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Unseeking Seeker 15-12-2018 01:08 AM

The optimal path

The pathways several
From ephemeral to eternal
Each seeker is unique
Into others experiences peeks
Yet may do what suits
As long as going to the roots
That regenerate
To merge with Oneness

In meditational aloneness

The fears we may encounter
Are easily countered
If our attention switches gear
And the limited body self disappears
Poof! Gone!
Then no longer anxious or forlorn
Our true self, in spirit manifests
At the divine behest
Vitalising limited form
That it does adorn

In meditational aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 16-12-2018 07:55 AM

Centred synchronicity

The parable
To us alone
With divinity
Nodes within aglow
One with the flow
In synchronicity
A dance of joyous beauty
Consciousness beholds
The truth untold
Because the parable
Is ineffable
To us alone


Unseeking Seeker 18-12-2018 01:32 PM

The pathless path

Alone we walk
The pathless path
Or so it seems
Until we balk

There is self doubt
For the path is virgin
The divine holds our hand
Heeding our voiceless shout

As vibrational frequency does enhance
The outpouring energising nodes
All synchronous and in harmony
We behold their divine dance

Our bewilderment we do share
With fellow pilgrims along the way
But the experience of each is unique
So with none we can compare

Not quite alone but in unified oneness
When we are pure awareness formless
It is in duality that we feel our aloneness
Self doubt erased in free flowing be-ness

With divine assistance


Wisdom keeperro 18-12-2018 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
The pathless path

Alone we walk
The pathless path
Or so it seems
Until we balk

There is self doubt
For the path is virgin
The divine holds our hand
Heeding our voiceless shout

As vibrational frequency does enhance
The outpouring energising nodes
All synchronous and in harmony
We behold their divine dance

Our bewilderment we do share
With fellow pilgrims along the way
But the experience of each is unique
So with none we can compare

Not quite alone but in unified oneness
When we are pure awareness formless
It is in duality that we feel our aloneness
Self doubt erased in free flowing be-ness

With divine assistance


It certainly is a path so unique and individual for all souls who have there own golden ticket. Free flowing words are calling back to me here I love your work

Unseeking Seeker 19-12-2018 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Wisdom keeperro
It certainly is a path so unique and individual for all souls who have there own golden ticket. Free flowing words are calling back to me here I love your work




Unseeking Seeker 19-12-2018 02:25 AM


Energy within rising
First pleasantly surprising
Then as the frequency does amplify
We let out an involuntary sigh
For the channels within
Allowing the flow sanguine
Are not yet so enabled
Are not yet so stable
To imbibe the higher resonance
In permanence
And so, comes a time to pause
The cause
By requesting the Universe
To slow its melodious verse
To enable us preserve form
Becoming uncomfortably warm
And then, so IT does as we ask
And though we continue to bask
In the sunshine
Inner nodes aligned
The energy lowers magnitude
Until we build our fortitude
Become more wise
To dip in deeper
Climb within steeper
Embracing the sublime
In timeless time
In free flowing be-ness
In aloneness


Unseeking Seeker 22-12-2018 01:15 PM


Alone we observe
all movement
within & without

The observer
is non-self presence
nonjudgmental, empathetic
heart warm


In a mode

Recognising and
that the path of all
begins with the feral

And ascends
in timeless time
to the subtle domain

Alone we discern
though our aloneness
is divine-entwined

Alone we ascend
though Oneness does
us all bind


Unseeking Seeker 23-12-2018 05:39 PM

Free will

Consciousness shaped upon the anvil
Of our Universe bestowed free will
Two paths we may choose to employ
Divine aligned or ensnared by egoic ploys
One is the path of joyous expansion
The other of anxiety & contraction
One embraces joy in the eternal
The other sorrow in the ephemeral
Free will is granted by the Universe, so that we may be enabled
To voluntarily choose to be at the fulcrum of love, ego disabled
Ourselves recognising the path we need to tread
Rather than being spoon fed
Our soul evolution
Marked by ego devolution
Transforms us from a passive love receptor
To a divine entwined active love transmitter
We alone can make this choice of free flowing be-ness
In our poignant, spontaneously ecstatic aloneness ...
Pristine silence & complete being-ness in vibrant stillness ...
To unify as one with the That absolute Oneness


Realm Ki 23-12-2018 07:51 PM



Ziusudra 23-12-2018 08:32 PM

Two paths presented
To choose from
Not a freewill
True freewill
Allows one to fly
Through the sky
Able to go anyway
Over those two paths
To the other side
Across the ocean
At a cleared field
Into the woods
On the top of mountain
Perhaps into another universe
Far into distant future
Where new path
Can be created
Just for us...

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