Fake gurus, when questioned, sharply retort, fearful that their false facade will crumble, for knowing not truth, their teachings fall short. Lest their fan following takes a tumble, they evade debates, being not humble. It’s about money and exploitation of fearful souls who’re in agitation; thus no different from a bird of prey, playing havoc with people’s emotion with straight face, teaching others how to pray. Dizain |
Let go of, to get to
Dust to dust, narrowness we relinquish, shrugging off cravings borne of our lower mind, simply choosing cessation, abiding thus in staid silence, awareness self-aware, imbibing beauteous hues of the divine current. Journey without movement, vibrational surrenders all our doership to love, resonating with the impulse of universe as conscience speaking in soft whispers, cajoling our soul to here awake, that we may imbibe bliss. Etheree |
Yearn to connect
Heart begets all desires, more oft than not searching for objects in the world of transience, owing to mind’s deep stupor, which recognises not clear truth, that that which comes and goes, unreal, since ego depends on thought to survive. One day we exit this game of shadows, knowing true bliss lies within our heart, thus abide in thought rested calm, consumed by burning yearning, to connect with the soul, aglow in our heart; bliss magnetism, that bubbles, touching us. |
Doublethink beliefs
This life Rituals we’re asked to follow Seem to separate man from man Something’s wrong, it seems so shallow Sun shines upon all with elan So we went to temple and mosque Sikh gurudwara and the church Favours from God, all in fear ask Whilst carefree birds, on treetops perch Each affirms, their faith absolute ‘My daddy strongest’ is the norm Fundamentalists resolute Where lies hermit, bliss rapture warm The scriptures per say seem alright For each teaches, true path is love Narrowness makes us blind to light If God’s within, why look above Such being the case, meditate Celebrating our aliveness We are still, nodes within gyrate Entwining with the That oneness Our prayer then, not a doing Having chosen to surrender Moment by moment, blossoming Our each life breath, is God’s wonder Our next life One day this feeble form will die Liberating soul eternal Deluded desires, seek the sky So we’re reborn; God’s miracle Memory erased, when reborn The same questions do resurface Where lies the light that we adorn Heart seeks to see God, face to face Of what avail are the scriptures We are not this here mind-body Tiring of bondage and strictures Plunge into the void, when ready Cessation of thought, is the way How many times must we be born Each breath intake, is when we pray With animal instincts all shorn As our breath flows here and now Accepting ourself as we are We negate not, fear and desire Nor with thought spirals, do we spar Choose staid silence, because we tire Shifting our fulcrum into space We look inwards at all movement Futile rat race, blocks divine grace So sad is heart’s discontentment Ceasing to size, we vaporise Letting go of our doership Life goes on, much to our surprise No need then, for oneupmanship Shift, external to internal Requiring but a mindful eye All we do, is make desires null No cause then, for our heart to sigh That that comes and goes, unreal Our lower mind knows not the truth We stand still, feeling bliss appeal Entwining with God’s will forsooth Boundaries blur, all becomes one We are the holder of the flame Luminous like the yonder sun Recognising life but a game Quatrain |
Bridging the ego abyss
Born free and playful, our soul was complete
Reaching out to one and all, joy replete Illumined was our soul, divine entwined Dispersing love, nothing to be divined Giving rather than taking, was the norm Immersed deep in a bliss magnetised storm Neophyte humble, prayer on our lips Grateful for each heartbeat that rapture grips Then lower mind, cast upon us a spell Head-heart split, in fears we began to dwell Ego spawned sorrow, spelt our heart’s death knell Empty heart sought joy amidst illusions God’s light veiled, unending our delusions Opaqued truth birthed mistaken conclusions Acceptance dawns, we enter the abyss Bowing down to conscience, erst fears dismiss Yearning for God, replacing narrow views Stillness dynamic, joy pulse that renews Surrender complete, filling heart with bliss Acrostic syllabic rhyme |
An open secret
What words are apt, to transfer emotion Where lies the fulcrum of throbbing vibrance What makes cessation, lead to elation Which hue of dusk, triggers its remembrance Soft brilliant hues of spiritual light Invisible flickers in space are known Ignition renewal through day and night Rapture beyond measure, we alone own Pranic pathways within, coming alive Wisdom downloads and a ride in the void Nodes within form, to music divine jive Our thought rested awareness, by love buoyed Such open secrets, hidden in plain sight Teleports our heart to boundless delight Sonnet |
surprise, surprise, vaporise
A chain fails at its weakest link Look for attachments, cause of fear Mirroring desire, find these chinks Once free, boundless bliss within spears Let us now shift, into high gear A chain fails at its weakest link Surrender lets God, our life steer Whilst ego cravings make us sink Breeze with ease, at illusions wink In this dream world, let our peers leer A chain fails at its weakest link Disappear; there is no one here Save throb of love, hold nothing dear Rest oh hermit, bliss nectar drink When God draws near, all becomes clear A chain fails at its weakest link Quatern |
Journey without movement
Soft, tender bliss caress, pervades our form in time dissolved calm, as nodes awake in dance to the music of the spheres, love magnetised soma nectar, brings to life hitherto dormant cells, thus complete, from head to toe, joy replete. No doing need be done along this path, being a journey without movement, wherein we choose to resonate with counsel of vibrant soul, in sync with pulse of God, speaking as conscience within our heart, which we all daily feel. Etheree |
Echo return
Echo return contoured by consciousness Oft ignores our interconnectedness Sternest rebuff being indifference In a poignant, painful, time stretched silence Mitigating our innate blissfulness Endearing touch of childlike lovingness Vibrantly bubbling agendalessness Burns, upturns, on facing insentience Echo return Hermit mode, in perfect, brilliant stillness Recognising underlying oneness Heals to so reveal, soul’s luminescence Engaging innocently in parlance Learns that egos stern, reflect not kindness Echo return Rondeau |
Divine fragrance
Fragrance divine ineffable Real; not a mere parable Suffusing form from head to toe Tender touch inimitable Once softened attention mellow Presence beholds how love hues grow Poised in stillness, unexpectant Reaping fruits of seeds we did sow Erst fears and desires decadent Innocence here and now present Feels deep within, bliss magnetism Cognisant of heart radiant Bliss mists fill us, leaving no chasm Within this here, mind-body prism Boundaries blur, nodes within stir Synced with the divine pendulum Rubaiyat |
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