is why I come here, amazing people with amazing ideas and experiences and advice:D

God bless you and lots of love and positive energy:angel3: :angel3:


Lapis 13-12-2006 02:44 AM


In 1975ish I worked (briefly) at a large shopping store called K-Mart. It wasn't too horrible when I was working in the back rooms stocking or doing paperwork but when I had to be out at the cash register interacting with the people......:confused1: it was just horrible. After a few months of this insanity, one day while working the cash register, I just couldn't take it any more and did something I'd never done before, or since.

A man came up to the register to check out and I could see much of his personal life by just looking at him, as I could with many of the people. There was no one else around and I was totally fed up with having to deal with this so I just started talking to this poor unsuspecting man. While I was checking out his perchases I also gave him a rapid-fire mini "reading" and didn't draw breath until I'd finished......just for the dramatic effect. I told him what his wife and 2 sons looked like and then his house and that he had quarter horses and what colors they were. I didn't go any further than that even though I could have. He stood there with his mouth open listening to me spew out this info at him.

When I was finished with his check out and "reading" he said to me and I quote- "If you can do that, why are you working in K-Mart?" I answered, "And where do you suggest I go get a job for this?" He just looked at me for a moment and then walked away. True story and remember this was 30 years ago when things were very different than today.

What can I say but that you are a "psychic" and are seeing far more around people than just the external physical package. Sometimes I'll see strangers past life selves more strongly than their current live selves and that one really rocks my world!!! I'll see some Gladiator walk into the shopping store, or some woman who was royality from ancient Persia in one of her past lives on the cell phone in her SUV rushing through traffic. Or some Warrior with scares and wounds and all that old energy still hanging on him in his current self and body in a liquor store buying a lot of beer and cigarettes. Its like living in crazy land where time dosen't exist for me, for the people who can see a bit more than "normal reality". For people like us the boarders of reality are just larger is all.

Just keep up the great work, pay attention and try to learn as much as you can about yourself and how all of this business works for you now. It will change and expand as you change and expand so be prepared for that when it arrives. Believe me, it isn't totally about the people and what you see in or around them.....its more about you and what you're learning in general. :wink:

ljepotica 13-12-2006 08:42 PM

Aha Lapis,

I can also see people-not on the present time-but as they were hundreds of years ago. Some people I can see living in the Victorian Ages, some from the Middle Ages, some from Ancient Egypt-it's so cool to see that:)

QUE_KAKASHI 25-12-2006 09:19 PM

nope but i would say that is a gift ive never heard of but hope that you will use it too help all.....do you have to see the person to see?

hari_s 26-12-2006 02:40 PM

wow thats so cool ljepotica and lapis too. personally i have no such gifts. it would b more nice if u could relate and share ur experiences. thanks :smile:

Ascended Master 26-12-2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by ljepotica
Hey all:hug3:

Ok I gotta find out what this is as I'm pretty sure others have it and it could help me understand myself better.

Ok here we go, I've had a strange ability that I've had since childhood and I wonder where it comes from or what it is...

When I see some people, I see them in sort of like an animal, ie: a snake if they are untrustworthy/dodgy/slippery/slimy type people. Or say a chicken if they are cowardly...etc. Or a monkey if they are silly or foolish...

I also can look at some people and feel intense horror or feel frightened of them-but this is nothing to do with my empath side as well I can't explain but basically what I pick off from them feeling wise if different to this horror or frightening feeling that I feel from them-if that makes sense.

When I was about 16 we went to the house of a friend of ours and she had a sister who was 8 years old, she was a beautiful little girl with black hair and large green eyes-when I looked into her eyes I felt so frightened and saw something else other than a human girl...later on we found out that this little girl had a bad spirit inside her...

I look at some other people and can see them when they're older than their age.

How do I feel when I see all the above? Ok a little scared depending on the situation but in general I'm used to it...

Does anybody else have this?
Can anybody explain what this is?

Do you focus on these people intentionally to see what you see?
Or do these things just appear?

Would help me to understand...

Love and light

AM :smile:

Light Mage 27-12-2006 01:26 AM

I wish I could do that...

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