Recognising the path
This play of attraction and repulsion plays out within the realm of space and time wherein free will may choose resonation with vibrations of divine love sublime Slowed down vibrations in our waking state enable us to calibrate our heart that by abiding in stillness sedate we recognise all are one, none apart Fixating attention in the vast void we relinquish control by surrender throbbing with rapture, by bliss currents buoyed beholding our soul ascent in wonder Thought rested, love suffused silence the way Through day and night, to rhythm of God sway Sonnet |
The precipice of the unknown
Looking toward skies, feet on ground Fears and desires, twirl us around Although soul seeks God’s love and light Patterns of habit, hold us bound Scriptures speak of spherical sight Bliss in permanence, day and night Ours for asking, if our thoughts die Ego death contracts heart in fright Clinging to life’s the reason why We attempt not to wingless fly How may we dissolve in the stream Fear of unknown, makes our heart sigh We’re told that this life but a dream Within us in-dwells God supreme Die to be reborn is the clue Counsel unheeded, since fears scream Within our form, flows life force dew Bliss nectar; truth known to but few Cognised in stillness, if heart pure Melding therein, blessings accrue Ego warns ‘how can we be sure?’ Thus trauma bonding, pain endure In dark dungeons of delusion Even though conscience does censure Brave souls who exit illusion Put an end to all confusion Fusing head with heart, love aligned Bringing about divine fusion Playing life role, in as assigned In timeless time, clear truth’s divined That ego shorn, we are twice born Free from transient attachment’s bind Hark oh hermit, to God’s love horn Too long in darkness, we’ve lived on Time’s now to see God face to face Let Christ consciousness, soul adorn Rubaiyat |
Bliss continuum
Bliss enlivened stillness, poised in the void, holds still love animated attention, with innate vibrancy, thus overjoyed, cognisant of enlivened elation, feeling and distilling each vibration, infusing therein souls lucid intent, to imbibe and amplify the current, becoming thus, a beacon of pure light, with universe conspiring in consent, teleporting presence to zenith height. Dizain |
Illusion of death
Fear of death surpasses all other fears, since we’re mistaken that we’ll be extinguished upon what we term as death. The truth that we are soul is veiled, therefore we seek to enhance pleasure, seeking to make permanent, the transient. Near death cases listed are now common, leaving no doubt that our life goes on even though our feeble form dies, signalling that we are soul, for a sojourn on earth, in this mind-body to learn by touch throb of life, feeling love. Once we know we are soul, on earth to learn, our perspective shifts; fear of death fades away, boundaries blur, we ascend, energised by the bliss current, transcending limitations of form, that God’s will be done here, as in heaven. Etheree |
Pratyabhijna or Recognition
Unfocused gaze rests in vast space Made possible by divine grace Propelled by mind and senses five Flowing thus, at an easy paces Breathed by God’s love, we are alive Soma nectar brightens heart hive Gripping us in boundless rapture Dormant nodes begin to revive Vibrant bliss mind cannot capture Makes erect now, our soul stature Seeing space as body of God Ego fades, soul becomes mature No sooner lower mind is sawed Erst narrow vision outlook broad Recognising God in-dwells all Deep truth leaving us overawed Rubaiyat |
Mindful Eye
The mindful eye Feels each strobe Sees soul disrobe As heart does sigh Impulse rise and fall Embrace and release Doing as we please Whilst standing tall Wary of indulgence In a narrow band We do understand Ego scars innocence Enclosed rhyme |
Delusion to Illumination
Fear mirrors heart’s desire seeking objects in world of transience, which are doomed to perish, thus either which ways we shrink trying to seize and grasp shadows, prolonging our pain and anguish here, self-blocking divine throb of bliss within. Cessation of desires the only way for us to exit cycle of pain, simply abiding in stillness, devoid of all narrowness, trusting in God alone, with an open heart, eager to meld with His love, here and now. Etheree |
We are He who we seek
What is this strange place we find ourself in Vast space, linear time, therein confined Trapped in the open, we are free within Bemused by illusions, consciousness blind Weary we are now, going through life’s grind Something’s not right here, something is amiss Clear truth’s been shared with us, by sages kind God alone is, nothing else is, know this Scriptures speak of love, as also of sin But are we not in bondage, trapped in mind Cave of heart is open, let’s go therein With love and light, choosing to be aligned Exiting narrowness and thoughts unkind Cravings of ego, bottomless abyss Who we really are, let’s here now find God alone is, nothing else is, know this Dwelling in silence, shutting off thought din We leave erst fears and desires far behind Feeling then joy currents, tingle our skin Soma nectar flows, through pathways assigned Layer by layer, consciousness refined Hearts joy throbs heighten, transmuting to bliss Ego dies, we become divine entwined God alone is, nothing else is, know this We stand erect, soul with spirit streamlined Gripped in bliss of a never ending kiss We know we’re He, who we sought out to find God alone is, nothing else is, know this Ballade |
Burning yearning
A deep burning yearning consumes our soul Transcendence to divine luminescence A need to feel complete, blissful and whole In world of illusion, no worthwhile goal Fears and desires, consigned to decadence A deep burning yearning consumes our soul Save love pulsations, nothing to extol Endless is divine entwined dalliance A need to feel complete, blissful and whole In void of silence, bliss throb on a roll Rapture heightens, imbibed by sentience A deep burning yearning consumes our soul Head melds with heart, as we grant God control Trusting loving counsel, of our conscience A need to feel complete, blissful and whole The one as many, appears as a shoal This wisdom etched within, shines in brilliance A deep burning yearning consumes our soul A need to feel complete, blissful and whole Villanelle |
Ingrain here now love
Ingrain here now love, wisdom and power Three fold attributes that make us complete Rejoice hermit, in love’s blissful shower Melding with oneness, sitting at God’s feet Here in third density, love does love greet Why-for then does our heart in fear cower All one; there are no rivals to unseat Ingrain here now, love wisdom and power Rise higher, oh lama, don’t sink lower Ego doership takes us down a dark street Trinity’s within; reclaim through prayer Three fold attributes that make us complete Deep within our heart, we all hark love’s tweet An endearment that blossoms hour by hour Our soul becomes divine, with joy replete Rejoice hermit, in love’s blissful shower Negating desires, let’s make thoughts slower As ordained, we imbibe magnetic heat Heart lotus within, begins to flower Melding with oneness, sitting at God’s feet In-form nodes dance to cadence of love’s beat We’re still, as God Himself does empower Bliss ignition continues to repeat Across boundless space, our soul does tower Ingrain here now love Rondeau Redouble |
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