Whispers of soul
“Wherefrom came that exalted thought ~ that inspirations with it brought” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whispers of soul, heart’s urge, so we pick up the pen. The void speaks, we listen, as head and heart so merge, that flowing words glisten! Whispers of soul, heart’s urge; all we do is obey, softening attention, pristine mind, therein purge easing apprehension! Whispers of soul, heart’s urge. Go in there, oh hermit; nodes stir, boundaries blur, as inspirations surge, brain cells begin to whir! Whispers of soul, heart’s urge, with God to co-create. Surprised at heart’s bliss rise, from silence words emerge; crafted before ink dries! Monchielle |
Monk mode
Nonchalance admits neither guilt nor fear, irrespective of thoughts that appear, recognising they’re ego spawned, misaligned from love divine, thus of no consequence as far as soul goes, so presence yawns and moves on, into light. Love is all that’s real, being the pulse of God’s energy, both within and around, as it’s pulsations resound, transmuting animal to man; transfiguring all as living light, no sooner we exit hypnotic trance. Etheree |
A time of indifference
We saw and yet ignored the evident mistake, being indifferent or perhaps well mannered, having nothing at stake. We saw and yet ignored, what the verse left unsaid; thinking but not feeling, captive to pace of life ~ sign of being ill-bred. We saw and yet ignored soft whispers beckoning, for our soul’s not yet stirred by love for love yearning, till time of reckoning. We saw and yet ignored the cry for an embrace, for heart’s not awakened to pulsations of love, we each imbibe as grace. Monchielle |
Follow the scent
Heart’s not yet ready; love flame unsteady, having lost it’s way, in this form of clay. Due to ego’s ruse, illusions bemuse, birthing delusion; endless confusion. In naked starkness, enmeshed in darkness, we yet choose freedom; enter God’s kingdom. Inner sentience, in pristine silence, transmutes feeble form with bliss currents warm. Reflecting God’s light, we obtain clear sight; one with That oneness, love drenched blissfulness. Jueju |
Give us our freedom
Here we are, bound by space and time. Earth life’s harsh and steep is the climb. The waking state allows free will to shape our lives, voids within fill. Choosing to align head with heart, we soon see our ego depart, for we feed it not by desire, seeking instead, pastures higher, closer to the love vibration, bliss suffused by resonation, thereby transcending lower mind, which had anchored us in its bind. Living thus, moment to moment, divine entwined, in contentment, become one with the universe, dancing without need to rehearse. Lay |
Passion of our soul
Celebrating innate aliveness Uninhibitedly, as breath flows Blissful rapture grips our soul Vibrant innocence yet seeks The three fold flame of Christ Aglow in the cave of our heart ~ as God’s grace so in-pours Consumed by soul’s yearning Love in love with love blooms Enlivened by the blissful elixir Magnetic heat pervades form Cleansing erst ego borne sin Transmuting us as living light ~ as God’s grace so in-pours To attain unity consciousness Beyond opposites, singularity The pulse of life renews vitality Orbiting the voids in our heart In timeless time, we disappear Becoming the bliss flame itself ~ as God’s grace so in-pours Free verse |
Show me God
Why look to the heavens, in skies yonder Simply ceasing striving, enter silence Be still awhile and on this point ponder Let’s consign lower mind to decadence Then soft attention harks divine cadence Blossoming in heart, beauteous love hues Feel oh hermit, our heart’s innate vibrance God’s here now within, so what’s our excuse Man stands against man, all hearts asunder Why did we choose the path of violence Animal urge, dragging us down under Were we not born free, in pure innocence Desire indulgence caused soul’s disturbance Feebly succumbing to ego spawned ruse Listening not to voice of our conscience God’s here now within, so what’s our excuse Live life in astonishment and wonder Feel scent of love in each breath’s ambience Shifting to heart, choosing love touch tender Bliss bubbles burst forth in effervescence We reclaim thus our soul’s luminescence Standing erect, as with bliss throbs we fuse When comes alive, our heart’s inner sentience God’s here now within, so what’s our excuse Divine aligned, we shine in full brilliance As love in love with love, God is our muse Upon Him let’s place, our full reliance God’s here now within, so what’s our excuse Ballade |
Practicing the presence
Practicing the presence in the void of stillness, rekindling innocence in vibrant blissfulness, bursts forth effervescence. Practicing the presence in childlike wonderment, our inner sentience ignites the joy current, nestled in contentment. Practicing the presence as our breath gently flows, the burning bliss incense, our heart’s cravings mellows, gracing soul’s ambience. Practicing the presence in quiet surrender, unbound is heart’s vibrance in rapturous thunder of our luminescence. Monchielle |
Reality check
The naked truth is this: we’re hypnotised, believing scriptures, based upon our culture, without ever questioning the reason why we should follow teachings, whose vibrations heart feels not, which we ape blindly as a ritual. That what is real, we must feel within, surging through us as bliss magnetic, in a manner bypassing mind, igniting each cell of form, leaving no doubts at all, shining like the sun, spreading it’s light and fragrance, here now thus. Etheree |
Is-ness of being-ness
Born early morn, zestful, joyous, aglow, innate vibrancy of aliveness shines, nodes within aligned, softened heart mellow, seemingly doing deeds as God assigns, feeling complete, yet love for love so pines. Heart expands, entwined with the universe, wherefrom inspirations pour for this verse, that shifting from grasping to connecting, meld with the flow, with no need to rehearse, attuned to blissfulness scintillating. Dizain |
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